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11.2 NOTES The Western Democracies Stumble. Standard and Objective 10.8.2 Understand the role of appeasement, nonintervention (isolationism), and the.

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Presentation on theme: "11.2 NOTES The Western Democracies Stumble. Standard and Objective 10.8.2 Understand the role of appeasement, nonintervention (isolationism), and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 11.2 NOTES The Western Democracies Stumble

2 Standard and Objective 10.8.2 Understand the role of appeasement, nonintervention (isolationism), and the domestic distractions in Europe and the United States prior to the outbreak of World War II Objective- Students will understand the economic and social problems of Europe and the U.S. prior to WWII

3 I. Politics in the Postwar World Western Democracies faced problems economically and socially  Irish Republican Army- (IRA) wins independence from Britain for most of the country  The “Red Scare”- fear of communists, led to restricted immigration U.S., isolationism

4 II. Postwar Foreign Policy France feared it border with Germany built the Magiont Line- fortifications Britain looked to relax the punishment of Germany France refused Kellogg-Briand Pact- agreement for nations to not use war to get stuff Disarmament- reduction of armed forces, most reduced navies League of Nations weak, does not enforce policy

5 III. Postwar Economies Britain-high unemployment, low wages led to a general strike in 1926 France recovered slowly Germany was hurt by repartitions U.S. booms

6 IV. The Great Depression Why did it happen?  Falling demand and overproduction  Less demand-> factories cut back->more unemployed->less demand  Financial crisis- risky borrowing, inflated stock prices, nervous panic  U.S. puts up tariff other raised tariffs-> trade stood still Great Depression- painful time of global economic collapse

7 V. The U.S. Reacts to Depression Pres. Herbert Hoover-no government interference in private business Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)- introduces the “New Deal”- social and economic programs  FDIC- protect bank investments  Social Security- help for elderly  Aid Farmers  Work Programs New Deal failed to end depression but did ease the pain and pave road to recovery later

8 Questions What does this cartoon think about the ideas of the new deal?

9 Questions

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