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Environmental Issues 3 Main Environmental Issues Pollution Population Growth Resource Usage.

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2 Environmental Issues

3 3 Main Environmental Issues Pollution Population Growth Resource Usage

4 Resources Renewable Resources - Trees, solar energy, water, wind (Things that can be replaced in a fairly short period of time.)

5 Resources Nonrenewable Resources Coal, oil, and other minerals, (Exist in a limited supply that may be depleted.)


7 Products made from oil: Food preservatives Bags and packaging Anything polyester Jewelry Zippers Plastic hangers Purses Flip flops Sneakers Ear phones Paints Sport equipment Tents and sleeping bags Helmets Glue Boats Baby oil and lotions Cosmetics Stuffed animals Allergy medicine Band aids Inhalers Cough syrup deodorants

8 Compare the Sources of Energy for SC & US

9 How do we conserve our resources?????

10 Reduce Reuse Recycle & REFUSE

11 Take Care of Natural Resources

12 Learning About Resources 20

13 Approaches to Environmental Issues Preservation (Tree Huggers ) Ecosystems shouldn’t be disturbed by humans. Conservation – The wise use of resources. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Developmental – Most valuable parts of the environment are those that can be used by man. This can lead to depletion. (Depletion – Reducing resources due to population growth, usage, etc. )

14 Population Growth and its effects on our environment Where does all the trash go? What do we do about sanitation? More people means more usage of resources. More people means more food to be produced, more pesticides used, more land for houses, more energy needed for heating and driving, etc. etc. etc.


16 Sanitary Landfill

17 Pollution – Any change to the environment that has a negative effect on living things. Air Pollution Water Pollution

18 Pollution – Any change to the environment that has a negative effect on living things.

19 **Air Pollution** Emissions – particles and gases released into the air from cars, planes, etc., including volcanoes. Most air pollution comes from burning fossil fuels. Advantage to nuclear energy is that it doesn’t contribute to air pollution.

20 Acid Rain Gases react with water vapor in the air to form sulfuric acid. Comes in forms of snow, sleet, or fog as well as rain…

21 Can air pollution cause Global Climate Changes? Global Warming Greenhouse Effect

22 Point Source Pollution - is water pollution that comes from a single, discrete place, typically a pipe. Non-Point Source Pollution - Pollution that originates from multiple sources over a large area.


24 Testing the Greenhouse Effect


26 Reedy River

27 Water Pollution Define: –Point Source Pollution –Non-Point Source Pollution Types of water pollution –Sewage, fertilizers, pesticides, mining, sediment, fuels, and heat



30 1970’s high levels of PCB’s found in Hartwell. Sangamo Electric Company was dumping tons of this material which made its way to surface and groundwater. Lake Hartwell and PCB Contamination -


32 What we can do… Emission control : ex. Scrubbers Sewage Treatment Plants Alternatives to Fertilizers and Pesticides Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse

33 Forests and Fisheries Ways forests can be managed to protect resources and habitats….. Ex. Selective cutting vs. Clear cutting Ways fish and other wildlife can be protected Ex. Fish Hatcheries, Wildlife preserves Gone Fishin Activity

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