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Rope Eater Todd May, Monica Mulargia, Mason O’Lennick

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Presentation on theme: "Rope Eater Todd May, Monica Mulargia, Mason O’Lennick"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rope Eater Todd May, Monica Mulargia, Mason O’Lennick
Mechanical Engineering 101 WSU: Vancouver Fall 2007

2 Outline Introduction Design Experimentation Construction
Performance Predictions / Reflection(s)

3 Introduction Purpose: Climb free hanging / secured rope without intervention Course Material Application: Force, Friction, Power, Compound Geartrain, Mechanical Design Real World Application: Unmanned exploration and robotics, etc.

4 Design Varying initial concepts; varying difficulties

5 Design Varying initial concepts; varying difficulties

6 Design Varying initial concepts; varying difficulties

7 Experimentation Paper turns into metal

8 Construction

9 Construction

10 Construction

11 Construction

12 Construction

13 Construction

14 Performance Predictions
More contact area on drive wheel means better grip Smaller drive wheel requires less torque A rough estimate for the time it will take would be about 20 seconds

15 Reflections We changed our design to have more rope to drive wheel contact We used aluminum because it was light and strong Hardest part for us was getting a drive wheel Over all we spent about $35 on materials In the future we would implement lighter building materials

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