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Interim Review of the MBTA Late-night Service Pilot Program February 5, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Interim Review of the MBTA Late-night Service Pilot Program February 5, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interim Review of the MBTA Late-night Service Pilot Program February 5, 2015

2 Overview Late-night service pilot launched March 28, 2014 for one year. In order to allow time for an orderly decision on the future of late-night service with ample public input, the pilot will be extended through June 19, 2015 (the end of the MBTA’s spring schedule.) At next week’s Board meeting, the MBTA will release a complete, interim report on all of the data we have, as well as a schedule for the public process. 2

3 Launch of Late-Night Service Pilot Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. – operate either 24/7 or offer a late-night service Extended service Friday & Saturday nights by 90 minutes on all subway lines & 15 key bus routes 3

4 Anticipated Positive Impacts 4 Increase economic activity Offer commuting option for late-shift workers Attract young technology professionals Position Boston as a world-class city Boost entertainment attendance

5 Cost Versus Revenue 5

6 Total Late-night Ridership From 3/28/14–1/4/15 6 Total Late-night boardings: 1,105,389 Includes: 807,225 fare transactions 298,164 transfers, etc. Projected boardings through the end of the original pilot period: 1,401,956

7 Average Bus & Subway Weekend Ridership Trends 7

8 Late-Night Ridership By Service Mode 8

9 Top 5 Busiest Routes and Stations Per Weekend 9

10 Late-Night Entries by Time of Day Entries decline every 15 minutes after midnight, except between 1:30 a.m.–2:00 a.m. (consistent with the closing of Boston-area establishments serving alcohol) 10

11 Late-Night Costs for Original Pilot Period Budget: $12.9 million Major expenditures 11

12 Projected Late-Night Revenue for Original Pilot Period 12

13 Subsidy Per Passenger 13 Figures based on projected original pilot costs, revenues and boardings

14 Marketing and Outreach 14

15 Sponsorship Support 15

16 Who’s Riding? 59% Monthly Pass Holders (compared to 69% overall) 16

17 Who’s Riding? 17 College/university students: Most active late-night stations and bus routes appear to serve areas with large student populations Hotel, restaurant, and health-care workers: No formal research has been conducted to date, but we welcome information on usage by these important market segments Social/Entertainment goers: Limited survey data indicates a high percentage of late-night service use is for entertainment activities.

18 Other Transportation Services We need to better understand the impact MBTA Late-night service on: 18

19 Options Eliminate late-night service at the end of the extended pilot Continue but with service changes Charge a late-night fare or fare supplement Increase revenue from sponsorships Other options? We invite your suggestions 19

20 Next Steps The extended late-night service pilot will continue to operate through June 19, 2015 An Interim Review Report, with all available data on ridership, costs and revenues, will be released at the MassDOT board meeting on February 11, 2015 Customer and stakeholder input will be solicited during a public comment period ending March 11, 2015. Details will be forthcoming at the February board meeting and on A final recommendation will be included in the FY16 budget presented at April 15 MassDOT board meeting 20

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