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Math Explorations Explore Math 5-8th grade overview schedule 5 min: Math warm up: Think math [Hook] (to warm up the logical side of the mind, utilizing.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Explorations Explore Math 5-8th grade overview schedule 5 min: Math warm up: Think math [Hook] (to warm up the logical side of the mind, utilizing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Explorations Explore Math 5-8th grade overview schedule 5 min: Math warm up: Think math [Hook] (to warm up the logical side of the mind, utilizing real world math.) 10 min: Math fluency: “Math muscle building” [Intrinsic growth]; Xtra math (four days a week), pencil & paper (once a week on Thursday for additional assessment), Friday alternative math software. 40 min: Six work stations: [Cognitive section] Students will work at two stations per day, with 20 min per station. Lowest 25% of students identified by Spring MAP/AIMS data. Aproximately 15- 18 students per section. Students are regrouped quarterly based on demonstrated proficiency.

2 Math Explorations

3 Weekly Objectives MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Working with 5’s"How can you represent the number 45 without the use of numbers?" "If you have a pizza with five slices each, how many pizzas would you need to feed 40 people one piece each." "How many 5 foot long ropes, in a 100 foot roll of rope?" "If each class has 35 students and the box has 70 cookies, how many boxes will you need to feed 5 classes?" "How many ways can you show the number 45, using only 10's and 5's?

4 Math Explorations


6 Math Explorations Data Sample Class: 5 th Grade 21/29 students showed growth Average growth: 7%

7 Guided Study A strong focus on key elements of Reading Literacy: * Fluency * Word Work * Comprehension * Eyes on Text Students grouped by reading level ability and monitored in the four areas for growth. Students are regrouped quarterly based on demonstrated proficiency.

8 Guided Study

9 Guided Study Data

10 Changes for Next Quarter

11 Core Instruction Kagan Engagement Structures Instructional strategies proven to boost engagement and achievement.

12 Coaches Instructional Coach: has been working directly with staff on best practices in the classroom. Math/Technology Coach: Tech Integration into daily lessons - Moodle - Adaptive Curriculum Best Practices in Math Instruction Data Coach: - Data Analysis

13 Blended Learning Partnership with ASU We are in a continued partnership with ASU Skysong and Adaptive Curriculum to analyze the effectiveness of blended learning at Park. Staff Training: - Adaptive Curriculum - Vantage My Access - Google - Moodle Parent University: An evening of teaching parents how to utilize the student laptops efficiently with their student. How to access information through Powerschool and Moodle.

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