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1.  Recapping on issues raised in previous meeting: ◦ Lack of a rural transport strategy ◦ Programatising SONA and National Assembly pronouncements ◦

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Presentation on theme: "1.  Recapping on issues raised in previous meeting: ◦ Lack of a rural transport strategy ◦ Programatising SONA and National Assembly pronouncements ◦"— Presentation transcript:

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2  Recapping on issues raised in previous meeting: ◦ Lack of a rural transport strategy ◦ Programatising SONA and National Assembly pronouncements ◦ Lack of uniform approach to S’hamba Sonke Programme (SSP) ◦ Supervision of consultants ◦ Damage to roads network by heavy vehicles  RISFSA, Rural Transport Strategy for South Africa and SSP  Way-forward  Implement the RISFSA (reclassification, Rural Transport Strategy, and SSP)  Linkage with CSIR and other experts bodies  Revive partnership with the Departments of Basic Education, Health and Government Communication and Information Systems  Dissemination of technical guidelines and recommendations 2

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4  Lack of a rural transport strategy  Programatising SONA and National Assembly pronouncements  Lack of uniform approach to S’hamba Sonke Programme  Supervision of consultants  Damage to roads network by heavy vehicles  RISFSA; Rural Transport Strategy & SSP (Addressed in presentation)  MINMEC and COTO to drive not all implemented by DOT  SSP guideline documents  Message filtered through to provinces  Addressed in presentation 4

5 Heavy vehicles causing damage on road National Overload Control Strategy: Identifies problems and solutions Implementation by traffic authorities now being incorporated into Rolling Enforcement Plan (RTMC for uniformity in addressing law enforcement on all matters including overloading) SANRAL developing mobile overload control unit and deploying ITS for screening On self regulation DOT supported the roll out of RTMS awareness workshops during 2010 to 2011 – now full driven by industry: reduction of overloading in participating industry 5

6 6 U PGRADING OF LOW VOLUME ROADS Financialis it less expensive to the authority to pave the road or keep the road as a gravel road and pay the high costs of maintenance, i.e. grading and regravelling Economicis it less expensive to the community to pave the road or keep the road and pay the relatively higher costs of maintenance, vehicle operating costs, safety and productivity Socio-PoliticalIs the road to be paved to improve the quality of life (factors such as dust, mud, all-weather access) or to create employment opportunities or development spin-offs Road/ ProjectAppropriate basis for decision Rural- donor funded : World Bank, Development Bank of Southern Africa, African Development, etc. Full economic analysis, including VOC, time and accidents costs; and including construction and maintenance costs. Rural – central, provincial or local government funded; Parks, Forestry; Socio Political decision to upgrade Partial economic analysis, including VOC and accident costs, but not time costs; and including construction and maintenance costs. Private roads Military Financial analysis, including construction and maintenance costs only. A NALYSIS TO BE USED FOR ROAD SURFACING DECISION

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8 RISFSA Road Network and Classification – reclassification of roads based on function. Access roads – Class 4 & 5. A standard approach towards prioritisation and allocation of funding for roads to ensure that all criteria, not only technical, are considered when investment decisions are taken Rural Transport Strategy Provision of rural Transport Infrastructure Provision of rural Transport Services Promotion of non-motorised and intermediate means of transport Regulation and safety Capacity Building and monitoring S’hamba Sonke Programme Increase investment in maintenance of key arterial routes to support the rural economy Increased focus in the cost efficient use of labor absorptive methodologies in road construction and maintenance; Know your network: A focused attention on deployment of local resources to support road network asset management Improving Access to Schools and Clinics and other public facilities Delivering a Safe Road environment 8

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10 10 Strategy for the efficient and effective delivery of road infrastructure, the road infrastructure framework:  Embraces all road authorities and recognises constitutional rights;  Embraces practicality and efficiency in institutional arrangements;  Supports the establishment of effective co-ordinating structures throughout government (horizontally and vertically) to promote efficiency in road service delivery;  Is based on practical and effective management procedures;  Promotes the broadening of participation in the road programme delivery within the confines of efficiency;  Promotes the integration of transport service delivery (not only roads);  Promotes the concept that investment criteria should satisfy social, economic and strategic demands;  Is founded on a sound and sustainable financial base, and  Examines the involvement of the private sector in all aspects, including financing, in the light of potential short and long-term impacts. RISFSA

11  RISFSA: “Greater accent than hitherto needs to be placed on rural access roads as well as on the metropolitan and urban road network” p. 53. “To address [the] challenge [of access roads] DOT in partnership with roads authorities is planning to establish access roads development programme that will be used as a vehicle to target resources towards the elimination of access road backlogs…focusing on areas of poverty, remote rural communities and settlements in fringes. This process will be integrated with the current initiative that promotes development of labor intensive construction programmes in each of the provinces; and the maximisation of labor intensity in the delivery of road infrastructure for both capital and maintenance programmes and projects.” p.83. 11

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14 14 Technical Issues Technical Skills Development to be fast tracked for the entire sector; Capacitating of Municipalities; Optimal split been work performed in-house and work outsourced. Ongoing technical assessment and monitoring required; Ongoing collection and updating of Road Network Information required; Improved inter-governmental coordination required to improve efficiency in the utilisation of existing grants (MIG, Human Settlements); Dedicated funding required for Rural Access Road Development. New fund or splitting of MIG. However, the level of funding has to be increased.

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16 16 ProvinceProgrammeDescriptionExpenditure GP 20T (20 Townships) Programme - Construction of Ultra- Thin Reinforced Concrete Pavement (UTRCP) using CSIR 139,343,454 KZN Vukuzakhe Programme ARRUP RRD Upgrading of gravel roads to tar African Renaissance Roads Upgrading Upgrading Roads for Rural Development 147,000,000 51,027,081 LP Gundu Lashu ProgrammeUpgrading of roads using learner contractors (Otta Seals). 363,459,282 MP Upgrading of roads to cape-seal standards Construction of access roads including access ways for pedestrians using LIC methods 178,034,454 NC Scaling-Up of access roadsUpgrading of gravel roads using cape seal 95,251,075 WC Non-Motorised Transportation (NMT) programme Construction of sidewalks using LIC methods 5,928,603 Total Investment In Upgrading of Roads 980,043,949

17 17 ProvinceProgrammeDescriptionExpenditure EC Sakha Isizwe Household Contractor Development Programme Area Wide Road Maintenance Programme. Routine road maintenance using length-man system (household contractors). Vigorous routine road maintenance project. 108,000,000 52,537,46 FS Contractor Development Programme The roads department recruited 100 emerging contractors of 1 to 2 CE CIDB registration level to do routine road maintenance projects. 34,072,667 KZN ZibambeleMaintenance of rural roads using household contractors Routine roads maintenance 221,708,726 LP Tsela TshweuRoutine road maintenance programme 12,261,103 MP SiyatentelaRoutine road maintenance programme 44,228,850 NW Routine road maintenance programme. (Rephelele) Routine road maintenance programme 213,111,206 WC Routine road maintenance programme Projects to exited Vukuphile learnership contractors. 148,982,115 Total Investment on Road Maintenance 787,618,413,

18 National Benchmarking exercise to ensure that a National Programme is designed and implemented underway – S’hamba Sonke Concept Document and Implementation Guidelines developed 18

19 19 Progress to date  Implementing the “Know Your Network” concept of S’hamba Sonke Programme  Special Provisions in DORA for provinces  to utilise up to R500 per km from the Provincial Road Maintenance Grant (PRMG) for Visual Condition Assessment & Data Collection for a defined gravel road network  to utilise up to R10 million for technical support staff from the PRMG  Rural Transport Services and Infrastructure Grant (RTSIG)  To assist rural district municipalities to define its road network, set up rural road asset management systems, and collect road and traffic data for inclusion into a RAMS processing system.  The DoT is supporting 21 District Municipalities in implementation of the RAMS Development Programme.  to provide technical support (via SANRAL) to process RAMS data and provide reports, with regards maintenance intervention requirements

20  Met with the company that presented to PC to acquire database of schools and its assessment of lack of access and mobility  DOT met with Department of Basic Education on 5 June 2012  Establishment of Task Team to address mobility and access to include (CSIR, Departments of Co- operative Governance, Health, Education and other critical role players) 20

21  Finalisation of the reclassification of roads and assignment of administrative responsibility at municipal level  Engagements with National Treasury on adequacy of funding for roads development at municipal level (ongoing)  Effective intergovernmental co-operation to support roads development at local government 21

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