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Top 10 celebrity scandals They love to be in news..

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Presentation on theme: "Top 10 celebrity scandals They love to be in news.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top 10 celebrity scandals They love to be in news..

2 Heather Mills and Paul McCartney Divorced

3 The second costliest divorce settlement in UK history of.. $50 million pounds

4 The Hanna Montana Girl Goes Bad

5 Mayhem raised among parents of tweens when Miley went out posing naked and scantily clad..

6 Heath Ledger died Suspiciously

7 Died of accidental drug overdose in Mary-Kate Olsen's apartment.

8 The Stumbling Disaster That is Amy Winehouse

9 Found smoking crack cocaine, valium and ecstacy

10 Britney Spears for flashing.

11 the pop princess has been photographed wearing no panties several times this year.

12 Tara Conner becomes miss wild USA

13 Behaved badly with New York real estate developer Donald Trump

14 President George W. Bush voted the greatest villain

15 For not listening to the people and propagating hatred

16 Lindsay Lohan for her partying ways

17 Faintings, falling down stairs, and hospital admissions, made the actress book herself into Alcoholics Anonymous.

18 Keith Urban goes into rehab after marrying Nicole Kidman

19 Not long after the "wedding of the year" the country music star booked himself into rehab for alcohol abuse

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