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CSIS-390 History Dr. Eric Breimer. Syllabus 1. Google “Eric Breimer” 2. Click on first link 3. Click on CSIS-390 4. Click on Syllabus.

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Presentation on theme: "CSIS-390 History Dr. Eric Breimer. Syllabus 1. Google “Eric Breimer” 2. Click on first link 3. Click on CSIS-390 4. Click on Syllabus."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSIS-390 History Dr. Eric Breimer

2 Syllabus 1. Google “Eric Breimer” 2. Click on first link 3. Click on CSIS-390 4. Click on Syllabus

3 History  Before designing and developing web pages and web applications it is important to know how it all came about…  Internet  World Wide Web (WWW)

4 Are these things the same?  Internet  World Wide Web

5 ARPAnet  ARPANET ( Advanced Research Projects Agency  1968, Cold War, Military Applications

6 ARPAnet  Originally, Custom/Tailor-made network pplications for sharing data and messages 1968-1973  1971 Email concept developed  Person can have an identifier ebreimer@network_name  Virtual mailbox  By 1973 Email was 75% of the ARPAnet traffic  File Transfer Protocol (FTP) was developed in 1973  General/Generic service concept

7 ARPAnet  Internet  Transition Period 1971-1983  Packet Switching developed and perfected  Instead of point-to-point persistent connections  Robust, fault-tolerant, efficient, survivable  Network of Networks realized on a large scale  The ability to connect different types of networks  TCP/IP

8 Early Internet 1983-1989  No web browsers, no web pages at all…  Only…  Email  FTP (document and image sharing)  Early message board system (BB systems)  Custom data transfer applications  Banking  Early business to business E-commerce

9 In 1989 came the WWW  The concepts existed, but one man implemented the concepts and made them real…  WWW concepts  Hypertext concept – Documents can have links to other documents, just click the text  URL concept – Documents, computers, virtual mailboxes, networks can all have uniform identifier to help locate them

10 Tim Berners-Lee (TBL)  Really he invented the WWW in the sense that he put together a bunch of “good ideas” and implemented…  The first web browser  The first web server  In the process he proposed and developed  HTML  URLs

11 Understanding the WWW  To find documents or data on the Internet you had to  Know numeric IP addresses to locate FTP servers  Login anonymously or with a user account  Know the folder hierarchy and file name of the document/data.  People would share this information via Email.  The idea of just browsing the Internet was silly, you just couldn’t do it.  If you didn’t have connections, you had no idea what was out there…

12 Understanding the WWW  HTTP instead of FTP  Web Browser instead of FTP client  Web Server instead of FTP server  URLs instead of numeric IP addresses  Clicking Hyperlink instead of navigating through folder hierarchies  Universal/Standard document formatting HTML instead of proprietary documents Word, doc, docx, pdf, etc.

13 Are these things the same? Internet  Nuts and bolts  Hardware  TCP/IP  Packet Switching  Network of Networks concept World Wide Web  Content layer of Internet  Software  HTTP  URLs  Hyperlinks

14 Internet vs. WWW  Terms used interchangably by general public and media  You should know that  The WWW is a framework built “on top of” the Internet. The framework includes protocols for sharing data, standards for formatting data, and conventions for locating data. ( The boat )  The Internet is really the “transport layer” of the WWW. ( The river )

15 WWW Matures 1989-1995  1989 TBL invents first web browser and server  1991 Al Gore passes Gore Bill, which helps pave the way $$$ for future development  1993 Mosaic (first good graphical web browser) is born  1993 The National Science Foundation (NSF) creates the InterNIC, which centralizes the control of URL and domain names  1995 NSFnet (formally ARPAnet ) becomes research only network  Internet traffic starts to get routed through a commercial backbone (operated by AT&T, Sprint, and others)

16 Commercialization Period 1995-2000  1995 – Netscape become a household name  Sells web server software…gives away browser for free  Reach almost 90% market share by 1996  1995 – 1996 Microsoft scrambles to come out with competing software (Internet Explore, IIS Web Server)  1996-1999 – Browser Wars between Microsoft and Netscape  HTML is pushed to the limit  Browser plug-ins developed, Flash, RealMedia, etc.  1997-2000 – E-commerce Commercial Explosion  Amazon, E-bay, Online Stock Trading, MP3 trafficking, etc.

17 Browser Wars 1996-1999  Microsoft (Internet Explorer) and Netscape compete to be the #1 browser.  In ’96 Netscape dominated  By ‘99 Internet Explorer was #1  Microsoft Integrated IE into the Windows OS and it was often forced upon people as the default browser  Microsoft paid billions in lawsuit (EU mostly) but still won the war  Netscape makes its source code open, so developers can build upon it.  Leads to the Mozilla Foundation, which eventually develops Firefox.  In 2000, AOL buys out Netscape, which is was failing financially  This marks the end of the war and beginning of Microsoft’s dominance in the WWW.

18 Browser Wars - Significance  Early competition pushed web browsers to the limit.  Browsers use to be simple client applications that could render HTML code.  Now browsers are heavy-weight applications (JavaScript, ActiveX, Flash plug-ins, etc.)  Microsoft’s recent dominance was terrible.  Proprietary, No regard for recognized standards

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