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Legal Framework of protected sites and status of ecological networks in Montenegro Milena Kapa Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Montenegro May,29.

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Presentation on theme: "Legal Framework of protected sites and status of ecological networks in Montenegro Milena Kapa Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Montenegro May,29."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal Framework of protected sites and status of ecological networks in Montenegro Milena Kapa Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Montenegro May,29. 2009. Sarajevo

2 MONTENEGRO South East Europe South West Balkan Area:13,812 km2 Climate: Mediterranean Continental Mountains: 85 % Valley plains: 15% Sea Coast: 293 km (55km sand beach) National parks: 4 Canyons: 5 Lakes: 40


4 Legal framework for protected sites The Law on Environment (“Official Gazette of ME”, no. 48/08) with principle of conservation of natural and biological diversity. The Law on Nature Protection ("Official Gazette of ME“ no. 51/08) protects nature as a whole, special natural values, landmarks and natural rarities, significant for life and work of citizens.

5 Legal framework for protected sites The Law on National Parks ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro ", no. 47/91), defines conservation and management of national parks, as natural assets of general interest. The new Law on National Parks is in the Parliament approval procedure, which foresees a new National Park in Prokletije. The National Strategy of Sustainable Development (2007) The National Environmental Policy (2008) The National Biodiversity Strategy (review 2009)

6 Protected Areas in Montenegro of regional / international / transboundary importance   Spatial Plan of Montenegro until 2020   6 National Parks including foreseen new “Prokletije” and “Orjen”   6 Regional Parks   3 International PAs

7 EMERALD NETWORK IN MONTENEGRO  Project of “Establishing an Emerald Network” from 2005-2008 under responsibility of the Ministry of Tourism and Environment  Initiated by the Council of Europe based on the criteria of the Resolutions 4 and 6 of the Convention on the conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats and Annexes I and II of the Habitats and Birds Directives,  156 habitat types, 5 plant species, 5 moss species and 162 species of invertebrates and vertebrates significant for conservation have been identified on Montenegrin territory.  Actions: - training workshop in Belgrade and Ohrid - identification of habitat and species per bio-geographic region according to the Bern Convention and Habitats Directive, - identification of habitat and species per bio-geographic region according to the Bern Convention and Habitats Directive, - distribution maps of selected species and habitats in GIS, - distribution maps of selected species and habitats in GIS, - digital boundaries for areas of special conservation interest, - digital boundaries for areas of special conservation interest, - final report on project activities and results. - final report on project activities and results.

8 Emerald Network map for Montenegro

9 Benefits of Emerald Network Achievements  Contribution towards European trends for nature conservation;  Database as basic tool for development of future eco-networks;  Getting acquainted with commonly applied methodology;  Capacity building of skilled experts and training for personnel being involved in nature conservation in future;  Preparation for Natura 2000 network development. Problems:  Lack of fresh ecological data on some areas, species populations;  Lack of digitized maps and GIS system in Montenegro;  Incompatibility of Palaeractic classification with regionally applied syntaxonomy;  Lack of regionally important endemic plant and fauna species and marine species in the resolution No. 6.

10 Emerald leading to Natura 2000  The Emerald network data and sites serve as base for the establishment of the NATURA 2000 network in the upcoming period….  …as another milestone of Montenegro towards regional stabilisation, European integration and association to the EU.


12 Nature/ biodiversity protection and protected areas (Natura 2000) NATIONAL FRAMEWORK Law on Nature Conservation (Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 51/08) - 6 categories of protected areas, - sets the legal basis for improved management and for … - establishment of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. - Discussion on stakeholder and policy/ planning framework … - relevant for this policy sub-area has been detailed in the previous section too. Nature/ biodiversity protection and protected areas (Natura 2000) NATIONAL FRAMEWORK Law on Nature Conservation (Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 51/08) - 6 categories of protected areas, - sets the legal basis for improved management and for … - establishment of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. - Discussion on stakeholder and policy/ planning framework … - relevant for this policy sub-area has been detailed in the previous section too.

13 Ongoing project / cross-border “Integrated management of Skadar Lake ecosystem” WB, GEF-4,9 mil. Dollars Implementation phase  Way to improvement:  Principles of sustainability  All stakeholders involvement  “Huge” infrastructure sanitation  Joint activities (management)  International standards (Ramsar, WFD) Basic characteristics  Montenegro-Albania  Biggest Lake on Balkan Peninsula  Diversity: natural, cultural, social  Water resource  Biodiversity: Fauna, flora, fungi  Ornithology, ichtiology, vascular flora

14 Planned project UNDP/GEF Strengthening the sustainability of the protected area system of Montenegro, UNDP/GEF. Components of the project are: Component 1 Expand and rationalise the PA system to ensure better habitat representation and more secure conservation status; and Component 2 Strengthen the capacity of PA institutions to effectively manage a more representative protected area system.

15 NATURA 2000  “Serbia, Montenegro and Natura 2000: Strengthening the Capacity of Governments and civil sector to adapt to EU Nature Protection Aquis” – Montenegro Natura 2000 database development  WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund) ("WWF") has approved funding of EUR 17.838,00 to the Institute for Nature Protection of Montenegro  The overall goal of the Institute for Nature Protection of Montenegro is to support Daphne and WWF and coordinate and oversee local experts to provide expertise and receive capacity building for the establishment of a functional N2000 database in Montenegro with mapped, updated and field-verified data by the end of the project in 2011.  “Introduction of Natura 2000 in Montenegro”, training workshop was held on 8 and 9 May, 2008. in hotel Sind, Muo, Montenegro, with around 25 participants from science institutes, government representatives and NGO’s. The training was organized by NGO “Green Forest”, supported by Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Montenegro.

16 FUTURE PRIORITIES Requirements in Montenegro  Expansion of the network of protected areas  Establishment of Natura 2000 - for preservation of Montenegrin biodiversity  An effective policy with clear priorities towards biodiversity protection  Pave the way for placing more valuable habitats under protection and for better management of protected areas. better management of protected areas. That is why MTE should undertake the following steps:  Initiate and lead the process of policy formulation (first half of 2009);  Provide for the background analysis of policy issues and possible solutions (first half of 2009); Organise consultation process (from strat until end of the process); Formulate policy (second half of 2010). (first half of 2009); Organise consultation process (from strat until end of the process); Formulate policy (second half of 2010).

17 Problems in project realization defined in the strategic documents  Absence of a national environmental strategy as one reason for the gap of clear priorities for the country‘s international environmental cooperation.  Institutional capacity of the environmental authorities is weak.  Unsufficient level of project documentation.  No adjustment in some segments of the legislative with the EU Directivs.  Lack of the financial assets.  Lack of the human resources.

18 Thank you for your attention! Tel.:+382 20 482 176

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