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WHEP Basics Wildlife Habitat Education Program Gerry Snapp University of Missouri 4H.

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Presentation on theme: "WHEP Basics Wildlife Habitat Education Program Gerry Snapp University of Missouri 4H."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHEP Basics Wildlife Habitat Education Program Gerry Snapp University of Missouri 4H

2 Regions Ecological regions: Areas of the country that have similar climate, vegetation and wildlife. WHEP has identified 14 different regions within the continental United States…plus 2 special micro- environments that can be found within any region -Urban and Wetlands.


4 Missouri Regions Look at the US map in the manual. How many regions does it show for Missouri? Look at how Missouri experts divide the state into regions.

5 Glaciated PrairieTallgrass/Mixed Prairie Un-glaciated PrairieTallgrass/Mixed Prairie Ozark Eastern Deciduous Forest Southeastern LowlandSoutheast Mixed Forest

6 Eastern Deciduous Forest

7 Eastern Deciduous Forest Most of the terrain is rolling except for the Appalachian Mountains (& Ozarks) which are steep. Average annual precipitation 35-90 inches Summers - hot and dry; Winters –cold Final stage of succession is tall broadleaf trees Prior to fire-suppression, oak savannahs & woodlands. Large areas of the region have been cleared of native vegetation for the production of crops and livestock.

8 Species – Eastern Deciduous Forest American woodcock brown thrasher eastern meadowlark golden-winged warbler great horned owl mourning dove northern bobwhite ovenbird wild turkey wood duck bobcat eastern cottontail eastern gray squirrel gray fox Indiana bat white-tailed deer eastern box turtle timber rattlesnake largemouth bass/ bluegill

9 Tallgrass/Mixed Prairie

10 Great Plains Grassland Tallgrass/Mixed Prairie Terrain is flat to rolling plains Average annual precipitation: 20-40 inches Winters cold – summers hot Climax vegetation typically tall grasses, i.e. bluestems, Indian grass, switchgrass Variety of forbs – sunflowers, broomweed, ragweed Shrubs and trees in drainages and other moist areas. Potholes (wetlands) caused by glaciation

11 Species – Tallgrass/mixed prairie blue-winged teal dickcissel grasshopper sparrow greater prairie chicken mourning dove northern bobwhite northern harrier ring-necked pheasant wild turkey coyote eastern cottontail red fox White-tailed deer plains hog-nosed snake bluegill/largemouth bass

12 Southeast Mixed Forest Nothing yet


14 Urban – Dense human population, with residential and/or commercial development, connected and cris-crossed infrastructure (roads, train tracks, utilities). Great variety of vegetation; annual plantings, (garden & flowers) perennial grasses & forbs, shrubs, young and mature trees. Landscapes typically manipulated vs. “natural” Relatively small and fragmented Often dominated by non-native, invasive vegetation Wildlife areas include parks, trails, backyards.

15 Species - Urban American robin common nighthawk bluebird* European starling house finch house sparrow house wren northern flicker peregrine falcon rock pigeon ruby-throated hummingbird song sparrow big brown bat cottontail* coyote eastern gray squirrel raccoon white-tailed deer

16 Wetlands - Next on the to-do list

17 Wildlife management concepts Wildlife management terms What you need to know to compete General – not region specific

18 Species & applicable Wildlife Management Practices (WMPs) for the specific region –see Regions section (pgs. 27-85) Wildlife species & habitat requirements – –foods, preferred successional stage, use of space/edge, etc. (pgs. 86-253) Identify the species -hides, tracks, feathers, photos, eggs, scat, etc. Understand the WMPs (pgs. 254-304) What you need to know to compete Region Specific

19 Wildlife Management Practices Practices vary from region to region Practices that work for a species in one region may not be practical for same species in another region

20 Species & WMPs (chart)

21 How to use the manual Determine which ecoregion Determine the featured species Locate and mark the selected species in the Wildlife Species section. Locate and mark the appropriate WMPs for the region/species Study! Tip: No need to duplicate every page of manual for students – just the featured species

22 Points to remember Wildlife ID – may be male/female; adult/juvenile Full credit – complete common name; spelled correctly, including correct use of capitalization.

23 National Contest events I. Wildlife Management Practices – checklist/chart II. Wildlife management plan –Written plan (team) –Oral defense of written plan (individual) III. Wildlife Challenge Demonstrate skill at wildlife identification and general wildlife knowledge including ecoregions, wildlife management concepts & terms, biology and ecology of the species, identification of common wildlife foods and which species utilize those foods.

24 Missouri State Contest 2014 I.Wildlife Mgt. Practices 35 pts. II.General Wildlife Knowledge 30 pts. III.Wildlife ID 20 pts. IV.Written Management Plan 15 pts. (simplified for JR)

25 Written Management Plan (pages 307 – 312) Three pieces of paper provided Use one side only of each 2 pages for narrative – paragraph form 1 page for sketch –Map of property showing where practices should be implemented. This is a team event

26 Senior score sheet

27 Junior Score Sheet (M0)

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