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Chasing Lincoln’s Killer Timeline

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1 Chasing Lincoln’s Killer Timeline
By: Evan Clark

2 This was the second inauguration of Lincoln
This was the second inauguration of Lincoln. It was almost ruined by bad weather and rain. (1) This was one Booth and his conspirators first plans to kidnap Lincoln. They were going to do it on a road back to Lincoln’s house. (24) This is win a major battle was lost by the south. Robert E. Lee surrendered to the Union. (5) March 4, 1865 March 6, 1865 March 17, 1865 April 3, 1865 April 9, 1865 This was when the last picture of Abraham Lincoln was taken. It is also the most commonly well known. (6) This is when the Union Started to win the war. The capital of the Confederate States of Americas capital Virginia Fell. (2)(9)

3 After being given the easiest of the plots George Atzerodt couldn’t do it. He had abandoned his mission to kill vice president Johnson.(69) There was a torch lit parade throughout the streets. It celebrated the defeat of Virginia.(7) Washington DC paraded through the streets of the city to celebrate the end of the war. This only made John Booth more angry.(8) April 11, 1865 April 11, 1865 April 13, 1865 April 14, 1865 April 14, 1865 Lincoln gave a speech proposing a limited black citizenship and voting rights. This provoked a lot of violent talk against Lincoln.(26) On this day Booth shot Lincoln at ford’s theater. Also Powell brutally attacked Seward and the rest of his family.(65)

4 Leads were followed up and the calvary arrived at Mudd’s farm
Leads were followed up and the calvary arrived at Mudd’s farm. As his family was being questioned he came up with his own story.(138)(139) Booth and Herold got lost when they left Mudd’s farm. This caused them to arrive at Captain Samuel Cox’s house after midnight.(114) April 15, 1865 April 16, 1865 April 17, 1865 April 18, 1865 April 20, 1865 Lincoln died in the morning of this day. The time was 22 minutes after 7. (95)(102)(103) This was marked as the most successful day of the 3day manhunt. Old and new conspirators were arrested and would never see home again.(134) Mudd admitted to the cavalry who visited his house and that Booth was injured. Booth and Herold had Their first attempt at escape. George Atzerodt was arrested and admitted to everything.(141)(144)(147)

5 After going South instead of North Booth and Herold arrived back in Maryland. Their they found one of Herold’s friend and restocked on food and information.(149) On this date all of the conspirators found guilty were displayed in front of a crowd. Then in front of the crowd they were all hung.(187) This is when the Union people found out Booth’s and Herold’s location. They were hiding at the Garret’s farm.(161) April 21, 1865 April 22/23, 1865 April 25, 1865 April 26, 1865 July 6, 1865 They climbed aboard the ship for the second time on April 22nd. They reached Virginia soil for the first time.(151) This is when after a 12 day man hunt the cavalry was able to corner Booth and Herold. Here Booth was shot and died shortly after and Herold was handcuffed after surrendering.(163)

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