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Published byAnya Shott Modified over 10 years ago
HERI Presentation 2005 Higher Education Reform Initiatives (HERI) UNSW Student Services October 2004 Overview for UNSW Staff
HERI Presentation Higher Education Reforms (HESA 2003) HERI Project Presentation on Key Provisions Impacts for UNSW Students and Staff Presenters – from UNSW Student Services Robert Morrell Dianne Charnley Emily Middleton Liza McAra Richard Sanchez Introduction : Today’s Focus
Higher Education Reforms Derive from the Australian Government’s Our Universities: Backing Australia’s Future Project (2002-3) New provisions and requirements legislated through Higher Education Support Act (2003) Revised twice to date Third revision will be re-presented in parliament when it resumes. There has been a certain ‘volatility’ in the requirements, and their interpretation HERI Presentation
Key Features Universities able to set Student Contribution Rates within Commonwealth defined limits Unit of Study (course) Census Dates Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) Higher Education Information Management System (HEIMS) Commonwealth Assistance: Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) & Commonwealth Learning Scholarships (CLS) Transitional Arrangements Remission responsibilities revert to universities
New Terminology Commonwealth supported students and places Commonwealth student contributions & Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) Equivalent full-time student load (EFTSL) Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) Pre-2005 student, Post-2005 student Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) Course of study [see Glossary in HERI Fact Sheet] HERI Presentation
UNSW’s Response HERI Project created Managed by UNSW Student Services Steering Committee includes ITS, Institutional Analysis, Academic Board and Faculty representatives Focus Areas include: DEST interfaces, myUNSW services, Student Financials, Admissions & Student Records, Scholarships & Equity HERI Presentation
Changes to be implemented over 2 years In 2004 (for 2005) – high priority compliance requirements, including student financials, CHESSN, SLE, HEIMS interface, Commonwealth Learning Scholarships, Work Experience in Industry, DEST reporting In 2005 (for 2005/6) – DEST reporting, matters requiring policy review (e.g. student financial support, academic calendar) HERI Presentation UNSW’s Response
Policy Challenges and Opportunities Census Dates and Calendars Unit of Study (Course) level census date provisions expose several hundred courses taught outside ‘standard’ session periods Minor adjustments for 2005 Academic Calendar to be reviewed in 2005 for 2006 Financial Support Programs Council has approved student contribution rate increases from 2006 In line with Commonwealth Learning Scholarship provisions, UNSW to look at increasing financial support programs HERI Presentation
Commonwealth Supported Places A higher education place for which the Commonwealth makes a contribution towards the cost of the student's education Students pay a student contribution amount (previously known as HECS charge), which varies depending on courses undertaken. Commonwealth supported students fall into two categories: 1. 1. Australian citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa Are eligible for Government loans - called HECS-HELP (formerly HECS). May defer their payment. Repay when earning $36,184 p/a for 2005 May pay upfront with a 20% discount 2. 2. New Zealand citizens and holders of permanent non- humanitarian visa Are ineligible for HELP loans Only pay upfront Students must also have sufficient Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) to be eligible for a Commonwealth supported place.
HERI Presentation Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) Eligible students are entitled to 7 EFTSL (Equivalent Full-Time Student Load) All Australian Citizens & NZ Citizens and holders of permanent visas are eligible. The Commonwealth has defined Ordinary, Additional & Lifelong SLE. All Commonwealth supported students begin with 7 SLE from 2005.
HERI Presentation Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) Unique national student identifier for those students receiving Commonwealth assistance (i.e. through a Commonwealth supported place, a HELP loan or Commonwealth Learning Scholarship). Commencing and Continuing students require CHESSNs. Linked to the student for the remainder of student’s academic life. UNSW UG Commonwealth supported students – give informed consent to UAC to apply on their behalf. UNSW UG Honours & PG Commonwealth supported students – give UNSW informed consent through myUNSW to apply on their behalf. SLE and HELP balances are tracked through HEIMS using the CHESSN.
HERI Presentation Web based portal Students Public portal – info about university offerings and student contribution costs. Private portal – info about each student’s SLE, HELP balance & scholarships Universities Info about provider performance, payments & competitive funding initiatives. Check student SLE & FEE-HELP (after informed consent) DEST reporting interface Higher Education Information Management System (HEIMS)
HERI Presentation Commonwealth Assistance: HELP & CLS Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) replaces HECS & PELS Commonwealth Learning Scholarships (CLS)
HERI Presentation Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) Suite of loans funded by the Commonwealth Government for Australian citizens and holders of an Australian Permanent Resident (PR) humanitarian visa HECS-HELP – Loans for eligible Commonwealth supported students to pay their student contributions (replaces HECS) FEE-HELP – Loans for eligible fee-paying students to pay their tuition fees (replaces PELS) OS-HELP – Loans to assist Commonwealth supported students to study overseas
HERI Presentation HECS-HELP Enables students in a Commonwealth supported place to defer payment of their student contributions until they have completed their studies or when their income reaches $36,184/year for 2005
HERI Presentation HECS-HELP New Students in 2005 New students in 2005 who are Australian citizens or holders of an Australian PR humanitarian visa will be eligible for HECS- HELP and will be entitled to a 20% discount if they choose to pay their student contribution amounts up-front. New students in 2005 who are New Zealand citizens or holders of an Australian PR non- humanitarian visa can still apply for a Commonwealth supported place at UNSW, but they will not be eligible for HECS-HELP and must pay their student contribution amounts up-front (without a discount).
HERI Presentation HECS-HELP: Current Students Current students, (i.e. those enrolled pre-2005) including New Zealand citizens and holders of an Australian PR non-humanitarian visa, can generally continue under present HECS arrangements until the end of 2008. Current students will, however, be affected by amendments to the discount for up-front HECS payments and the bonus for voluntary repayments. Changes to the repayment thresholds from 2004-05 will also apply to everyone with a HECS debt.
HERI Presentation HECS-HELP vs HECS HECS-HELP is different from HECS in the following ways: Discount for up-front payments of student contributions will change from 25% to 20%; Bonus for voluntary repayments will change from 15% to 10%; Repayment thresholds will change. The minimum threshold will increase to $36,184 in 2005; and NZ citizens and holders of Australian PR non- humanitarian visas will not be able to access HECS-HELP and therefore are unable to defer payment of their student contribution amount or receive discounts for up-front payment.
HERI Presentation FEE-HELP Loan for eligible fee-paying students to pay their tuition fees Maximum lifetime limit of $50,000 For undergraduate & postgraduate programs Undergraduate FEE-HELP loans subject to 20% loan fee Local students in full-fee paying places who are Australian citizens or holders of an Australian PR humanitarian visa are eligible for FEE-HELP. Local students who are New Zealand citizens or holders of an Australian PR non-humanitarian visa are not eligible for FEE-HELP.
HERI Presentation OS-HELP Loan to assist eligible Commonwealth supported students who wish to study one or two study periods overseas. Commonwealth supported students who are Australian citizens or holders of an Australian PR humanitarian visa are eligible for OS-HELP. Up to $5,000 per study period 20% loan fee applicable
HERI Presentation Commonwealth Learning Scholarships (CLS) Introduced to assist students from low socio- economic backgrounds For Australian citizens or holders of Australian PR humanitarian visas Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarships (CECS) to assist with general education costs Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarships (CAS) to assist with accommodation costs.
HERI Presentation Transitional Arrangements Impacts for Continuing HECS and PELS Students
HERI Presentation Impacts for Current HECS Students The term ‘HECS student’ ceases and is replaced by the term ‘Commonwealth Supported Student’ HECS charges will now be known as Student Contributions Students commence using their Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) Commonwealth Supported students can receive assistance by: deferring their student contributions to the ATO under the new loan scheme called HECS-HELP; or pay upfront but now receive a 20% discount; or if an Australian Permanent Resident who has met the residency requirements or is a NZ citizen, they pay their student contributions upfront with no discount.
HERI Presentation Impacts for Current HECS Students Student Contribution levels will increase as in previous years by the indexed amount set by the government Repayment of a current HECS debt and any future HECS-HELP debt to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will be combined and be subject to the new repayment thresholds Students will receive a 10% discount for voluntary repayment to the ATO
HERI Presentation Pre-2005 Eligibility In most cases a student with a HECS debt prior to 1/1/2005 and enrolled in a program of study either full time or part time, will be considered a pre-2005 student Universities have been provided with guidelines for the determination of pre- and post-2005 students Scenarios have been developed from these guidelines for reference by UNSW Student Services staff to help identify eligibility Students should be referred to NewSouth Q for clarification of pre- and post-2005 eligibility
HERI Presentation Pre-2005 Eligibility As part of the Transitional Arrangements for Pre- 2005 HECS students, all continuing students must complete a Pre 2005 Commonwealth Assistance form (CAF) to be Commonwealth Supported in 2005 All continuing Australian Permanent residents (AUSPR’s) who pay 100% upfront must now complete a CAF to be Commonwealth Supported Continuing students will be required to complete forms as part of the myUNSW online enrolment process to ensure all forms are completed as required by legislation Pre-2005 students do not need to re-supply their tax file number in order to defer their student contributions to the ATO This is a change from previous advice – communicated to universities on 15 October 2004
HERI Presentation Pre-2005 Eligibility A student remains eligible under the Pre 2005 criteria and student contributions levels until the end of 2008, unless they: discontinue their enrolment without formal leave of absence; or complete their current program; or complete another award at the same level as their current program; or choose to study under the new student contribution scheme.
HERI Presentation Impacts on PELS Students From 2005, the Postgraduate Education Loan Scheme (PELS) will be replaced by FEE-HELP The major differences are: Maximum lifetime loan limit of $50,000 Students are subject to new repayment thresholds of a current PELS debt and combined FEE-HELP debt to the ATO Voluntary repayments to the ATO will now receive a 10% discount
HERI Presentation As part of the transitional arrangements all continuing students with a PELS debt must complete a FEE-HELP form to be eligible to continue to defer their tuition fee debt to the ATO The FEE-HELP form will be available for completion electronically as part of their 2005 online enrolment Pre-2005 students do not need to re-supply their tax file number in order to defer their tuition fees to the ATO We are currently working on a plan to support distance and flexible delivery students to ensure they have the opportunity to complete a FEE-HELP form Impacts on PELS Students
HERI Presentation Changes to Permanent Resident Eligibility Students with a HECS or PELS debt prior to 2005 will be eligible for HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP until the end of 2008, unless they: Discontinue their enrolment without formal leave of absence; or complete their current program; or complete another award at the same level as their current program; or They meet the residency requirements (the three year rule) and have not taken out Australian Citizenship.
HERI Presentation Changes to Permanent Resident Eligibility A current Postgraduate student who is a Permanent Resident (PR) and does not have a PELS debt prior to 2005, will not be eligible for FEE-HELP unless they hold a Humanitarian Visa As with PELS, New Zealand Citizens are not eligible for FEE-HELP Commencing students with a PR status who have been granted a Commonwealth Supported place will only be eligible to defer or pay upfront with discount if they are a holder of a Humanitarian visa; or If they do not meet that requirement they are still eligible for Commonwealth Assistance but must pay 100% upfront.
Most UGRD ADFA students are considered to be ‘Employer Funded’. They will not consume SLE They will not need a CHESSN A small number of UGRD ADFA students currently occupy HECS places. They will be considered to be Commonwealth Supported in 2005. They will consume SLE They will need a CHESSN Australian citizens or holders of an Australian PR humanitarian visa will be eligible for HECS-HELP New Zealand citizens or holders or an Australian PR non-humanitarian visa will not be eligible for HECS- HELP and will pay 100% upfront They need to fill out relevant forms for Commonwealth Support. HERI Presentation Impacts on UGRD ADFA students
Some PGRD ADFA students are considered to be ‘Employer Funded’. They will not consume SLE They will not need a CHESSN not PGRD ADFA who are not considered to be ‘Employer Funded’. They pay tuition fees set by the University Australian Citizens or holders of Australian PR humanitarian visas may pay their fees upfront or obtain FEE-HELP. Those with FEE-HELP will need a CHESSN and need to fill out a FEE-HELP form. New Zealand Citizens or holders of Australian PR non-humanitarian visas will not be eligible for FEE-HELP and must pay upfront. HERI Presentation Impacts on PGRD ADFA students
HERI Presentation Commonwealth Assistance Notice Students to date have been issued with a Notice of Liability for HECS and PELS after the census date. At UNSW the Notice of Liability has been issued in the same format as the Fee statement and students have been able to view these on myUNSW. This notice is now being replaced by the Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) and is in a new format. The fee statement will remain the same. The CAN will be issued on myUNSW within 28 days of the census date to students who receive Commonwealth assistance or have a FEE HELP or OS- HELP Debt. Students will have access to view and print their CAN on myUNSW.
HERI Presentation Commonwealth Assistance Notice One notice will be issued each semester and will include the following details for each career and program of study: Courses Study load Student Learning Entitlement usage Student Contribution Amount or Tuition Fee amount Upfront payments Loan fee amount (for UGRD FEE-HELP and OS-HELP) HELP Debt (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or OS-HELP) Students have 14 days from date of issue of the CAN on the web to advise the Student Financials office if there are any discrepancies.
HERI Presentation Commonwealth Assistance Notice Students will be informed that they are required to access their CAN on the web as they do their fee statement. Should a student have a problem accessing their CAN or fee statement, they should be referred to NewSouth Q for assistance.
HERI Presentation Transitional Arrangements From the end of 2008 all students will be subject to the new arrangements, regardless of whether they have completed their program of study.
Impacts for Staff HERI’s key changes are around the study and financial commitments of students with the University Greatest impacts for staff in central student services units Staff who interact with students need to know basics and when to refer students to NewSouth Q Faculty, program Office, School Office, Academic Advisors Staff in other service units Planned activities: training, further briefing sessions, myUNSW updates HERI Presentation
Further Information and Enquiries Higher Education Reforms Initiatives at UNSW DEST Backing Australia’s Future DEST Student Gateway – Going to Uni Fees and Student Contributions Di Charnley Head of Student Financials Ext. 53087 HERI at UNSW Robert Morrell Assistant Registrar Ext. 51919
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