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Commission/Incentive processing Business Rules

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Presentation on theme: "Commission/Incentive processing Business Rules"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commission/Incentive processing Business Rules

2 CAF Commission 2

3 CAF Commission can be paid to all Sales channels Franchisee
DSA /STDPCO/BRD Retailers/FRD/ FRD_Retailers 3

4 Commission Payment Cycle
Approved Cases are passed on to Pyro as allocation request. Calculates and presented to SSA Mktg for approval Pyro will pass allocation after approval by SSA Accts(Pyro Nodal) CTOP Allocation and SS Reports are reconciled for proper monitoring and validation 4

5 Pre-requisites : Commission is eligible for the invoices generated / sales done through Sancharsoft only. CAF submission through Sancharsoft is mandatory. Activations updated by IN(FC), First Recharge reported by PYRO(FRC) and TV date confirmed by Call centre/SS will be taken into consideration for commission calculations. Commission particulars available in SS which are configured by the Concerned Circle Admins 5

6 To avoid the excess payments in CAF commission bills, SS fixed the ceiling price/commission as:
Rs. 20/- for 2G and 3G Normal prepaid plans Rs. 50/- for 2G and 3G MNP prepaid plans Ref. docs: 1. No S &M-CM/81 Date: 2. No: ITPC/Sr GM (DEV)HYD/SS-MOM/ / Dated at Hyd the 20th Dec 2013 3. S&D Policy 2012 Note: If the commission configured by circle admin is less than the above values with respect to their categories, commission will be processed with those values only. Wherever it is more then it will be adjusted to the ceiling values 6

7 If the total commission defined against a plan is Rs.25 /- .
Based on commission configured for each plan (material issued plan) dealer wise share will be derived according to the S&D policy-2012 given by BSNL corporate office. Ex: If the total commission defined against a plan is Rs.25 /- . Upfront discount/commission given to Franchisee at the time of Invoice generation is Rs.5 /-. Then commission to be shared among dealers is Rs.20 /- . Franchisee->Retailer %+30% i.e. Rs.14 + Rs.6 Franchisee->FRD-> FRD_Retailer 50%+20%+30% i.e. Rs.10 + Rs.4 + Rs.6 BRD-> BRD_Retailer %+30% i.e. Rs.10 + Rs.6 DSA/STDPCO channel 50% i.e. Rs.10 7

8 As the Commission amount is going to be credited onto POS ctopup wallet, the ctopup commission discount (on face value) for various POS channels will be taken based on Franchisee eligible value as follows: Franchisee 5.5% BRD 4.95% i.e. 90% of Franchisee value FRD % i.e. 90% of Franchisee value DSA % i.e. 75% of Franchisee value Retailer % i.e. 75% of Franchisee value BRD_Retailer 4.125% i.e. 75% of Franchisee value FRD_Retailer 4.125% i.e. 75% of Franchisee value 8

9 TDS Deduction: TDS deduction on the generated gross amount will be processed based on the PAN and TDS values available SS for Franchisee/DSA/STDPCO. TDS deductions will be made based on parent franchisee TDS value for the bills generated for Retailer/FRD/ FRD_Retailer channel. 9

10 Trade Scheme Commission

11 Trade scheme will be defined by Circles as:
Option-I, Monthly (for a period of 30 or 31 days) Option-II, Weekly (for a period of 7 days) Note: In Option-I if the starting date of Trade scheme period is start date of the month then that trade scheme will be available till last date of that month i.e. till 30th or 31st based on that calendar month If it is in middle of the month then end date for that Trade scheme will be starting date +30 days 11

12 Pre-requisites : Commission is eligible for the invoices generated / sales done through Sancharsoft only. CAF submission through Sancharsoft is mandatory. Activations updated by IN(FC), First Topup denomination reported by PYRO will be taken into consideration for commission calculations. Topup denomination >= Rs.50 /-

13 Trade scheme commission processing

DSA 1 2 3 10 5 11 20 6 21 50 7 51 99999 8 FRANCHISEE A 400 401 B 200 201 C 100 101 RD RETAILER 14

15 Franchise will be paid@ Rs
Franchise will be Rs.8/-for each activation done by the retailers beyond the 5 activations For example: If a franchisee has 300 retailers and 100 retailers are activating more than5 SlMs contributing tota l730 activations Franchisee will get benefit of the trade scheme from the activation done by these 100 retailers Beyond 500 activations that is the franchisee shall get Rs ( ).8=Rs.1840. TRADE_SCHEME_TYPE DEALER TYPE MINLIMIT MAXLIMIT COMM_AMT WEEKLY DSA 1 5 6 99999 10 FRANCHISEE 8 RD 11 3 RETAILER 15

16 MNP Activation Incentive

17 MNP Activation Incentive
In order to promote BSNL sales and attracting other operator’s customer by Dealer, MNP incentive payment module is introduced with reference to BSNL CO order 28-2/2013- S&M-CM/11, dated and minutes of the meeting of BSNL CO with ITPC Lr. No.9-11/2010-SCM dated Procedure: CGM designated nodal officer or Authorised Circle admin user of sancharsoft has to approve MNP incentive payment to the ctopup number of the Dealer. Further Circle nodal officer from pyro has to credit Incentive to the ctopup wallet of the Dealer. In this regard, Circle admin or designated officer has send mail with authorisation letter issued by competent authority comprising of profile details like Name, Designation, HRNo, mobile number(to receive sms alerts) with preferred username and password to login Sancharsoft.

18 1.Login as Circle admin.  Go to Pay MNP Incentive  Approve
Circle admin activities: 1.Login as Circle admin.  Go to Pay MNP Incentive  Approve

19 2. Select SSA  Dealer  Dates to which incentive to be paid

20 3. View the transaction list Provided at the top most right corner of the report for verification.

21 4. Select single bill or multiple Bill number(s) to be approved

22 5. Finally confirm the payment / Approval from sancharsoft to Pyro System. After approval SMS will be sent to concerned regarding the payment. 6. Verify the status of the payment pending or Approved at Pyro system. In case of any issue mail to or book helpdesk docket with support data like bill number etc. for early reply.

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