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Lecture 8: DIGITAL VIDEO technology
Outline Using video How video works? Broadcast video standards
Analog video Digital video Video recording and tape formats Video editing technology Optimizing video files for CD-ROM
Learning Outcomes Summarize the implications of using digital video in multimedia Illustrate video recording and its relation to multimedia production Prepare digital video and images for conversion to television
Using video Video is an excellent for delivering multimedia
Video places the highest performance demand on computer and its memory and storage Digital video has replaced analog as the method of choice for making and delivering video for multimedia
Using video (cont) Digital video device produces excellent finished products at a fraction of the cost of analog Digital video eliminates the image-degrading analog-to- digital conversion Many digital video sources exist, but getting the rights can be difficult, time-consuming, and expensive
How video works Light reflected from an object through the camera’s lens is converted into electronic signal by charge-coupled device (CCD) This electronic signal contains three channels of color information and synchronization pulses (sync) Several video standards exist that deal with the amount of separation between the components of the signal
How video works (cont)
Broadcast video standards
National Television Standards Committee (NTSC): These standards define a method for encoding information into electronic signal that creates a television picture It has screen resolution of 525 horizontal scan lines and a scan rate of frames per second
Broadcast video standards (cont)
Phase Alternate Line (PAL) and Sequential Color and Memory (SECAM): PAL has a screen resolution of 625 horizontal lines and a scan rate of 25 frames per second SECAM has a screen resolution of 625 horizontal lines and is a 50 Hz system SECAM differs from NTSC and PAL color systems in its basic technology and broadcast method
Your TV Each frame is a single picture Take NTSC as an example:
When played rapidly one after another, it gives the illusion of motion Everybody knows that, right? Take NTSC as an example: The overall signal has 525 lines (only 480 are actually visible, the extra 45 gives the TV time to reset the electronic beam to the top of the screen) A single frame is ‘painted’ on the screen in an INTERLACED fashion (line-by-line) Firstly: Odd-numbered lines (i.e. 1,3,5, …, 479) – takes ~1/60 seconds Then: Even-numbered lines (i.e. 2,4,6, …, 480) – takes ~1/60 seconds You might notice after this seeing 480i (or 525i). This means interlaced! [Later you’ll see 480p? Apa itu?] BTW, all the above is called Standard Definition TV – Digital TV format which is 480i
Your TV ... As it gets bigger
When screens get bigger, scan lines during interlacing become visible. This produces ‘jaggedies’… No body likes ‘jaggedies’… (19” vs 60” example) Solution: PROGRESSIVE SCANNING!!! ALL the lines from are ‘painted’ on the screen at just one single pass!!! Feasible with today’s technology since coding and transfer speeds have dramatically improved This called for a new name… Henceforth – Enhanced Definition TV was born [more of a marketing gimmick though… but hey, who really cares?] 480p, 525p
EDTV’s advantage Most TVs cannot handle 480p
And what if we’re still getting interlaced signals? Won’t a progressive scan system be a waste, then? EDTV can take interlaced signals, and pass them through a DEINTERLACER/LINE-DOUBLER 1st: All the odd and even numbered scan lines are combined. This also improves smoother (‘jaggedies’ are smoothed out) 525i is converted to 480p here BTW, all of this is also 1/60 second 2nd: The next 1/60 is used to feed the frame a second time! Increases brightness and stability of the frame Eliminates or reduces jaggedies, giving a cleaner picture
HDTV (High Definition TV)
What HDTV does? 1. Increases number of scan lines 2. Widens aspect ration from 4:3 to 16:9 (baru la mcm wayang sikit, ye dok?) Well.. That’s basically it… Comes with the same variation 1080i – interlaced. However, since there are so many lines, the jaggedies aren’t that visible (illusion of better quality!) 1080p – progressive scanning… but, do you really need it? … You yourself will be the decider (bionic eyes vs. normal human eyes) Marketing hype however, will tell you otherwise Full HD – max resolution possible (1920X1080) HD-ready – Meaning ure non-HD TV can be connected to an HD external box if you want to received HD signals HD – Takes the full HD signal and resizes it down a bit
HDTV (High Definition TV)
Alternatively, the 720-lines progressive scan or 720p is also available However, some interlacing artifacts might still be visible at 1080i Therefore, video with rapid motion would not be suitable at 1080i, and would be nicer to 720p For drama swasta (soap operas), 1080i would be nice
SDTV, EDTV and HDTV side-by-side
The different TV resolutions
Analog video Video information that is stored using television video signals, film, videotape or other non-computer media Each frame is represented by a fluctuating voltage signal known as an analogue wave form or composite video
Analog video (cont) Composite analogue video has all the video components: brightness, colour and synchronization Then combined into one signal for delivery Example : traditional television Problems: colour blending, low clarity, high generation lost, difficult to edit
Analog video (cont) Video color:
Television sets use composite input. Hence colors are less pure and less accurate than computers using RGB component NTSC television uses a limited color palette and restricted luminance (brightness) levels and black levels. Some colors generated by a computer that display fine on a RGB monitor may be illegal for display on a NTSC TV. While producing a multimedia project, consider whether it will be played on a RGB monitor or a conventional television set.
Analog video (cont) Interlacing effects:
In television, the electron beam makes two passes on the screen while drawing a single video frame It first lays down all the odd-numbered lines, and then all the even-numbered lines, hence they are interlaced While capturing images from a video signal, they can be filtered through a de-interlacing filter provided by image-editing applications
Analog video (cont) Text and titles for television and taking care of analog tapes: Titles for video productions can be created with an analog character generator. Computers can create titles digitally using video and image-editing software. New tapes should always be fast-forwarded to the end and then rewound, to ensure even tape tension.
Digital video Video clip stored on any mass-storage device can be played back on a computer’s monitor without special hardware Setting up a production environment for making digital video, requires some hardware specifications Some specifications include computer with FireWire connection and cables, fast processor, plenty of RAM, fast and big hard disk
Digital video (cont) Digital video architecture
Digital video architecture consists of a format for encoding and playing back video files by a computer Architecture includes a player that can recognize and play files created for that format
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression
Digital video compression schemes or codecs is the algorithm used to compress (code) a video for delivery The codec then decodes the compressed video in real-time for fast playback Streaming audio and video starts playback as soon as enough data has transferred to the user’s computer to sustain this playback
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont)
MPEG is a real-time video compression algorithm MPEG-4 includes numerous multimedia capabilities and is a preferred standard MPEG-7 (or Multimedia Content Description Interface) integrates information about motion video elements with their use [NOT A COMPRESSION STANDARD]
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont)
The video compression/decompression programs are used so that video can fit on a single CD and the speed of transferring video from a CD to the computer can be increased Let us say that a sequence of 25fps video is about 25MB CD-ROM transfer rate is calculated as follows: 1X= 150KB per second 10X=1.5 MB per second 100X= 15 MB per second To overcome large video size, CODECS were developed
Decompresses when needed for display
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont) Compresses when saved CODEC File format used such as: Avi, Mpeg, Mov Decompresses when needed for display
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont)
Digital video compression schemes or codecs is the algorithm used to compress (code) a video for delivery The codec then decodes the compressed video in real-time for fast playback Streaming audio and video starts playback as soon as enough data has transferred to the user’s computer to sustain this playback FULL VIDEO Taken from the CD into memory buffer DISPLAY ON SCREEN MEMORY BUFFER
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont)
Two types of COMPRESSION: Lossless compression preserves the exact image throughout the compression and decompression process e.g.,: text images is to identify repeating words and assign them a code
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont)
Lossy compression Eliminates some of the data in the image and therefore provides greater compression ratios than lossless compression Applied to video because some drop in the quality is not noticeable in moving images
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont)
Two types of CODEC (lossy): Spatial compression Digital compression of video data that compresses the size of the video file by compressing the image data of each frame Compression is done by removing redundancy from data in the same frame
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont)
Temporal compression Digital compression of video data that uses similarities of sequential frames over time to determine and store only the image data that differs from frame to frame Compression is done by removing similarity between successive video frames
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont)
Flavors of file formats brand to choose: Microsoft’s AVI format QuickTime MPEG Div-X Wmv (Windows Media Video)
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont)
Standards have been established for compression programs, including JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) and MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group)
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont) JPEG (spatial)
Often areas of an image (especially backgrounds) contain similar information JPEG compression identifies these area and stores them as blocks of pixels instead of pixel by pixel reducing the amount of information needed to store the image These program reduce the file size of graphic images by eliminating redundant information
Digital video (cont)
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont) MPEG (temporal)
The changes in the image from frame to frame Key frames are identified every few frames the changes that occur from key frame Provide greater compression ratios than JPEG Initially, it requires extra hardware for multimedia
Digital video (cont) Digital video compression (cont)
MPEG (temporal) – (cont) MPEG – real-time video compression algorithm MPEG-4 includes numerous multimedia capabilities and is a preferred standard MPEG-7 (or Multimedia Content Description Interface) integrates information about motion video elements with their use
MPEG compression On how MPEG compression works, please view these videos Skip the technical (maths) parts in the second video, instead focus on the concept of how things are done
Video recording and tape formats
File size and formats There is an important consideration: File size in digitized video which included Frame rate Image size Color depth
Video recording and tape formats (cont)
File size and formats (cont) Frame Rate animation is an illusion caused by the rapid display of still images. television and movies play at 30 fps but acceptable playback can be achieved with 15 fps [Show VirtualDub Example]
Video recording and tape formats (cont)
File size and formats (cont) Image Size A standard full screen resolution is 640x480 pixels but to safe storing space a video with 320x240 for a computer display is still acceptable New high-definition televisions (HDTV) are capable of resolutions up to 1920×1080 , p60, 1920 pixels per scan line by 1080 scan lines, progressive, at 60 frames per second
Digital video (cont)
Video recording and tape formats (cont)
File size and formats (cont) Color Depth The quality of video is dependent on the color quality (related to the number of colors) for each bitmap in the frame sequence
Video recording and tape formats (cont)
File size and formats (cont) The color depth below 256 colors is poorer-quality image The frame rate to below 15 fps causes a noticeable and distracting jerkiness that unacceptable Changing the image size and compressing the file therefore become primary ways of reducing file size 24 bit 16 bit 8 bit (256 colors)
Video Compression Digitizing full-motion video in the computer requires transfer of ENORMOUS amounts of data in a short period of time Consider this: Frame rate = 25 fps (FR) Color depth of each frame = 65,536 colors (thus a bit depth of 16-bits) (BD) Frame size = 320 X 240 pixel dimension (D) FORMULA FOR VIDEO SIZE (per second) = FR X BD X D For this particular video… the UNCOMPRESSED video would be: 25 X 16 X (320 X 240) 30,720,000 bits / second 3.67 Mbytes / second This is just for 1-SECOND!!! And we’re not even talking about AUDIO yet A 1-hour video would thus be 3.67 X 60 X 60 = 13,212 Mbytes Which is equals to = 12.9 Gigabytes … Now… try fitting that onto a CD
Video Compression A simpler example with less big numbers
Consider this: Frame rate = 2 fps … meaning, in every second of the video, TWO pictures are being displayed continuously (FR) Color depth of each frame = 4 colors (thus a bit depth of 2-bits) … meaning that each frame of the video has a maximum of 4 colors (BD) Frame size = 320 X 240 pixel dimension … each frame’s size (D) FORMULA FOR VIDEO SIZE (per second) = FR X BD X D For this particular video… the UNCOMPRESSED video would be: 2 X 4 X (320 X 240) 614,400 bits / second 0.073 Mbytes / second 614,400 / 8 / 1024 / 1024 As you can see… this rate is very2 acceptable due to the small data rate BUT! Your video is going to be very2 UN-colorful :P If there exists such a word… Not to mention it being very2 flicker-y…
Video about compression
The basics of Video Compression MPEG video Codecs and Containers (formats) – 1 Codecs and Containers (formats) – 2
Video editing technology
Linear It plays end to end in one direction, usually pertains to videotape editing specifically the editing of linear tape segments into one final master tape
Video editing technology (cont)
Non-Linear Refers to the editing of disk-based digital video. The software provides an on screen map of what the final video sequences should look like incorporating the edits, splices, special effects, transitions and sound tracks.
Video editing technology (cont)
Special effects Transitions Such as fading, wiping, splatters, scrolling, stipple and many more are available by simply dragging and dropping that transition between the two video clips
Video editing technology (cont)
Special effects (cont) Superimposing The ability to superimpose one clip over another is a valuable technique The technique of green screening is identical except that the color green is used for the screen and later digitally removed The blue screen and green screen superimposing are just two of the superimposing technique available
Video editing technology
Video editing technology (cont)
Video digitizing Digital video is often used to capture content from movies and television to be used in multimedia A video source (video camera ,VCR, TV or videodisc) is connected to a video capture card in a computer As the video source is played, the analog signal is sent to the video card and converted into a digital file (including sound from the video)
Video editing technology (cont)
Video digitizing (cont) mana-nak.html VCR Video Overlay Board / Video Capture Card PC
Video editing technology (cont)
Video digitizing (cont) Analogue signal from VCR Converted to DIGITAL by VIDEO CAPTURE CARD The converted signal is entered inside a computer Signal is processed Video is edited using video editing software software
Video editing technology (cont)
Video editing software Incorporating transitions such as dissolves, wipes and spin Superimposing titles and animating them, such as fly- in logo Applying special effects to various images, such as twisting, zooming, rotating and distorting Synchronizing sound with the video Apply filters that control color balance, brightness & contrast, blurring, distortions and morphing
Advantage of using video
Captures interest Increase retention Clarifies complex physical actions and relationships Can incorporate other media
Disadvantage of using video
Is expensive to produce Requires extensive memory and storage Requires special equipment Does not effectively illustrate abstract concepts and static situations
Shooting and editing video
Import video and sound at the highest resolution and with the least amount of compression possible Resolution should be reduced and footage must be compressed later according to the requirements A steady shooting platform should always be used
Shooting and editing video (cont)
Good and even lighting is extremely important Blue screen in digital video editing applications is a popular technique for making multimedia Wide panoramic shots and camera motion should be avoided when shooting for a small computer window on CD-ROM or the Web
Optimizing video files for CD-ROM
CD-ROMs provide an excellent distribution medium for computer-based video When preparing video for CD-ROM distribution, interleave the audio track(s) with the video track Key frames should be used every 10 to 15 frames and the size of the video window must be kept small The Sorenson codec is optimized for CD-ROM playback
Summary Digital video method is used for making and delivering video for multimedia Compression techniques help to reduce the file sizes to more manageable levels Two types of compression lossless and lossy Standards for compression program are JPEG and MPEG
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