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STATE AID OUTPUT REPORTS WEBINAR Presented by Office of State Aid, NYS Education Department Bruce Jesiolowski David Fedorchak

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Presentation on theme: "STATE AID OUTPUT REPORTS WEBINAR Presented by Office of State Aid, NYS Education Department Bruce Jesiolowski David Fedorchak"— Presentation transcript:

1 STATE AID OUTPUT REPORTS WEBINAR Presented by Office of State Aid, NYS Education Department Bruce Jesiolowski David Fedorchak State Aid website: 518-474-2977 JANUARY 2013

2 INTRODUCTION Presenters: –Bruce Jesiolowski, State Aid –David Fedorchak, State Aid Format: –Power Point presentation –Q & A Time: 1 hour

3 PRESENTATION OVERVIEW PART 1: What Are Output Reports? PART 2: Where Can Output Reports Be Found? PART 3: When Are Output Reports Available Within SAMS? When Are “Public” Output Reports Available On The Web? PART 4: Output Report Format & Layout PART 5: Viewing Output Reports Within SAMS Using SAMS Data Areas PART 6: Using SAMS Data Version Date To View Output Reports Within SAMS PART 7: When Do Output Reports Change? PART 8: Validity Of Output Report Calculations PART 9: Output Reports and State Aid Payments Part 10: Printing Output Reports QUESTIONS

4 PART 1: What Are Output Reports? Output reports, also called State Aid claim reports, display the State Aid payable to districts and for some areas the aidable expense for projected aid year (labeled as “EST” reports). Output reports are developed for each aid year. The reports provide detailed descriptions of the data items and the calculations for the various State Aid formulas.

5 PART 1:– What Are Output Reports? (cont.) “EST” output reports display the aidable expenses for the projected aid year, for selected aid areas, under current laws. Districts can use these “EST” reports to estimate projected aid (with current aid ratios) and verify the district data on file for use in SED aid projections. EST reports do not show projected aid since aid formula parameters are not available until the State budget is enacted for the coming year Example: TRA-EST report is published during 2012-13 sch. yr. shows estimated 2012-13 expenses reported by the district.

6 PART 2: Where Can Output Reports Be Found? Output Reports can be found in 2 places: 1. :”public” output reports accessible to anyone via the State Aid website 2.“Within SAMS”: accessible only to logged in users provided with a SAMS account by the district. Access method is different. Functionality much greater within SAMS. More output reports may be available within SAMS

7 PART 2: Where Can Output Reports Be Found? (cont.) State Aid Website Anyone with access to a web browser can view the reports via the State Aid website ( There are two paths to get to the reports: 1. Enter school name or code in the box & click “Go”. 2. Click on “View District Data” link and then click on a link to public SAMS reports. Note: Option 2. results in a few less mouse clicks as it by-passes the District Page and goes directly to the SAMS Public view reports. For Aid Years 2009-10 and later use the link “Available from the SAMS State Aid Claim Page” from the District Page. Note: Beginning in 2009-10 aid year, the SAMS output reports are the official results for payment purposes. For Aid Years 2005-06 thru 2008-09 use the prior year links.

8 Option 2. Path to the Public View Output Reports From State Aid Homepage. First click on the View District Data link: then click on the link:

9 PART 2: Where Can Output Reports Be Found? (cont.) WITHIN SAMS When logged into SAMS via a district-assigned account, mouse- over “Reports” on the main menu bar, then “Output Reports” from the dropdown Do not view output reports within SAMS for aid years prior to 2009- 10 as these reports were created for testing purposes and are not the official source for aid payments. (Public output reports for years prior to 2009-10 are available via the State Aid Website)

10 List of 2012-13 Output Reports (1/30/2013) General Formula Aid Output Report (GEN) Annual Professional Performance Review Deduction (APPR) (not yet public, viewable only from within SAMS) Foundation Aid (FOUNDATION) Foundation Aid Pupil Units Based on Students Served in the Year Prior to the Base Year (FAPU-1) Foundation Aid Pupil Units Based on Students Served 2 Years Prior to the Base Year (FAPU-2) Foundation Aid Pupil Units Based on Students Served in the Base Year (FAPU) Charter School Transition Aid Attendance Output Report (ATT) Building Aid Report (BLD) Building Aid Report Estimated (BLDEST) Building 10% Aid Report (BLD10) Building 10% Aid Report Estimated (BLD10EST) Building Aid Output Report (BLD3) Building Aid Output Report Estimated (BLD3-EST) Building Aid Output Report (BLD4) Building Aid Output Report Estimated (BLD4-EST) Building Summary Aid Report (BLD-SBA) Transportation Aid Output Report (TRA) Transportation Aid Output Report Estimated (TRAEST) Approved Operating Expense Report (AOE) Approved Operating Expense Report (AOEEST) Private Excess Cost Aid Output Report (PRI) Public Excess Cost & Excess Cost Aid Setaside Output Report (PUB) Instructional Material Aids (IMA) Universal Pre-K Grant (UPREK) Actual Nonresident Tuition Report for Prior Year (NRT) Estimated Nonresident Tuition Report for Current Year (NRTEST) Component School District BOCES Aid(BOC-CMP) Estimated Component School District BOCES Aid(EST-BOC-CMP) SA-129 Attendance Report Employment Preparation Education (EPE) (not yet available in within SAMS or public)

11 PART 3: When Are Output Reports Available Within SAMS? Most current year output reports are first published within SAMS in mid to late October of the current aid year, sometimes earlier. The reports available for use within SAMS can be seen in the Output Reports menu listed as either “Official*” or “Official:Public”. Reports marked as “Official” can only be accessed from within SAMS and are not yet available to the general public. Output report results may not be valid when first published in SAMS if claim data is not yet complete; e.g., Transportation Aid may be inaccurate if Form FT Schedule J is not yet completed. “Official” in the output report listing means ‘published’ for district use and is also used by SED internally to mean the report is no longer in test phase. Here, “official” does not refer to your official vs. revision data area.

12 PART 3: When Are “Public” Output Reports Available On Web? When you see that output reports are set to “Official:Public” within SAMS, the reports are viewable both within SAMS and on the web via the State Aid website. The output reports are typically made public only after November 15th and only for those districts with SAMS data state of either “Clean” or “Clean with Issues” for ALL form sets A, FB, FT & ST-3. The “public” reports display the same data as in your SAMS “Official” data area, except the public data is as of the past midnight (data timestamp of 12:00 A.M.) instead of live.

13 PART 4: Output Report Format & Layout Each output report has header information and calculation lines. The header fields display the district name, district code, State Aid year, today’s date and a data date time field. The public web reports have a data date time field labeled as “Data as of” which displays the date & time (12:00 a.m. midnight) associated with the output report. Only on reports within SAMS, two additional fields are displayed at the top of the report: SAMS Data Area & Data Timestamp. These fields are directly related to the choices made in the Output Report selection. These fields will be discussed further when covering Data Areas and output report snapshots.

14 PART 4: Output Report Format & Layout (cont.) The body of the report has the State Aid formula calculation lines. Each calculation line (or entry) has an entry number, description, source column and value. Source Column: Where Does Data Used On the Reports Come From? The source column will identify each item as a calculation or data from: districts’ current or prior year SAMS claim forms, other output reports, other SED offices, other State agencies, published executive budget or enacted budget computer runs, etc. Examples of source types on the output reports: a. 2012-13 GEN ENT 1,FA ENT 15 (Foundation Aid) b. 2012-13 GEN ENT 4, calculation: (ENT 1 - ENT 2 - ENT 3) c. 2012-13 GEN ENT 26, SA1213 GAP Elimination Adjustment on Computer Run d. 2012-13 GEN ENT 43, OSC Full Value e. 2012-13 PUB ENT 7, STAC data f. 2012-13 UPREK ENT 36, Early Grades Office Grant Application Count g. 2012-13 AOE ENT 1, from (ST-3 SCH A3 [A1310] ENT13) At the top of each report is a link to a Glossary for State Aid acronyms and commonly used terms.

15 Part 5: Viewing Output Reports Within SAMS Using SAMS Data Areas Only when logged in as a SAMS user, the output reports can be run against several data areas: Official Revision Sandbox All reports are set to default to “Official” data area and current date/time; if an output report is selected/run with no settings changed, “official data” will display Only the SAMS data on output reports is affected by selection of different data areas, not data from other sources

16 Part 5: Viewing Output Reports Within SAMS Using SAMS Data Areas Official - Output reports will display SAMS data after it has been accepted by State Aid for aid purposes (use in frozen data files and for State Aid payments). Revision – Output reports will display SAMS Data saved in the revision area but not yet submitted by district or submitted by district but not yet accepted into “official” data area by SED. Until data is saved in the revision area, the revision area contains a copy of the data in the “official” data area. Sandbox - Data area available for district and SED SAMS Users to make tentative data changes to see the effect of these changes on forms, edits and aid calculations without actually affecting Official or Revision data areas. The Sandbox area can be cleared and re-used repeatedly. Users should always clear this area after use to avoid unintended results in subsequent sessions, and if confidentiality is important. (Anyone the district has provided a SAMS account can access the Sandbox area, as well as SED staff) Data in the Sandbox data area CANNOT be moved directly to the Revision data area. To affect real SAMS data, changes must be re-entered into the Revision area and revision submission procedures followed.

17 PART 6: Using SAMS Data Version Date To View Output Reports Within SAMS The Data Version Date selection allows Users to view the output reports as of “Midnight Last Night”, “Current Date/Time” and “Snapshot” (drop down menu of available snapshots). The “Current Date/Time” view is the live values in SAMS (& is the default setting). The selection of “Midnight Last Night” matches the data shown on the “public” output reports published on the web. The “Snapshots” drop down menu provides access to versions of output reports as of key dates /important events. When using different data version dates, always check the Data Timestamp in the top left corner of the output report to verify the version selected. ( After viewing an output report for a selected snapshot, using the back arrow does not automatically reset the Data Version Date to “Current Date/Time.”)

18 PART 6: Using SAMS Data Version Date To View Output Reports Within SAMS (Cont.) Snapshots Selections November 15 (data file provided to executive and legislature, usually the basis for the proposed executive budget computer run) Dec. 1st (basis for January through May General Aid payments) Certain STAC Updates February 15th (data file provided to executive and legislature, usually the basis for enacted budget computer runs) and May 15 th (basis for the June payment recalculation) August 15th (basis for final September general, excess cost and BOCES Aid payments)

19 PART 7: When Do Output Reports Change? Output reports change when SAMS data changes All output reports recalculate immediately when SAMS form data is saved There is no need for a “calculate or run” button. Just re-open the report in the appropriate data area to see any changes.

20 PART 7: When Do Output Reports Change? (Cont.) SED receives and periodically updates district data from non-SAMS sources: STAC, BEDS/SIRS, Facilities Planning, BOCES, SA-16 bus purchase applications, etc. These submissions may not impact your aid calculations immediately depending on State Aid processing schedules Districts are encouraged to be aware of data and data changes that impact aid but are submitted to SED by other district offices.

21 PART 7: When Do Output Reports Change? (Cont.) The output reports may change periodically due to: STAC Updates: Changes made monthly on or about the 20th of each month through June 30th of claim year. STAC revisions accepted for one additional year & processed as prior year adjustment. Non-SAMS Building data changes: Processed at least quarterly; e.g., revised capital project costs due to final cost report processing Non-SAMS Transportation data changes: Example: Bus Purchase SA-16 submissions Revisions to BOCES SAMS by BOCES designees, at any time Current Year SIRS/BEDS Enrollment Data imported by SED

22 PART 7: When Do Output Reports Change? (Cont.) Periodically review output reports for changes, especially when revisions have been made to ensure aid is displayed as anticipated No revision will affect your aid payments if it is not reflected on “official” output reports within SAMS and public reports.

23 PART 7: When Do Output Reports Change? (Cont.) Changing data on current year SAMS forms does not always affect current year output report calculations. For example: ST-3 data from the prior school year reported on this year’s SAMS system impacts current year Transportation Aid BUT The same ST-3 data from the prior school year reported on this year’s SAMS system is used in this year’s Approved Operating Expense (AOE) output report however, this AOE will not be used in any current year aid calculations, only in projected aids; e.g., projected Public Excess Cost Aid.

24 PART 8: Validity Of Output Report Calculations Output reports may be published within SAMS before districts complete all form sets. When this is the case, the reports within SAMS may not be valid. Districts are strongly encouraged to complete all current year SAMS forms and schedules before viewing aid calculation results on output reports within SAMS.

25 PART 9: Output Reports and State Aid Payments The output reports display the total aid due for the year, but State Aid is not typically paid out as one lump sum amount but rather is based on multiple State Aid Payment Schedules set forth in Education Law. The Payment Schedules are established using point in time State Aid calculations or data files. Aid changes as a result of a claim revision may be reflected in an output report but depending on the timing of the change, may not be reflected in a State Aid Payment for some time. For example, data for January through May General Aid payments is based on a Dec. 1 data file. A revision changing Transportation Aid accepted into SAMS in March will change the output report immediately, but will not be reflected in any General Aid payments until updated aid calculations are pulled in May for the June General Aid Payment. Note: Additional information regarding Payment Schedules can be found in the State Aid Handbook on the State Aid home page

26 PART 10: Printing Reports Public View: Print report from browser view. Within SAMS: Each output report has a “Print Form” link in the top right corner. This link creates a page view for printing.

27 Question / Answers Session and Wrap Up Questions can be sent to State Aid via email or via phone or via U.S. mail. State Aid Staff Assignments & Contact Information can be found on the State Aid website:

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