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Wildlife Conflicts ODNR, Division of Wildlife Brett Beatty.

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Presentation on theme: "Wildlife Conflicts ODNR, Division of Wildlife Brett Beatty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wildlife Conflicts ODNR, Division of Wildlife Brett Beatty

2 IntroductionIntroduction “Wildlife management is often thought of in terms of protecting and enhancing wildlife populations and the habitat needed for their well-being. However, many species at one time or another require management actions to reduce conflicts.”

3 History of Wildlife in Ohio nPeople of Ohio own wildlife nDiv. of Wildlife manages wildlife nLoss of large keystone predators nAnimals have adapted to changes in the environment nRural & urban/suburban conflicts

4 Damage Prevention nHave a plan! nDo not feed wildlife! nEliminate places where wildlife can enter the buildings nKeep the property cleaned up nGive permission to hunters and trappers

5 Problem Identification nSpecies and numbers of animals causing the problem nThe amount of loss or damage nThe nature of the conflict nCost associated with alleviating the damage

6 Fix It Myself or Pay Someone? nCall the Div. of Wildlife for technical assistance nPurchase supplies and fix yourself nCall a licensed nuisance animal trapper

7 Animals & Control Options

8 Canada Geese - Prevention nBarriers or fences nHerding dogs nPond grid - geese can’t land or swim nPyrotechnics nStop feeding Combine Tactics!

9 Ouch!

10 Canada Geese - Control nHunting seasons (early & regular) nEgg addling or shaking (permit required) nNest destruction (permit required) nGoose roundup/shooting (permit required)

11 How do I get a permit? n Contact your District Wildlife Office or n Go on-line and complete a Goose Damage Report n

12 Raccoons, Skunks & Opossums nRemove sources of food & water – Pet food, water dish, bird feeder, grub killer nSecure garbage cans nExclusion – Electric fence, chimney cap nLive trap (with I.D. tag) and euthanize or release on site

13 Ground Squirrels nPrevention: –Store bird seed & pet food in rodent- proof containers –Inspect building foundation annually for openings larger than 1/4” and seal Removal or Capture: –Live trap and remove

14 nPrevention –Secure attic vents and cable or wire entry points with hardware cloth –Do not feed squirrels nRemoval or Capture –Squirrels can be live trapped and removed Tree Squirrels ( Fox, Gray, or Red)

15 Moles nExclusion (buried fencing) for small seed beds nTrapping is the most successful and practical method of controlling moles

16 Bats nBats can enter through a crack as small as 3/8”: check fascia boards, siding, & around windows nBegin sealing the building on October 1st and end around April 15th nUse a one-way valve made of 1/4” netting

17 Groundhogs nPrevention: –Fencing with electric wire –Buried fencing Removal or capture: – Capture with a live trap & relocate – Groundhogs can be hunted all year


19 What do coyotes look like? n Pointy ears n Narrow snout n Bushy tail in a down position n 25-40 pounds n Typically reddish-gray but can vary from blonde to black

20 There’s a huge track in my yard!!

21 Where did coyotes come from?

22 Tell me more about coyotes!! n Peak mating in February n Litters born in April n Litter size 4-7 average n They are a pack animal n Omnivores, opportunistic n Largest predator in Ohio

23 Co-existing VS Conflict n Coyotes are rarely seen and only during nighttime hours n Coyotes are occasionally seen during the day nighttime sightings more common, reports of missing house cats n Coyotes are seen frequently during the day. Pets are attacked in yards. n Coyotes are openly attacking pets, approaching people without fear, acting aggressive.

24 Coyote Conflict Prevention nDO NOT feed the coyotes (Direct or Indirect) nScare tactics ( Motion lights, air horns) nHabitat Modification nDo not let pets run loose nFencing nTrapping and hunting

25 Web sites & Phone Numbers n n n (937)372-9261 D-5 Office n 1-800-Wildlife General Information n 1-800-PoacherReport a Violation

26 SummarySummary Contact the wildlife district office in your area for further information on wildlife damage ODNR, Division of Wildlife

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