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Members’ Forum 30 th November 2013 To enjoy safe flying, friendship, and sharing our passion for aviation.

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Presentation on theme: "Members’ Forum 30 th November 2013 To enjoy safe flying, friendship, and sharing our passion for aviation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Members’ Forum 30 th November 2013 To enjoy safe flying, friendship, and sharing our passion for aviation

2 Agenda Safety Management System (SMS) Gliding Incidents and Lessons to be Learnt LSA Incidents and Lessons to be Learnt Tow Ropes – Glider Launching CTAF Frequency and Changes to Airspace Administration Matters Tug Futures Open Discussion

3 Safety Management System - SMS Why do we need one It is a legislative requirement To maintain a safe environment for all persons so far as is reasonably practicable What is an SMS It is a document that sets out how we are to go about our general business in a safe manner

4 Safety Management System - SMS ASC has been active CASA approved GFA SMS system Plan to include LSA as part of the GFA SMS One SMS Safety Policy – our commitment Develop and embed a safety culture in all flying activities that recognises the importance and value of effective aviation safety management and acknowledges at all times that safety is paramount Clearly define for all members their accountabilities and responsibilities for the development and delivery of flying safety and performance

5 Safety Management System - SMS Safety Policy – our commitment (cont.) Minimise the risks associated with aircraft operations to a point that is as low as reasonably practicable / achievable Ensure that externally supplied systems and services that impact upon safety of our operations meet appropriate safety standards Actively develop and improve our safety processes Comply with and wherever possible exceed legislative and regulatory requirements and standards Ensure that sufficient skilled and trained resources are available to implement safety strategy and policy

6 Safety Management System - SMS Safety Policy – our commitment (cont.) Ensure that all members are provided with adequate and appropriate flying safety information and training, are competent in safety matters and are only allocated tasks commensurate with their skills Establish and measure our safety performance against realistic objectives and/or targets Achieve the highest levels of safety performance in all our flying activities Continually improve our safety performance

7 Safety Management System - SMS Safety Policy – our commitment (cont.) Conduct safety and management reviews and ensure that relevant action is taken Ensure that the application of effective flying safety management systems is integral to all our activities, with the objective of achieving the highest levels of safety standards and performance

8 Safety Management System - SMS Safety Committee – SC Accountable Manager Club President – Steve Pegler Club Safety Officer - CSO Paul Brown Chief Flying Instructors - CFI Karl Faeth – LSA Robin Richter – Gliding Airworthiness Officer – AO Paul Clift Gawler Airfield Manager Tom Leech

9 Safety Management System - SMS What are the nuts and bolts? Safety policy and objectives Establish accountability and responsibilities Establish an emergency plan Identify hazards Assess the risk of these hazards Establish procedures to mitigate these risks Monitor and review the system

10 Safety Management System - SMS What are the nuts and bolts? (cont.) Monitor and review incident reports to improve the system Communicate and consult Conduct safety audits Safety promotion Safety training Safety education

11 Safety Management System - SMS Who’s business is safety?? It is everybody’s business!! We need to engage all stakeholders to actively promote safety on our airfield

12 Gliding Incidents and Lessons to be Learnt Canopy Care Airspace – proper understanding and communication

13 Gliding Incidents and Lessons to be Learnt Understanding aircraft systems

14 LSA Incidents and Lessons to be Learnt Truro Flats – Situational awareness Engine Cowl – Incorrectly fitted Airspace – In the circuit

15 Tow Ropes – Glider Launching The Vital Link Every glider pilot’s nightmare A rope failure at a critical point in the launching process Gawler Airfield Expansion of built up areas Reduced landing options NEXY Shortened runways More taxying – increased rope wear We can mitigate (reduce) the risks

16 Tow Ropes – Glider Launching The Vital Link Main rope – 10mm Weak Link – 8mm TOST rings

17 Tow Ropes – Glider Launching Mitigating (reducing) the risk Proper rope care Taxying on grass will reduce abrasion Don’t tow on a knot Rotate rope at half life Don’t pull on plastic hose protective cover Don’t use an unserviceable rope!

18 Tow Ropes – Glider Launching The tug end

19 Tow Ropes – Glider Launching The glider end

20 Tow Ropes – Glider Launching What’s wrong?

21 Tow Ropes – Glider Launching What’s wrong?

22 CTAF Frequency and Changes to Airspace


24 Administration Matters A message from Tom Date flight sheets Fuel – make office aware of any errors Accounts (statements) Sent out about 10 th of the month If you pay by end of month the sum won’t appear on the next statement If you pay in the next month the sum will still appear on the next statement Feeding the birds Please, don’t do it

25 Tug Futures VH-BOT The old girl needs a new dress When – Y2014 Cost – approx. $50K We need two tugs The question – What is the best way to meet our future tug needs? Rebag BOT Purchase another Pawnee Consider a Motor Glider Tug Consider an LSA Tug

26 Open discussion Who’s first? Our Motto To Enjoy safe flying, friendship, and sharing our passion for aviation

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