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They Are Our Students THE MILLENNIALS Presented by: Professor Tonja Conerly, San Jacinto College.

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Presentation on theme: "They Are Our Students THE MILLENNIALS Presented by: Professor Tonja Conerly, San Jacinto College."— Presentation transcript:

1 They Are Our Students THE MILLENNIALS Presented by: Professor Tonja Conerly, San Jacinto College

2 THE MILLENNIALS: They Are Our Students Millennials: Who are They? Which Generation Are You? Quiz – How Millennial Are You? Why Is This Generation So Important How They Learn Who They Want to Learn From How Teach Them Change and Transformation

3 WHO ARE THEY? Born between 1980 and 2000 Comprise a major of the U.S. population (80 mill.) Have at least 1 social networking site Own 1 or more personal media device (and use them simultaneously) – don't know life without tech Have high expectations of themselves

4 WHO ARE THEY? Most Racially and Ethnically diverse group Less affiliated with traditional religious denominations Multi-tasking is a way of life Highly sheltered by their parents View college education as a means to an end Find social rules less important

5 WHO ARE YOU? The Traditionalist Baby Boomer Generation Xers

6 TRADITIONALIST Born between 1900 and 1942 Shaped by the Depression, WWII Technology is small part of their lives Loyal, Collaborative High respect of authority 75 million people

7 BABY BOOMERS Born between 1943 to 1960 Television impacted their lives Civil Rights movement, Vietnam Adding Machines to Computers Individualism, rejection of authority, competitivess About 80 million SY&index=2&list=PLA1F04A2DD4F0EDBB

8 GEN Xers Born between 1961 and 1981 Latchkey kids Working Mom, Single parents AIDS, Gulf War Question the government, marriage 46 million dex=6&list=PLEL0jnaqfALfDnTMweKo600RHSTI0laNs dex=6&list=PLEL0jnaqfALfDnTMweKo600RHSTI0laNs

9 WHAT DO WE SHARE ? millennial-are-you/

10 WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? 80 million/41 % of population In 2012, their enrollment in college increased by 93.5% Other generations decreased 50.2% Out of the 10 cities in which millennials live 3 are in the state of Texas (Houston, Austin and Dallas)

11 HOW THEY LEARN By working together in groups By having fun in a relaxed environment Multi-media forum (podcasts, online, etc.) Real example relevant to their culture Interactive and participatory

12 WHO THEY WANT TO FROM Someone with positive attitude Someone energetic Someone open-minded Someone nice, friendly, caring Someone approachable, easy to talk too

13 HOW TO TEACH THEM Using relevant examples Positive tone of voice (authoritarian or democratic) Relaxed and relatable Humor Technology

14 TECHNOLOGY: Learning Mgmt. Systems Learning Management System is used as a virtual learning environment. Colleges and universities use LMSs to deliver online courses or blended/ hybrid college courses over the Internet with features for online collaboration. This system can also be used to enhance your F2F class by going green! We will look at 2 examples, Blackboard and Moodle.

15 BLACKBOARD/MOODLE Blackboard works with our clients to develop and implement a learning management system (LMS) that impacts every aspect of education. We also enable clients to engage students in exciting new ways, reaching them on their terms and devices - and connecting more effectively, keeping students informed, involved, and collaborating together. Moodle is a open-source Learning Platform. Moodle HQ is funded by a global network of certified Moodle Partners who provide Moodle services.

16 QUALITY MATTERS QM processes have been developed to improve and certify the design of online and blended courses. The tools are used in developing, maintaining and reviewing online courses and in training faculty. There are 8 components of a rubric used to assess online/hybrid courses:

17 ONLINE CLASSES CHARACTERISTICS 1.Course Overview and Introduction – The overall design of the course is made clear to the learner at the beginning of the course. 2.Learning Objectives (Competencies) – Learning objectives or competencies describe what learners will be able to do upon completion of the course. 3.Assessment and Measurement – Assessments are integral to the learning process and are designed to evaluate learner progress in achieving the stated learning objectives or mastering the competencies. 4.Instructional Materials – Instructional materials enable learners to achieve stated learning objectives or competencies.

18 ONLINE CLASSES CHARACTERISTICS 5.Course Activities and Learner Interaction – Course activities facilitate and support learner interaction and engagement. 6.Course Technology – Course technologies support learners’ achievement of course objectives or competencies. 7.Learner Support – The course facilitates learner access to institutional support services essential to learner success. 8.Accessibility and Usability – The course design reflects a commitment to accessibility and usability for all learners.

19 LET’S RECAP 1.Generational Quiz 2.Why are they important 3.Who do they want to learn from 4.How do they want to learn 5.Adaptation and Change – Who Moved My Cheese THANK YOU

20 WORK CITED Price, Christy; (2015) “Why Don’t My Students Think I’m Groovy?; Dalton State College Meeting The Needs of Millennial Students. -08/vol16_no1/01.htm ;(Accesses on 2/20/15). -08/vol16_no1/01.htm

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