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CS1313 SCCC - ATS COURSE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 01/07/2015 Ed Hall Instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "CS1313 SCCC - ATS COURSE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 01/07/2015 Ed Hall Instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS1313 SCCC - ATS COURSE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 01/07/2015 Ed Hall Instructor

2 Academic Honesty I will enforce the Academic Honor Code & Cheating Policy as set forth in the SCCC College Catalog. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in receiving an “F” for the course. CS1313

3 Attendance Class begins at 6:30 pm. Attendance is vital to your success. I understand that life happens, but late work will not be accepted*. Attendance:+5 points. First absence:0 points. Second+ absence:-5 points. Points are averaged and added to final grade.

4 Withdrawal from Class I will not withdraw you from class. Failure to withdraw before the final withdrawal date will result in earned grade.

5 Evaluation We will have the following: Homework (Theory and Practical) 1/3 of grade Tests (Theory and Practical) 1/3 of grade Final Project (Practical) 1/3 of grade

6 Office/Online Hours Office ??? 7:45 am – Noon and 1:00 pm – 4:45 pm. I try to be back on campus by 6:15 pm. My phone number is 417-1208 My e-mail address is

7 Computer Usage Statement Students may not use the computers for any activities not being conducted by the instructor for that class period. Students will also adhere to the SCCC Computer Use Guidelines as stated in the College Catalog. omputer_useage_policy.htm

8 Other Cell phones should be in silent mode No playback devices in class. No tobacco products Make up Exams are not allowed unless prior notice has been communicated. For any additional information: ndex.html

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