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1 ECOTOURISM CONFERENCE Ecotourism conference 2012 Theme: Integrating Ecotourism Practices For The Modern Traveler Dates :20 th -22 nd February 2012 Venue.

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1 1 ECOTOURISM CONFERENCE Ecotourism conference 2012 Theme: Integrating Ecotourism Practices For The Modern Traveler Dates :20 th -22 nd February 2012 Venue : AMREF TRAINING CENTRE PRESENTER : KABII FRANCIS LECTURER,KENYA UTALII COLLEGE

2 2 Research Topic Effect of Two-Way Radio Communications on game drives in Kenya: Assessment of safari guides awareness and perception

3 3 Introduction Abstract  Customers achieve the highest level of satisfaction that comes with watching wildlife.  Experienced safari guides with skills and knowledge on wildlife interpretation are valuable assets to tour firms.  Pressure from the customers is the main reason why safari guides will tune to any available two-way radio channel that might guide him to the areas where wildlife have been seen by other guides

4 4 Cont.  This brings about overcrowding round the sighted animals  this creates a secondary problem of noise pollution around the wildlife being watched

5 5 Study objectives The paper sought to evaluate driver guides awareness and perception of the effect two- way radio on;  Wildlife  Environment  Customer experience.

6 6 Research Method Research design  The study adopted exploratory design with a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods.  The study areas was Lake Nakuru national park, Amboseli national park and Masai Mara national reserve.  These are three of the seven parks that account for over 80% of international visitors whose main interest is wildlife

7 7 Target population The target populations were  park rangers/wardens  safari guides  tour managers who often use the two-way radios.

8 8 Sampling Method Probability and non probability sampling method was used.  Judgmental sampling was used in selection of the study area and managers to be interviewed.  Intercept method was used in selection of the guides who were willing to complete the questionnaire

9 9 Data collection and reliability  Primary data was collected using self administered questionnaire, FGD, observation and interview.  Secondary data was sourced from existing literature, journals and magazines and the internet.  Test re- test method, pilot test and content analysis were used to test the reliability and validity of the data collection tools.  Reliability statistics gave Cronbach’s Alpha of.898 which was considered suitable.

10 10 Sample size  The sample size was drawn from a sample frame(2009/10) that shows that Kenya has about 2000 registered driver guides.  A sample size of 322 respondents was used at 95% confidence level as guided by Saunders 2003

11 11 Data analysis and discussion Respondent profile  A total of 300 questionnaires were administered from which 194 were usable.  Four focus group discussions were held which comprised of 37 respondents and 6 managers interviewed totaling of 237 respondents.  This gave a respond rate of 73% which was considered representative.  93% percent of respondents were male while only 6% were female

12 12 Analysis of data Data analysis  Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16  Principle Component Method of data extraction was run using vorimax rotation with maximum iteration of.25

13 13 Factor analysis  Factor 1 was labled ‘Perception of two way radio on guiding’ extracted from 13 items  Factor 2 was labled ‘Perception of two way radio on wildlife’ and was extracted form 11 items  Factor 3 was labled ‘Perception of two way radio on customer experience

14 14 Findings Driver guides perception of two-way radio on their operations

15 15 Locating wildlife

16 16 overcrowding Driver guides awareness and perception of effect of two-way radio on wildlife

17 17 Shortening stay Driver guides perception on effect of two-way radio on customer satisfaction

18 18 Poorly planed itinerary

19 19 Making noise

20 20 Conclusion and implication  Kenya can no longer assume the effect two-way radios have on the wildlife,customers and environment.  More attention is needed in order to mitigate any negative effect the radio might have.  Most of the driver guides are aware of some effect of two way- radios on the guiding profession, the wildlife and the customers.  Most driver guides can effectively guide without the use of the radio  Tour firms prefer using tour van with the radio so that they keep in touch with the driver and monitor their movement

21 21 cont  Driver guides need to be trained on the effect radio has to the wildlife & environment  There should be regular training on radio etiquette  Some drivers misuse the radio by using it as a socialization tool in their mother tongue  Radio are helpful incase of emergency

22 22 Cont.  Driver guides are aware that the radio contributes to overcrowding.  Most are not certain on the long term effect of radio to the wildlife, customers and the environment.  The radio reduces the time taken to search for wildlife and play some role in customer satisfaction

23 23 Cont.  Pressure from the office and the customers force drivers to use the radio.  Overcrowding interfering with the natural behavior of wildlife  Overcrowding affects the environment and customers satisfaction.

24 24 what do you think?  Do you think we need policies and regulation on use of radio?  Do we need to conduct more research On overcrowding and the radio? How can we balance ecotourism and customer experience?

25 25 END  THANK YOU  Q & A

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