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Welcome Everyone. The basics of WordPress websites and blogs.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Everyone. The basics of WordPress websites and blogs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Everyone

2 The basics of WordPress websites and blogs

3 WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a content management systemfree and open source bloggingcontent management system

4 How to Setup a WordPress Site Fast


6 How to Find WordPress Themes The way the website looks, do not get hung up on this! 1.Search Google for FREE Wordpress Themes 2.http://www.ThemeForest.net 3. 4.Search inside of your WP Dashboard 5.http://www.woothemes.com 6.http://www.Artisteer.com 7. 8.http://websitesyoucontrolyourself.com

7 You Want in a WordPress Theme The way the website looks, do not get hung up on this! 1.Easy to customize header graphic 2.Easy to add content where you want it 3.Responsive themes for mobile devices 4.The trade off is controlling content vs content placement.

8 You Want in a WordPress Theme The way the website looks, do not get hung up on this! 1.You can get headers done at: 2.http://fiverr.com 3. 4.Buy and Learn PhotoShop 5. Free online

9 How to Change and Edit Content in WordPress – WP Dashboard

10 The Power of WP Plugins

11 Plugins can extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine. In the directory you can find, download, rate, and comment on all the best plugins the WordPress community has to offer. 24,897 plugins, 453,551,157 downloads, and counting

12 The Power of WP Plugins Music sales functions that are automated 1.SEO – Search Engine Optimization 2.Video playback for web and mobile 3.Audio playback for web and mobile 4.Download sales of mp3, mp4 (all digital content} 5.Email List building 6.SMS Text Message 7.Social Media Synchronization – FB, YT, LI, TW, PIN 8.Google Analytics 9.Paid membership 10. Site advertising integration 11. And 1000’s of other options

13 How blogging works and helps you build an audience online 1.Google and Social Media demands fresh, relevant content to index and share 2.Blogging is the act of adding new, fresh, relevant content to the internet – web logging 3.Video is the most shared content 4.Wordpress automates all media easily 5.RSS is what powers the syndication 6.Blog and ping is easy with Wordpress

14 How blogging works and helps you build an audience online 1.Wordpress automates the keyword find- ability of your content 2.By consistent content submission, you can build relationships, email lists, a fan database, a SMS text list to market to. 3.With those relationships built, you can sell digital content, memberships, shipped items, events live and virtual

15 Each of you have a login setup now – let’s go over features together

16 The power of Video and YouTube with WordPress 1.YouTube is the new radio and everyone is welcome to leverage its power 2.YouTube is owned by Google, give them great content, they will pay via Adsense, or send clicks to your blogs 3.All video does not need to be music or copyright content like songs, just what fans will love 4.Video can be posted on your Wordpress site, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest for FREE

17 Music Videos Are Not The Only Content


19 YouTube Description & Links Done Right PSY, The monetizing monster, making money from Carnival Cruises

20 These links are in every video! Links to iTunes Online Store His label and sharing love with the other artists Ebay The Label Swag Store All his social media and websites Both App Stores iPhone and Android YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TOO OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

21 The iPhone and iPad Apps to Make Killer YouTube Videos – Detailed Demos

22 List Building Techniques For Email Autoresponders and SMS Text Lists Autoresponder system to collect emails Blogging with videos for sharing and indexing

23 Dial a phone number to join the list and give the user something FREE! Get your phone and dial 615829-8209

24 Email Auto Responder Systems 1.Constant Contact 2.Aweber 3.Mail Chimp 4.AutoResponsePlus 5.Get Response

25 SMS List Building Systems and Wordpress 2.There are others, but this one is easy for everyone to subscribe as only one that only requires dialing a phone number, not texting a keyword to a shortcode 3.No other system works within Wordpress

26 Why giving away music can make you more money! 1.When you give away music of value, you get something even more valuable, the permission to market more to the fan you gave the gift 2.Reaching the customer directly you can profit 10 times more than traditional ways of monetizing music 3.You don’t wait for payouts, you get it instantly 4.There are proven examples that give a little away, you profit more – JT Suit and Tie give away – biggest iTunes debut as a result

27 Music Monetization Pre-Internet & CDs 1.Radio record promotion budget - $1000 (just for math) plus cost of goods and shipping on top of promotion fee. 2.Get as many stations reporting record as an add 3.Hope it charts so others will add 4.Hope people like the record and request it on radio 5.Hope they go to record store or chain and buy the single and eventually the album 6.Become a fan of the artist and song 7.Song becomes a hit 8.Song is used in TV shows and Movies, Commercials 9.No idea who bought the record, hope label is honest when paying mechanicals

28 Music Monetization Today 1.Build artist website in Wordpress that sells 2.Give music away and pay mechanicals to publisher $1000 = 11,000 giveaways in return for a list of 11,000 fans – Harry Fox Calculator - Think of giveaway as record promotion costs http:/ If you are the publisher and writer, this is zero cost http:/ 3.Email text message fans offers that make you money from memberships, your downloads, eBay & Amazon products, events etc. 4.2% conversion on 11K is 220 sales of something and you can repeat the process until they unsubscribe 5.You know who your customer is for life

29 Google Adwords Basics and now Google Video Adwords

30 How to get paid for music other than iTunes 1.http://CDBaby.com 2.http://CreateSpace.com 3.http://Kunaki.com 4.http://PayPal.com 5.http://ApplyToTakeCreditCards.com 6.http://ClickBank.com 7.iPhone & Android App Stores.. More to come on this

31 Let’s Q & A Now

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