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Dissemination: Communication, Public Relations, and Propaganda Linda Mason

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Presentation on theme: "Dissemination: Communication, Public Relations, and Propaganda Linda Mason"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dissemination: Communication, Public Relations, and Propaganda Linda Mason

2 DISSEMINATION  requirement  influences  shows accountability

3 DISSEMINATION  The process of COMMUNICATING information about your research to the PUBLIC  NOT propaganda

4 ALL THROUGH THE GRANT PROJECT  Include dissemination strategies and activities from the very beginning  Link the dissemination activities to:  the statement of need,  the program delivery,  evaluation, and  budget

5 NARRATIVE  Include dissemination narrative in:  your program narrative,  evaluation plan, and  budget - 5-10% of the total budget amount

6 In no way should dissemination be an afterthought!  Disseminate information about  activities  results  findings  successes  failures  human interest

7 FOLLOW THE GUIDANCE PROVIDED BY YOUR GRANTING AGENCY  Use creativity  Use tools available  Tailor to fit your project

8 TARGET SEVERAL AUDIENCES  Very local - your own department  Local - your own college or university  State  Regional  National  International  Specific audiences identified by the funding agency

9 REPORTS  Document dissemination in quarterly, annual, and final reports  Include both successes and failures  Use reports and dissemination as a way to pave the future for more funding!  Find out and let others know

10 HOW MUCH $?  Rule of thumb - about 5-10% resources and effort  Dissemination,  Public relations  Communicating about your grant efforts and results

11 HOW?  Presentations at technical meetings  Articles, briefs, other writings in journals, magazines, newsletters  Press releases (you prepare and let reporters edit – include photos)  Add information to a searchable data base  Produce ‘How To’ guides  Produce leaflets and brochures

12 HOW?  Special targeted meetings on campus and off campus (host live meetings or use OneNet for videoconferences)  department - college  university - high school students  county - high school teachers  State- Region  nation - international groups  professional orgs - civic organizations  Develop seminars and workshops of peers  Speakers to provide talks to various community and professional organizations

13 HOW?  Build dissemination events into your schedule  Identify uses for your grant activities to be used in other settings  Communicate your willingness to share:  schools- organizations  adult clubs- civic organizations  scouts - university classes  youth groups- academic clubs  senior citizen programs  university recruiters  university career advisors  Continuing education workshops

14 HOW?  Community discussion groups  Festivals  Cultural events  Conferences  Face-to-face meetings  Business leader groups  Churches

15 HOW?  Develop DVDs, CD-ROMs, video tapes  Project website  Add links to other websites, department, university, professional organization

16 HOW CAN ONE NET HELP?  Videoconference local meetings  Videoconference statewide meetings  All Oklahoma colleges and universities  All Oklahoma technical schools  85% High schools/middle schools  Libraries  Government offices and agencies  Hospitals  Businesses

17 HOW CAN ONE NET HELP?  Videoconference national meetings  Internet 2  National Lambda Rail  Project websites  Discuss with colleagues in other states and/or other countries  Send results and data to colleagues in other states & other countries

18 HOW CAN ONE NET HELP?  Share courses with other institutions  Share courses with high schools  Share courses with other countries  Virtual field trips for students and researchers  Research sites  Work sites  Application sites  Other states  Other countries  Museums or special collections

19 OneNet  OneNet is the nation’s largest private/public partnership telecommunication system.  Universities and colleges in Oklahoma have access to the highest rated telecommunication in the United States.  OneNet costs are invisible to the grant agency and the project director.

20 WHY?  Lead to future funding  Share with colleagues  Share with the world  New project ideas  Recruit into the field  Represent the field to the public  Responsible citizenship  Eliminate “reinvention of the wheel”  Increase status - you, university, funder

21 REMEMBER:  Practice ethical behavior  Guard your intellectual property rights  Do not violate other’s property rights  Follow the public relations processes and procedures of your organization  If there is not a policy, help develop one

22 DISSEMINATION  Have fun  Enjoy  Share  Communicate  Bask in your successes  Celebrate successes with others  Educate your communities Remember, a success includes identifying a failure and providing insights for its remediation.

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