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The HIT Innovation Hub WP5 of Tempus IDEA. Basic Requirements Wide concept Interdisciplinary Serves Engineering, Design, Sciences and MOT disciplines.

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Presentation on theme: "The HIT Innovation Hub WP5 of Tempus IDEA. Basic Requirements Wide concept Interdisciplinary Serves Engineering, Design, Sciences and MOT disciplines."— Presentation transcript:

1 The HIT Innovation Hub WP5 of Tempus IDEA

2 Basic Requirements Wide concept Interdisciplinary Serves Engineering, Design, Sciences and MOT disciplines Research center for innovation Covers several Themes Communicate with companies, industries and governmental organizations Scalable for Sustainability

3 Concept M 3 IC Interaction Lab Business Lab Master's Program in Integrated Design Academic Innovation Hub (AIH)

4 Organization VP for Academic Affairs steering committee He ad of Master's Program in Integrated design Head of Interaction Lab Head of Business Lab Head of M­­ 3IC Coordinator Chief Operation Officer Business Development Project Manager and final projects coordinato r

5 Usage Research Center Interdisciplinary courses – undergraduate and graduate Integrative courses for last year undergraduate Final projects undergraduate and graduate Teaching / Learning Cooperation with Industry Cooperation with different HEI

6 Physical Location of AIH The Hub will be located at the entrance of Building 8 including the Hall and a big classroom. An Architect was already appointed to design the area. Architect Lila Chitayat will coordinate and control his deliverable.

7 Mission Statement Our mission statement is to leverage our multidisciplinary area of activities into a research and industry cooperation innovation center. We hope this Center will enable both students and researchers to pave a path for an innovative academic and social future and push it towards new horizons.

8 Time Table – First Year

9 The AIH and its relation to HIT Design Interaction Lab Engineering Managment of Tecjnology Computer science Design Engineering Computer science Management of Technology Instructional Technologies Management of Technology Instructional Technologies Design Engineering Management of Technology I nteracti on Lab Busines s Lab M. Design M 3 IC

10 Multi-Modal Interaction Center M 3 IC Multimedia, Multimodality, Human -Machine Interaction Center.

11 Motivation The area of Human Machine interaction is interesting for both Academic and Industry activity Multimodal applications are relevant for multi area hi-tech industries and products Multimodal Technologies are relevant to many faculties in HIT: CS, EE, Tech Mgn, Design Research in the area is growing

12 Mission Statement of M 3 IC Creating an activity center which will be used by multi-disciplinary students and researchers The center facilities will enable research projects and cooperation with other institutions and industry partners. It will form a vision center of multimodal interaction interests which does not exist in Israel today

13 Relations to Local Organizations The AIH will work in cooperation with local museums, local industries, schools and other children activities center. Today there are different activities of cooperation with these local organizations promoted by the different faculties. In the future, these activities will benefit from the facilities and coordination of the AIH, which will provide services in all areas. The multidisciplinary concept will enable different industries and organizations to work with the AIH while providing a real world environment for the students.

14 Measuring Criteria for AIH The number of students that participates in the AIH activities. The profit of the AIH. Although the AIH is not a company, it should gradually grow to financially balance its sustenance. The degree of interdiciplinarity in its activities (i.e. the breadth of participation of student and staff from the different faculties). The number of projects conduced at AIH and their accumulated size. The amount of cooperation with industries. The level and amount of events representing HIT and HIT students in Israel and abroad (exhibitions, international competitions, conferences)

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