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Order Carnivora Family Canidae
Large canines No diastema Body size large (TL > 68 cm) Claws not retractile Face not flat (except for some C. familiaris breeds) Long legs Vulpes vulpes
Canis latrans Coyote Order: Carnivora Family: Canidae By Kim Schaefer
Canis latrans Identification: Dorsum generally grayish brown, but variable; venter paler; black tip on tail; large, pointed ears; long, slender snout; carry tail angled down; well developed sagittal ridge; prominent V above orbits Skull mm TL 1-1.3m; T cm
Canis latrans Distribution: statewide Also nationwide and beyond
-lack of natural predators -very adaptive to human activity Habitat: wide range including forests, clearcuts, woodlots, prairie, farms, etc. Dens- burrows, rock crevices, variable depending on location
Canis latrans Diet: rodents, rabbits, livestock, carrion, birds, lizards, amphibians, berries, fruits, plants -Essentially carnivorous, but will eat almost anything.
Canis latrans Reproduction: annual litter averaging 6 pups
-born in the spring after 63 days of gestation -adult size is reached in 6 to 9 months -Sexually mature at 1 year
Canis latrans Conservation status: abundant with increasing numbers
Other: -good swimmers, but poor climbers -can run up to 40 mph -acute hearing, olfactory -host of rabies -very vocal: howl, yelp, bark and huff
References: Canis latrans
Animal Diversity Web. Canis latrans. Availible at October 2004 Jones, J.K, Jr. and E.C. Birney Handbook of Mammals of the North-central States. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Kays, R.W. and D.E. Wilson The Mammals of North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Vulpes vulpes Red Fox Dawn Goshorn
Description The red fox is the largest fox in Iowa.
It is roughly the size of a medium dog with a slight build. The coat is reddish to yellowish dorsally and white ventrally, the feet and tips of ears are black and the tail has a white tip. , resembling a medium sized dog Other color morphs include a black phase, silver phase and cross phase. Yellowish eyes with elliptical pupils During the winter the hair between the toes grows so long it almost hides the foot pads. AS2000/pages/red_fox.html
Distribution The fox is widely distributed over North America.
The species was neither widespread or common before settlement. Their presence in Iowa was not recorded until 1840.
Reproduction Average litter is about five pups between March and April. Both parents build the den and the male provides food for the female until the pups are weaned. All color variations may be born in one liter.
Habitat Landscapes with open fields and forested areas
It does best in open areas of forest.
Diet Rabbits Quail and pheasants Woodchucks Squirrels Muskrats
Young eat insects
Conservation Declining due to the expansion of coyote populations.
Common to abundant in Iowa.
Interesting Facts Five toes on front feet but only four on back feet.
Pelts have gone for about $ 50 in recent years. There are silver and black color morphs. They travel up to 40 miles from their dens.
References Rue, Lee L Sportsman’s Guide to Game Animals Popular Science Publishing Company, Inc. New York, NY Briney, Elmer C. Jones, J. K Handbook of Mammals of the North-Central States University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN Bowels, John B Mammals of Iowa Texas Tech Press Lubbock, TX Kays, Roland W. Wilson, Don E The Mammals of North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ
Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Gray Fox
Order Carnivora Family Canidae
Canis Familiaris Domestic Dog
Canis Familiaris : Domestic Dog Abbie Parker
Identification: There is a large variety of domestic dogs, they have a great variation in coat type, color, and general morphology. The Chihuahua is the smallest while the Irish Wolfhound is the largest. Their head and body length ranges from mm, tail length ranges from mm, shoulder height ranges from mm. The average weight ranges between 1-79 kilograms.
Canis familiaris Distribution: There 50 million owned dogs and many more feral dogs. Feral dogs tend to be found in the country side or in cities where owners abandoned them Diet: Domestic dogs prefer meat to cereal diets. They may take food from people, scavenge for food, or actively hunt deer or small mammals. Feral dogs will eat garbage.
Canis Familiaris Reproduction: Females have an average gestation period of 63 days. They have on average 3-10 young and will nurse them up to six weeks. Conservation Status: Domestic Dogs are found everywhere in homes to the wild.
Canis Familiaris Habitat: Dogs live wherever they are sheltered. Feral dogs tend to live in the country side, but feral dogs in cities find shelter in vacant buildings, garages, under parked cars and stairways. The relationship between domesticated dogs and humans dates back to 14,000 years ago. Where this relationship started no one knows for sure!
Canis Familiaris Other: There are multiple breeds of dogs and historically it is believed that different races of wolves contributed to the ancestry of today’s modern dog. Many people believe that the American Indians were the first to have domesticated dogs, that they were breed from wolves. Then it is thought that when the Europeans came the brought even more breeds to mate.
Bibliography Norwalk, Ronald M. "Walker's Mammals of the World." Dogs, Wolves, Coyotes, & Jackals. 26 Oct 2004 < Hubrecht, Robert. Dogs & Dog Housing. 26 Oct 2004 < Zgurski, Jessie. The Origin of the Domestic Dog, Canis familiaris. 26 Oct 2004 <
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Identification
Dorsum gray Whittish underparts Black, white, and rufous markings on neck, head, and flanks Rufous legs Hairs along middle of back and top of tail are tipped with black
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Identification (continued)
Crepuscular and nocturnal Smaller than red fox Total length= mm Tail= mm Hind foot= mm Ear= 70-80mm Weight= kg
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Distribution
Statewide Southern Canada through most of United States to northern South America.
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Habitat
Inhabits mostly wooded areas preferring mixed hardwoods Rocky and brushy riparian habitats Favors woodland near farmland borders Possible of 3-5 foxes in one square mile of good habitat Home range for males is 336 acres and for females it is around 254 acres
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Diet
Omnivore Small mammals, birds, fish, small reptiles, eggs, rodents, fruits, berries, and corn Hunt by stalking, dash and grab, jumping onto prey
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Reproduction
Breed December-April Gestation days 1 litter of 1-7 young Young weigh ~100grams Kits have blackish coat with eyes shut for days
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Reproduction (continued)
Independently forage on own after 4 months Dens are less conspicuous than red fox Den sites: hollow logs or trees, crevices in rocks, caves, and in piles of brush and wood, abandoned buildings, underground burrows Live up to years
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Conservation status
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Other
Run up to 26 mph for short distances Only member of canine family to climb trees Have been found 60 ft above ground in squirrel an hawk nests
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Other (continued)
Furbearer Territorial Communication by scent, body posturing, and sound
Urocyon cinereorargenteus References
Jones, J.K. Jr. and E.C. Birney Handbbok of Mammals of the North-Central States. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Kays, R.W. and K.E. Wilson, The Mammals of North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. Mammels of Texas. Common Gray Fox. Available at The Cyber Zoomobile. Gray Fox. Available at
Order Carnivora Family Procyonidae
Large canines No diastema Claws not retractile Bushy, ringed tail Procyon lotor
Procyon lotor Raccoon Patty Morgan
Procyon lotor: raccoon
Identification: Grizzled gray/brown, darkest dorsally, with black mask on face and 4-7 black rings on tail. 4-15 kg, up to 48lbs in north 24-37 inches in total length Nocturnal
Procyon lotor: raccoon
Distribution: Southern Canada throughout United States Statewide in Iowa Habitat: Woodlands near water, urban and farmland
Procyon lotor: raccoon
Diet: Omnivorous- fruits, corn, invertebrates, small vertebrates, eggs Reproduction: One litter per year; 1-8 young, young stay with mother for one year, Den in trees, underground burrows, abandoned buildings
Procyon lotor: raccoon
Conservation status: Common in Iowa, population growing as raccoons adapt to urban areas Other: Hunted for fur Life span of 3-4 years, Can carry diseases and parasites, Seen as a pest to farmers and in urban areas
Procyon lotor: raccoon Damage from raccoons
References Animal Diversity Web. The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Available at October 2004. National Wildlife Federation. Available at October 2004. Jones, J.K, Jr. and E.C. Birney Handbook of Mammals of the North-central States. University of Minnesota Press, Minneaopolis. Kays, R.W. and D.E. Wilson The Mammals of North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
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