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Adding Audio Files 1.  You can easily add audio files to your course.  These can be files from the web that you link to, or files that you prepare and.

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Presentation on theme: "Adding Audio Files 1.  You can easily add audio files to your course.  These can be files from the web that you link to, or files that you prepare and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding Audio Files 1

2  You can easily add audio files to your course.  These can be files from the web that you link to, or files that you prepare and upload yourself.  To add your files, follow the same procedures that you used to add your Syllabus, or other text, or a video. Upload to the files folder and then link from the course home page. 2

3  Once you start thinking of using or creating audio files, you have the possibility of creating Podcasts.  What is a “Podcast”? According to Wikipedia, “A podcast is a series of digital-media files which are distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and computers.”digital-media filesInternet syndicationfeedsportable media playerscomputers Harry C. Lord, Activities Director, x6797, 3

4  Click on Add a Resource  Click on Link to a File or Website  Enter the Title (name you assign)  Enter the web site address  I recommend that you make it the same window, and check “Keep page navigation visible on the same page “.  That’s it! 4

5  If you wish to create your own podcast, a useful software to know about, is “Audacity”, (a free audio editor and recorder).  For alternatives, see Topic labelled “Audio” in the Technology in the Classroom site (below this Moodle site) in the Moodle class directory 5

6  Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems.  You can use Audacity to:  Record live audio.  Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs.  Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files.  Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together.  Change the speed or pitch of a recording.  And more!. 6

7 7

8  There are many tutorials on using Audacity available.  One good Example, “Video tutorial on How to setup your Audio for Podcasting” is:Video tutorial on How to setup your Audio for Podcasting” avclient&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4HPNN_enUS245US266&q=audacity+tu torials&um=1&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&resn um=4&ct=title# 8

9  And another is “ Audacity Tutorial for Podcasting”,Audacity Tutorial for Podcasting”,  Go to: avclient&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4HPNN_enUS245US266&q=audacity+tu torials&um=1&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&resn um=4&ct=title#sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4HPNN_enUS245US266&q=audacity%2 0tutorials&um=1&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&r esnum=4&ct=title&start=20 9

10  Select a quiet room where you will not be interrupted (all background noise will appear in the audio file).  Practice setting up to record. Verify your settings.  Practice recording and playback. Not happy? Practice editing the recording also. [The way to learn how to proceed is to practice.] 10

11  How do you listen to a podcast? with any digital audio player, such as an iPod, an MP3 player, or any computer with a speaker or headset.  If you use iTunes, it must be 4.9 or higher, (or to download it to your computer, go to: The current version is v 8) Harry C. Lord, Activities Director, x6797, 11

12  Go to 12

13  Go to:  Library is what is stored on your computer, while iTunes Store is what is available to be downloaded. 13

14  On the left hand side, go to Categories and select one (such as Education or Society & Culture) to see a display of what is available; or 14

15  Scroll down to “Teaching and Education”, to see more titles, especially on teaching principles. ●One interesting title is “Get Started Podcasting” from UCLA and Apple staff 15

16 Harry C. Lord, Activities Director, x6797, 16 /  There are many other sources of audio files or podcasts available on the internet.  nd_library.html nd_library.html  ting.html ting.html  Directory/Education-and-Professional/-/Audio- Learning-Revolution-Podcast/6666 Directory/Education-and-Professional/-/Audio- Learning-Revolution-Podcast/6666

17  Additional resources are available in the Technology in the Classroom Moodle site. 17

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