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Mission  College Access  College Completion  Targets Low Income Students.

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2 Mission  College Access  College Completion  Targets Low Income Students

3 Partnership Frost Bank College Forward  Promotes Education  Encourages an educated workforce  Focuses on bettering the community  Promotes Education  Encourages an educated workforce  Focuses on bettering the community

4 Topics of Discussion  Operations of College Forward Program  Low Income Students  Need of Program  Distribution of Endowment

5 Operations of Program  Main Offices  Manor, TX  Houston, TX  College Preparatory Classes  Central Texas High Schools  Greater Houston Area High Schools  College Completion Programs  Collegian Mentor Universities

6 Program Mentors  Recent College Graduates  AmeriCorps Members  Federal Agency  Corporation for National & Community Service  Training Program  On Demand Support

7 Students College Access Program College Completion Program  Low Income  Motivated  First Generation  Juniors  Top 60%  National School Lunch Program  Available to College Access Program Participants  Attendee of Collegian Mentor Campus

8 Comparison Low Income Middle and High Income  9% persist to Bachelor’s Degree  77% persist to Bachelor’s Degree Social Impact

9 Postsecondary Education Opportunity 2010

10 TG Research and Analytical Services

11 Financial Costs Social Impact

12 Programs and Benefits of Donation ContributionProgramsBenefits to Students $50,000.00College Preparatory Curriculum Afterschool Classes Twice a Week -SAT/ACT Preparation -Scholarship Essay -Build a Resume $20,000.00Summer Tour of Colleges Week Long Event -College Application -Networking $15,000.00College 101 for ParentDay Long Workshop -Financial Aid -College Selection $15,000.00College Retention Program On Campus Meetings - Counseling - Academic Planning

13 TG Research and Analytical Services A High School Curriculum of Academic Intensity Boosts College Success for Disadvantaged Students

14 Innovation College Forward Comments

15 Help Pave Paths to Success  Vanessa, College Forward Coach  Helps students “realize that rejection isn’t necessarily a barrier” to future success.  Eiliana, College Forward Graduate, First Generation  “College Forward really did help me. Having people there with you, going through the process, really helps you, because they have experience with it already.”  Nick, College Forward Student  “College Forward classes really helped with time management,”

16 Help Pave Paths to Success  Chris, College Forward Student  Attended four day tour of colleges  “We got an awesome idea about different kinds of colleges…College Forward has made the prospect of going to college more real…I’ve always had… a desire to be scholarly. I see now that college is more attainable. I’m for sure going. It’s in my grasp now.”  Vanessa, College Forward Student  “I never really considered art as something I could do [in school]…but my Coach, Emily, really got me thinking about art, thinking that I could do something like that.”

17 Community Service Food Drive Habitat for Humanity Helping at Community Garden Mayor Recognizes AmeriCorps Mentors College Forward Houston BlogSpot

18 Questions? Kianni Guemez- Ms. Future Longhorn Coach Xenia and Sam Houston bound student- Cindy Lopez Duc Nguyen, Coach Natalie, Saira, and Coach Jessica College Forward Houston BlogSpot

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