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1. We can’t promise all green lights… …but we can minimize the number of red lights, stops and delays.

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Presentation on theme: "1. We can’t promise all green lights… …but we can minimize the number of red lights, stops and delays."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 We can’t promise all green lights…

3 …but we can minimize the number of red lights, stops and delays.

4 County’s Role: County operates and maintains all County, FDOT, and municipal traffic signals. Network is countywide and crosses all municipal boundaries. Eliminates jurisdictional barriers and allows seamless synchronization.

5 Key Goal – Improve Traffic Flow for: Vehicles Mass Transit Pedestrians Bicycles 5

6 Benefits: Minimize Fuel Consumption Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduce Travel Delays Enhance Economic Development Improve Safety 6

7 Two Key Steps to Improve Traffic Synchronization Improve Signal Timing Plans “Green Lights.” Upgrade Hardware and Software. 7

8 Two Key Steps to Improve Traffic Synchronization Improve Signal Timing Plans “Green Lights.” 8

9 Each Roadway Corridor has Three Different Synchronized Timing Plans Morning: 6:00 – 9:00 AM Afternoon:3:00 – 8:00 PM Off-Peak:9:00 AM – 3:00 PM 8:00 PM – 12:00 Midnight (Non-Synchronized Midnight to 6:00 AM) 9

10 One-Way Progression 10

11 Two-Way Progression 11

12 Cross Streets 12

13 Irregular Spacing 13

14 Left Turns 14

15 Pedestrian Crossings 15

16 “Basket-Weave” 16

17 Compromises and Trade-offs… 17

18 Where Are We Today? 18

19 August 2010

20 August 2011

21 May 2012

22 Today, 55 Corridors and 1,050 Intersections

23 “Green Lights” Performance Results Travel Time Saved: 10% to 43% Stops Reduced: 10% to 32% Positive Feedback from Motorists 23

24 “Green Lights” Performance Results (Cont.) Fuel Saved: $31 Million/Year Carbon Emissions Reduced: 660,000 Metric Tons/Year = 7% Reduction of Transportation Emissions = 3% Reduction of Total Emissions 24

25 Synchronized Traffic Signals Cannot Solve These Conditions: Overcapacity/Rush Hour Crashes School Zones Railroad Crossings and Bridge Openings Construction Emergency Vehicle Preemptions Traveling Over Speed Limit 25

26 26 Current Activities “Green Lights” Continuous Refinement Complex Modeling Transit Signal Priority & Queue-Jumper FDOT Adaptive Control Pilot Projects

27 Second Key Step Upgrade Hardware and Software. 27

28 Aging Equipment and Obsolete Technology 25-Year Old Software & Mainframe Computer Analog (Not Digital) Network 28

29 New System Has Multiple Benefits 29

30 Less Computer Crashes/Easily Maintained

31 Remain Synchronized Even with Minor Signal Interruptions 31

32 Support Transit Operations 32

33 Troubleshoot Remotely 33 Currently – Crews Must be Dispatched Future – Monitor/Troubleshoot from Central Control Center

34 Multiple Timing Plans for Complex Traffic Conditions 34

35 Adjust System in Real Time 35

36 How Are We Upgrading the System? Keep Existing Equipment Operating Install New Computer/Software/Digital Network Switchover to Digital Intersection-by- Intersection 36

37 New Hardware and Software Are Already Running

38 New Digital Network: Hybrid – Fiber Optics/Wireless/Digital Copper Share Use of Fiber with FDOT Projects Install Fiber on County Projects and to Fill in Gaps 38

39 Initial Digital Conversion Now: 60% Converted FY 2015: 100% Converted Full System Improvements FY 2020+ 39

40 Estimated Capital Cost ($million) Activity FY11 - FY14Future Signal Retiming/Modeling 0.41.0 Hardware and Software 2.921.9 Total 3.322.9 40

41 Questions? 41

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