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Media Relations/Editorial Planning & the SDC’s/CIC’s Jennifer Smits Media Relations Branch Public Information Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Relations/Editorial Planning & the SDC’s/CIC’s Jennifer Smits Media Relations Branch Public Information Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Relations/Editorial Planning & the SDC’s/CIC’s Jennifer Smits Media Relations Branch Public Information Office

2 Topics  Major upcoming products – integrating our efforts  Recent Releases  Commuting  County Business Patterns  Population Estimates

3 March: Population Estimates Focus:  The Census Bureau produces population estimates each year, allowing our communities to gauge growth and demographic composition.  Combining with first results of Economic Census showed growth areas driven by sectors of the economy Elements:  Metro area and county population estimates

4 Population Estimates: Integrated Outreach Headquarters:  National news release  Satellite Media Tour Regions:  Leverage changes in local population size with local demographic beat reporters  Identify local 3 rd party experts SDC’s:  Availability as Experts for interviews  Tell more in depth stories through news release, blogs social medial

5 County/Metro Area Results “The coordinator of the State Data Center, Gary Krob, says a central Iowa county is once again the leader in growth. “Dallas County is the fastest growing county in the state of Iowa — had been for a number of years now — and at a significant pace too,” Krob says”

6 County/Metro Area Results “Bob Coats works in the state budget office and the State Data Center. He says people are migrating to urban centers with more robust economies. “Younger population, maybe that's just graduated from high school in one of these rural counties that's caught between those metro areas,” Coats said.”

7 May: Commuting Focus:  The American Community Survey provides a snapshot of how workers commute to work, which helps (local) transportation planners.  May 12 through 16 is Bike to Work Week Elements:  Report on Commuters who Bike & Walk to work  Identify local Bike to Work Week events where Census Data could be highlighted  Template news releases tell broader story of commuting in 25 largest metro areas.

8 Commuting: Integrated Outreach  Headquarters:  National news release  Targeted metro-area news releases  Media tour SDC’s  Media availability for interviews  Identify bike to work events

9 County Business Patterns  Focus  Provides establishments, employees & quarterly & annual payroll for nearly 1,200 industries covered at national, state & county levels.  Elements  News Release  Interviews  Census Explorer

10 Population Estimates (County Demographics)  Focus  annual population estimates released by race, Hispanic origin, age and sex for nation, states, counties.  Elements  Planning in Progress…Stay tuned.

11 Other Upcoming Releases  May: City and Town Population Estimates  May: 65 & Older and Baby Boomer Population Projections  May: Reasons for Moving  May: The 65 and Older Population (Joint Release with NIH)

12 Questions?

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