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Parenting the Net Generation Torrance Memorial Hospital April 15, 2008 Larry Rosen, Ph.D CSU Dominguez Hills.

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Presentation on theme: "Parenting the Net Generation Torrance Memorial Hospital April 15, 2008 Larry Rosen, Ph.D CSU Dominguez Hills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parenting the Net Generation Torrance Memorial Hospital April 15, 2008 Larry Rosen, Ph.D CSU Dominguez Hills

2 Parenting the Net Generation Welcome to the “Media” Generation According to the Kaiser Family Foundation 2005 National Study  Children Spend 6 Hours and 21 Minutes PER DAY using digital media or 44 hours PER WEEK  Accounting for Multitasking, this increases to 8 Hours 33 Minutes PER DAY or 60 HOURS PER WEEK

3 Parenting the Net Generation We are in the Midst of Three Vastly Different Generations That Differ on Personal and Work Values Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964) Generation X (born 1965-1979) Net Generation (born after 1979)

4 Parenting the Net Generation WHAT ARE THEY DOING WITH THEIR MEDIA? Here are data from my 2007 study

5 Parenting the Net Generation TECHNOLOGY HOURS/DAY NET GENERATION GENERATION XBABY BOOMERS Online2:311:581:14 On Computer2:082:321:41 E-Mail1:261:371:14 IM/Chat1:450:360:14 Telephone2:021:471:38 Texting2:201:070:28 Video Games1:080:310:13 Music3:332:351:44 Television2:372:122:25 TOTAL DAILY TECHNOLOGY USE 20:3814:557:51 HOURS OF DAILY TECHNOLOGY USE (only those who use each technology)

6 Parenting the Net Generation HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? Don’t these kids ever sleep? Of course they do (although not enough). The key is MULTITASKING

7 Parenting the Net Generation Multitasking With Free Time Number of TasksNumber of Tasks Net Generation Generation X Baby Boomers

8 Parenting the Net Generation Has Multitasking Gone Too Far?

9 Parenting the Net Generation Why Do They Multitask so Much? One explanation is the rapid pace of technological change

10 Parenting the Net Generation Years to Reach 50 Million Users The Pace of Technology Change is Dizzying What’s Next?

11 Parenting the Net Generation Another possible explanation is a change in communication style and preferences Net Geners prefer asynchronous communication tools They spend more hours texting than talking on the telephone (2:20 vs. 2:02) They love to IM and Chat (1:45) They spend hours on MySpace and Facebook (2:30 at a minimum)

12 Parenting the Net Generation OVERALL HOURS PER DAY USING ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION TOOLS BY GENERATION (E-Mail, IM, Chat, Text Messaging) Net Generation5:31 Generation X3:20 Baby Boomers1:56 Look at How Much They Use These Asynchronous Tools

13 Parenting the Net Generation Plus, They Text Message Substantially More Than “Older” Generations AVERAGE NUMBER OF TEXT MESSAGES PER MONTH BY GENERATION (only for those who use text messaging) Net Generation511 Generation X232 Baby Boomers24

14 Parenting the Net Generation One of their favorite online activities is spending time on MySpace, Facebook, or other social networking websites

15 Parenting the Net Generation What’s so Special About MySpace? Fastest Growing Website in History More Traffic than ANY Other Website 110 MILLION Unique Visitors a Month 5 th Largest Country in the World 80% of 12- to 17-year-olds use MySpace Weekly!

16 Parenting the Net Generation What Do They Do on MySpace? Collect “Friends” Provide Personal Information Display Photos Play Music Create Blogs Get Public Comments from “friends” IM/Chat with “Friends”


18 Parenting the Net Generation How are Net Geners Unique? They were born into a world replete with technology MySpace is all-consuming The MySpace profile is central to their social lives They use MySpace for making friends They use MySpace for trying on different identities PARENTING IS MORE DIFFICULT NOW THAN IN ANY PREVIOUS GENERATION

19 Parenting the Net Generation Overall the generations clearly differ in: The amount of technology they use on a daily basis The types of technology they use How much they multitask with these technologies


21 Parenting the Net Generation We live in world where rapid change is the norm. For many, it is stressful. For Net Geners, it is the only way they know how to live their lives.

22 Parenting the Net Generation Which Technologies Do the Different Generations Use?


24 Parenting the Net Generation To better understand how to parent a Net Gener, it is important to focus on the differences between these children, teens, and young adults and their Gen X and Baby Boomer parents in terms of their personal and work values.

25 Parenting the Net Generation WORK VALUES: Baby Boomers Single Lifetime Job Fiercely Loyal to Company Work is Life/Personally Fulfilling Avoid Making Waves Everyone has a Voice – Boss Sets the Rules Team Player – Loves Meetings

26 Parenting the Net Generation WORK VALUES: Baby Boomers (continued) Routines are Important Process vs. Product Face-to-Face or Telephone Communication Learned Technology After School Motivated by Being “Valued”

27 Parenting the Net Generation WORK VALUES: Generation X Multiple Jobs to Find a “Career” Self-Reliant: Set Own Time Plan Work to Have More Fun in Life Challenge Authority: Ask Why Motivated by Rewards at the End of Every Project

28 Parenting the Net Generation WORK VALUES: Generation X (continued) Grew Up With Technology Prefer Cell Phone or E-Mail Communication Want Immediate Access to Bosses Good Multitaskers Product vs. Process: They Hate Meetings

29 Parenting the Net Generation WORK VALUES: Net Generation Build a Career Through Skill Acquisition Balance Between Life and Work Goal Oriented But Collegiality Important Want Meaningful Work – Not Boredom Motivated by Working with Bright/Creative People and Learning New Skills

30 Parenting the Net Generation WORK VALUES: Net Generation (continued) Need Constant, Instantaneous Feedback Communicate via IM, Chat, Texting Grew Up With Everything Technological Multitaskers to the Nth Degree

31 Parenting the Net Generation PERSONAL VALUES Baby Boomers Optimistic and Self-Confident Beginnings of Fractured Family Structure Politically Active Buy Now, Pay Later

32 Parenting the Net Generation PERSONAL VALUES Generation X Skeptical and Low Trust of Authority Latchkey Kids Political Apathy Monetarily Conservative: Save Save Save

33 Parenting the Net Generation PERSONAL VALUES Net Generation Realistic World View – Trust Authority Blended Families – Strong Family Bonds Political and Community Action Earn to Spend

34 Parenting the Net Generation Clearly these three generations are different on many dimensions. These differences become issues to consider when parenting children, teens, and young adults

35 Parenting the Net Generation Process vs. Product In-Person vs. Online Meetings Communication Modalities Work Schedules: Rigid vs. Flex Motivational Tools Reinforcements and Rewards Collegiality Work vs. Play (Time Off) Career Expectations

36 Parenting the Net Generation HOW DO TECHNOLOGY USE AND PARENTING STYLE IMPACT PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH? My Recent Research With Parents, Pre-Teens, Teens, and Young Adults Answers Some of These Questions

37 Parenting the Net Generation FIVE STUDIES  Study 1: February 2006 N = 1,257 MySpacers; 241 Teenagers  Study 2: June 2006 N = 267 Parent-Teen Pairs  Study 3: September 2006 N = 342 Parent-Teen Pairs  Study 4: March 2007 N = 482 Parent-Teen Pairs  Study 5: September 2007 N = 1,319 Pre-Teens, Teens, and Adults

38 Parenting the Net Generation Kids MySpace Behaviors MySpace Experiences MySpace Attitudes Parent-Teen Attachment Parent-Teen Intimacy Self-Esteem Internet Addiction Depression Online/Offline Honesty Online/Offline Shyness Online Social Confidence Parenting Style Computer Location Parent Awareness of Online Behavior Limits on Media Use (Internet, MySpace, Video Games, etc.) Parent Concerns (Sexual Solicitation, Cyberbullying, Pornography, etc.) Parents

39 Parenting the Net Generation PARENTING STYLE Two Dimensions Control/Demandingness/Strictness/Supervision “My parents know exactly where I am most afternoons after school” Warmth/Responsiveness/Parental Involvement “I can count on my parent to help me out if I have some kind of problem.”

40 Parenting the Net Generation High Warmth High Strictness High Warmth Low Strictness Low Warmth High Strictness Low Warmth Low Strictness AUTHORITATIVE PARENTING INDULGENT PARENTING AUTHORITARIAN PARENTING NEGLECTFUL PARENTING

41 Parenting the Net Generation Parenting Styles

42 Parenting the Net Generation



45 April 7, 2008 Study Ties Bedroom TV to Unhealthy Habits in Teens Teens With TVs in Rooms Have Lower Grades, Poorer Diets

46 Parenting the Net Generation






52 CONCLUSIONS Parenting style impacts the online behaviors, psychological health, and attitudes of children, teens, and young adults.

53 Parenting the Net Generation IMPLICATIONS Overall, Authoritative parenting setting clear limits with warmth, caring, and teen input positively impacts all aspects of teen interactions with MySpace.

54 Parenting the Net Generation RECOMMENDATIONS Develop an Authoritative Parenting Style Do set rules and limits on technology use and behavior Do ask your children for their thoughts and ideas about these rules and limits Set consequences for violations

55 Parenting the Net Generation RECOMMENDATIONS “Proactive vs. Reactive Parenting” Have Discussions in Advance Set Consequences in Advance When Something “New” Pops up Use Reactive Parenting

56 Parenting the Net Generation THE T.A.L.K. MODEL OF PARENTING Trust Assess Learn “K”ommunicate

57 Parenting the Net Generation TRUST No Clandestine Eavesdropping No Technological Filters Discuss, Don’t Remove/Punish

58 Parenting the Net Generation ASSESS Pay Attention to Technology Use Consider Technology Location Practice Co-Viewing Establish a Habit of Overt Observation Visit Their MySpace – Often – and Pay Attention to Their “Friends”

59 Parenting the Net Generation LEARN Gain Knowledge Learn From Your Children Create Your Own MySpace/Facebook Page Try ALL Their Technologies. Ask Them to Show You How to Use Them (IM, text, video games, YouTube, and Whatever is the Next Big Rage)

60 Parenting the Net Generation “K”ommunicate Have Proactive Family Discussions – Often but Short Create More “Face Time” Through Family Dinners or Evening Games/TV Watching Use Any Opportunity to Communicate – Don’t Let Kids Escape Through Technology

61 Parenting the Net Generation PRACTICE GOOD BEHAVIORAL PARENTING Punish only when needed and practice “Least Restrictive Alternatives” Catch Them Being Good Model Appropriate Behavior (TV, phone) Monitor Sleep Habits & Caffeine Consumption Control Impulse to Yank the Plug

62 Parenting the Net Generation Using Net Gen Language: Thk u vry mch 4 ur time. NE q’s 4 me?

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