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Overview Overview - How We Got Here Summary of the Conserving the Future Vision A Final Call to Action - Conclusion Open Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview Overview - How We Got Here Summary of the Conserving the Future Vision A Final Call to Action - Conclusion Open Discussion."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview Overview - How We Got Here Summary of the Conserving the Future Vision A Final Call to Action - Conclusion Open Discussion

3 Overview


5 We need you. Which challenges will you accept? Which future will you make?

6 How We Got Here

7 Core Teams of Service employees All programs, Refuge System disciplines Conserving the Future Conference 1,100 attendees, Hundreds more virtually

8 How We Got Here Public participation process ➡ 10,000 comments! ➡ 2,300 members ➡ 240 bold ideas

9 Final Document Released online October 20, 2011 24 recommendations

10 Implementation Implementation Teams strategic growth; urban wildlife refuges; leadership; planning; scientific excellence; community partnerships; communications; hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation; and interpretation and education.

11 Implementation Go online. Download a copy. Join the social network.

12 Conserving the Future Vision: Engage the American people, so that we better understand their expectations and they are increasingly aware of the National Wildlife Refuge System and its role in conservation. Chapter 1: Conserving the Future, Wildlife and Wildlands Chapter 2: Connected Conservation Constituency Chapter 3: Leading Conservation into the Future

13 Conserving the Future 24 recommendations, including Plan for strategic growth Urban wildlife refuge initiative Increase quality hunting and fishing Inventory and monitoring Climate change strategy for the Refuge System

14 Wildlife and Wildlands

15 Chapter 1 Conserving the Future: Wildlife and Wildlands Assess land protection projects Clear research agenda Nationally coordinated inventory and monitoring program State-of-the-art data management

16 Connected Conservation Constituency

17 Chapter 2 Connected Conservation Constituency Public Stewardship Urban Refuge Initiative Strategic communications plan Ensure refuges are welcoming, safe, and accessible Interpretation and environmental education

18 Leading Conservation into the Future

19 Chapter 3 Leading Conservation into the Future Evaluation team for organizational realignments or programmatic efficiencies Service’s workforce match the diversity in the civilian labor force, within a decade

20 Conserving the Future Conserving the Future acknowledges that strategic, collaborative, science-based landscape conservation – along with effective public outreach, education, and environmental awareness – is the only path forward to conserve America’s wildlife and wild places.



23 Discover your own vision Find inspiration Be heard

24 Open Discussion How do you want to be involved in implementation? What future do you want for wildlife?

25 Conserving the Future Final Call to Action What challenges will you accept, and which future will you make?


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