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Space conveyer Space conveyer Results of Advanced Research.

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1 Space conveyer Space conveyer Results of Advanced Research

2 Schematic of rope system with rope location along the Earth radius Rope length L=270km. Н b = 180 km station orbital velocity V ST = 7644 m/s Н ST = 450 km end-block velocity V b = 7320 m/s circular velocity at the altitude Н b V b = 7800 m/s overload at the end-block р = 0.12 V ST VbVb НbНb Н ST Center of mass Fig. 1 End-block L

3 Oscillator dynamic characters Velocity at point А V A = 6810 m/s Velocity at point С V C = 7830 m/s Overload at point А p = 0.31 Overload at point С p = 0.08  max ~ 55 0 period of oscillation T = 4500 s. D B  max А C VCVC VAVA Н ST НbНb Fig..2 V ST

4 End-block С1 А1А2 End-block С1 А1А2 Center of mass Schematic of station angular orientation control by means of rope system (a)(b) Control of rope (C1) location relative to the station’s center of mass is realized by means of automatic change of rope segments (A1 or A2) lengths. (а) - before the control; (b) - during the control process. fig.3 12 12

5 End-block “Turned over” version of Space oscillator V ST (C) (A) Altitude of the station orbit Н ST = 450 km. Rope length L = 270 km. Position (C): end-block velocity V = 8490 м/с overload р = 0.3 Fig. 4

6 Scheme of loads exchange in “turned over” version of Space oscillator. V rot. V orb. V rot. Phase 1 Initial oscillator position Phase 2 Docking cargo C1 at the end-block Phase 3 Exchange cargo C1 with C2 Phase 4 Cargo C2 separation C2 C1 C2 C1 Fig. 5

7  V orb End-block C1 S1 S2 Utilization of sling-based transport system for launching the payload to interplanetary trajectory interplanetary trajectory fig. 6Fig 7 Cargo 2 Cargo 1 Center of masses Sling schematic with cargoes docked at the end-blocks C1 C2

8 Sling near Moon Sling 1 Sling 2 Elliptic orbit 2 11.2 km/s 5.8 km/s 9.4 km/s Elliptic orbit 1 8.9 km/s Velocity pulse values Delivery by means of rocket Velocity pulses distributions along the trace “Earth - Moon” Fig.8 Earth surface

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