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Application of Total Quality Management Approaches in the Academic Libraries of Public Sector Universities BY Uzma Akhtar Khalid Mahmood Sanghera Student.

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1 Application of Total Quality Management Approaches in the Academic Libraries of Public Sector Universities BY Uzma Akhtar Khalid Mahmood Sanghera Student Counselor Librarian Allama Iqbal Open University Govt. College for Elementary Multan Teachers Rangeel Pur Multan, Ph.D. Student University of The Punjab, Lahore

2 INTRODUCTION A school, a college, and any university of a society can never alone impart education; each of them is dependent upon a library—a centre of wholesome education for concrete and ultimate knowledge.

3 Academic Library An entity in any academic institution that provides an organized collection of printed and other material, a staff trained to provide and interpret such material as required to meet the demands of user for his educational work” (Carey and Williams from instruction section of Academic Library Survey of IPEDS, 2003).

4 Academic Libraries of Universities At the university level library is a: partner with departments of the university in meeting in teaching, research and learning commitments of that university. (Kavulya et al, 2004).

5 Quality Meeting expectations of the customer/user William A Foster remarks, “Quality is never an accident, it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution, it represents the many choices of alternatives.”

6 Total Quality Management Aune (1998: 8) defines TQM as the Management approach of an organization centered on quality, Based on the participation of all its members Aiming at long term success through customer satisfaction Benefits to all members of the organization and to society.

7 Libraries and Measurement of Quality Generally, the service quality of an academic library has been described in terms of Its collections, Its size Various service contents. (Kavulya et al, 2004).

8 Quality Pursuits of HEC Realizing the issues of quality, the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan Quality Enhancement Cells (QECs) were established in the public sector universities for improvement of their Academic, Teaching Learning standards. (HEC, 2010).

9 HEC indicators for a quality library HEC provides on its website a few indicators for an academic library in a university. These are about: 200 numbers of books per subject, 50 numbers of reference books per subject, 5 periodicals per week and 10 leading newspapers per day (HEC website).

10 TQM Approaches for Library Key aspects of TQM approaches taken for library are in this study are: Unwavering focus on user, Continuous improvement of libraries, (Khera and Sharma, 2012).

11 OBJECTIVES of THE STUDY The objectives of the study were to: To examine the application of TQM approaches in the libraries of public sector universities. To analyze the perceptions of librarians about application of TQM approaches in the libraries of public sector universities. To explore the views of users of libraries about application of TQM approaches in the libraries of public sector universities.

12 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The study was descriptive in nature and check list and a survey questionnaire were developed to collect data.

13 POPULATION The research population comprised of: Librarians of central and departmental libraries of a public sector universities offering research in Southern Punjab. Research supervisors/ faculty members. Researchers currently enrolled in different programs of university.

14 Sample of Respondents S.NoToolsRespondentsSampleTotal 1ChecklistLibrarians20 2Questionnaire1- Faulty members 2- Researchers 44 88 108

15 Indicators of TQM for Public Sector Libraries S#.TQM ApproachesPerformance IndicatorsSource 1 Unwavering focus on user 1.1Physical Space 1.2 Easy access 1.3 Conducive atmosphere 1.4 Physical atmosphere 1.5 Intellectual freedom, rights and values, 1.6 User privacy confidentiality, 1.7 Collaboration. 1.8 User-centered service 1.9Access to collections (printed & non printed) sufficient in quality, depth, 1.10 Diversity, 1.11 Currency to support the research 1.12 Maximum opening hours Standards for libraries by Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 2011 Rosa et. al(2007) Bayraktar et. al. (2008) Pandi et. al. (2009)

16 Indicators of TQM for Public Sector Libraries S#.TQM ApproachesPerformance IndicatorsSource 2 Continuous improvemen t in library 2.1 Updating with recent trends 2.2 New services (CAS, SDI) 2.3 IT infra structure 2.4 Access to Digital library and downloading 2.5 Continuous access to periodical (5/week) 2.6 Continuous access to leading newspapers (at least 10/day) Standards for libraries by Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 2011 & HEC Affiliation criteria for degree awarding institutions

17 TOOLS OF RESEARCH Check list: This was prepared for librarians Questionnaire : This questionnaire was prepared for research supervisors/faculty members and researchers

18 Findings

19 UNWAVERING FOCUS TO THE USERS Research data of Checklist for the component 1 indicates that 66.81% librarians agreed that user is a prime focus in public sector universities' libraries while 33.18% disagreed with this. Research data of Questionnaire for the component 1 indicates that mean value of the responses calculated is 3.24 which falls in the range of agreement that user is a prime focus in public sector universities' libraries.

20 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF LIBRARY Research data of Checklist for the component 2 indicates that 74.21% librarians disagreed that library receives continuous improvement in public sector universities' libraries while 25.78% agreed with this. Research data of Questionnaire for the component 2 indicates that Mean value obtained is 2.5 which fall in the range of disagreement so it was found users disagreed with it.

21 Conclusion

22 Analysis of first component of Checklist and questionnaire, showed that there is a tendency towards unwavering focus on user of libraries in public sector. Analysis of second component of Checklist and questionnaire, showed that there are fewer tendencies towards continuous improvement of public sector universities' libraries.

23 Recommendations

24 Library services may be provided nonstop 24/7 as a step towards TQM culture. Accessories to regulate the internal atmosphere may be installed.

25 There may be quick acquisition of quality books. Reference services also need regular updating of current books, new journals, periodicals and news papers. Public sector libraries may be equipped with new volumes and other recent updating

26 Automation of library operations, Increase in number of computers, Access to HEC digital library Online downloading facility

27 Provision of services like: Resource Sharing Facility, Current Awareness Service and Selected Dissemination Service

28 Appropriate budget allocation and its provision in time may pave the way towards TQM culture in libraries.

29 Quality assurance cells may devise strategy and plans that libraries remain fully equipped with: Latest books Research journals Periodicals Human and mechanical resources

30 Thanks

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