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Genesis, Generations & Giving Bill Monk & Richard Aguilar.

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1 Genesis, Generations & Giving Bill Monk & Richard Aguilar

2 Genesis, Generations & Giving “Ascribe to the Lord, the honor due God’s name. bring offerings and come into the Courts of the Holy One” – Psalm 96:8

3 Genesis, Generations & Giving Stewardship is giving of time, talent and treasure Stewardship is giving of time, talent and treasure Stewardship is the main work of the church Stewardship is the main work of the church

4 Genesis, Generations & Giving Stewardship in the Church involves: Annual Giving – pledge to yearly budget of the congregation

5 Genesis, Generations & Giving Capital Giving – gifts toward building improvement, property purchase, or any ”bricks and mortar” need

6 Genesis, Generations & Giving Legacy Giving – remembering the church in your will & leaving a bequest to permanent endowment fund of your congregation (See BCP page 445 )

7 Genesis, Generations & Giving Missional Giving – offerings and providing resources for local and/or global mission projects

8 Genesis, Generations & Giving “ I appeal to you, sisters and brothers, by the mercies of God, to present yourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” Romans 12:1

9 Genesis, Generations & Giving The Book of Genesis “Stories of Matriarchs and Patriarchs”

10 Genesis, Generations & Giving Sara & Abraham Rebecca & Isaac Esau & Jacob Joseph & Brothers

11 Genesis, Generations & Giving Generations book by Strauss & Howe, 1991 USA History in cycles of four repeating generations (civic, adaptive, idealistic, reactive) (civic, adaptive, idealistic, reactive)

12 Genesis, Generations & Giving Current adult & youth Generations & Core Values GI (1901-1924): Faith Silent (1925-1942): Hope Boomer (1943-1960): Love Generation X (1961-1981): Belief Generation Y/Millenial (1982-2000): Trust

13 Generations & Money Songs “Money, Money” Cabaret

14 GI Generation Putting on the Ritz (Mel Torme) 1929 Putting on the Ritz (Mel Torme) 1929 With Plenty of Money & You (Henry Busse) 1936 With Plenty of Money & You (Henry Busse) 1936 God Bless the Child (Billie Holiday) 1941 God Bless the Child (Billie Holiday) 1941

15 Silent Generation Sixteen Tons (Merle Travis) 1947 Sixteen Tons (Merle Travis) 1947 This Land is Your Land (Woody Guthrie) 1940 This Land is Your Land (Woody Guthrie) 1940 A Poor Man’s Roses (Patsy Cline) 1956 A Poor Man’s Roses (Patsy Cline) 1956

16 Boomer Generation Money (Barret Strong) 1959 Money (Barret Strong) 1959 Money (The Beatles) 1963 Money (The Beatles) 1963 Money (Pink Floyd) 1973 Money (Pink Floyd) 1973 Money ( Flying Lizards) 1979 Money ( Flying Lizards) 1979

17 Generation X She Works Hard for the Money (Donna Summer) 1983 She Works Hard for the Money (Donna Summer) 1983 Material Girl (Madonna) 1984 Material Girl (Madonna) 1984 Money for Nothing (Dire Straits) 1985 Money for Nothing (Dire Straits) 1985 Mo Money, Mo Problems (Notorious B.I.G.) 1997 Mo Money, Mo Problems (Notorious B.I.G.) 1997

18 Millenial Generation Independent Women (Destiny’s Child) 2000 (Kelly Rowland, Michelle Williams, Beyonce Knowles) Independent Women (Destiny’s Child) 2000 (Kelly Rowland, Michelle Williams, Beyonce Knowles) Money Makes the World Go Round (G-Unit) 2002 Money Makes the World Go Round (G-Unit) 2002 Money, Honey (Lady GaGa) 2011 Money, Honey (Lady GaGa) 2011

19 Genesis, Generations & Giving May one read book of Genesis in order to interpret Generations in our times?

20 Genesis, Generations & Giving GI and Sara & Abraham Silent and Rebecca & Isaac Boomer and Esau & Jacob Gen. X and Joseph & Brothers Millenials and Sara and Abraham

21 Genesis, Generations & Giving How may our reading of Genesis and understanding of Generations inform the church about strategies for giving in the 21 st century ?

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