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Published byJarvis Minnie Modified over 10 years ago
North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program Cooperating Technical State
Strategy 1 - Establishment of a statewide program to acquire, process and disseminate current, accurate, and detailed elevation data, flood hazard studies, reports, and maps (hard copy and digital). Strategy 2 - Establishment of North Carolina as a Cooperating Technical State (CTS) through the FEMA Cooperating Technical Partners Program. This designation would establish North Carolina as the custodian of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps. State Response / Strategies
New / up-to-date / improved Flood Insurance Rate Maps: Study on a Basin by Basin Issued on a Countywide Basis New DFIRMs (new H&H studies) for all North Carolina by FY 2007-08 New detailed, accurate elevation data Reduction of time needed for post-preliminary review and appeals process for new FIRM maps (6 months) Better notification and dissemination of information about new and revised maps Program Objectives and Deliverables
On-going program for updating and maintaining FIRMs Better equipped and informed post-event mitigation activities as a result of updated flood risk maps Cost-effective data sharing through the implementation and operation of an inter-operable Geographic Information System Internet web application providing cost-effective upload, download, management, and dissemination of digital data and maps (24 x 7 / free access) Implement a real-time flood inundation and forecast mapping system (flood warning) Program Objectives and Deliverables - continued
Floodplain Mapping - Phases Phase I—blue (December 2003) Phase II—gold (December 2004) Phase III—green (December 2006)
Floodplain Mapping – 1985 Jacksonville, NC FBFM
Key Components of the New Maps - Production Digital FIRM = Flood Hazard Data Base Data + Topography +
Floodplain Mapping – Old Map vs. New Map
Leverage efficient and effective technology for more efficient digital / map modernization for new maps / future updates (GIS, LIDAR, etc.) Collect complete elevation data coverage in North Carolina Study as many miles of stream as need and possible (1 sq. mile basin threshold / efficient limited-detail approach) Requirement for hard copy (snapshot) and digital (living) version – different purposes, valued products for each Emphasize / Establish digital data sharing with counties / municipalities Leverage program deliverables to defray the overall cost and further implement other (e.g. flood warning) Strong, upfront community involvement and buy-in Documentation is Required (Business Rules and Procedures) No new wheels – Share everything / Co-opetition Programmatic / Operations - Priniciples
Data Acquisition – Public vs. Private Assessment / scoping of map needs (State of NC / NC Communities) Digital base maps (State of NC / NC Communities) Acquisition of elevation data (RFQ) Engineering studies (RFQ) Digital flood insurance rate maps (RFQ) Quality assurance/quality control (Geodetic Survey / 3 rd Party) Information technology architectural design and implementation (RFQ) Real Time Flood Forecasting and Inundation Mapping (State of NC / FEMA / USGS / NWS)
NCFPMP has established a distributed program structure utilizing multiple agencies as leads: –NCFPMP – Overall program/policy development and management, contractual management, operations management, H&H analysis, scoping, outreach, post-preliminary –NCGS – (lead partner) Elevation acquisition, elevation quality control (3 rd party, independent surveyors –NC CGIA – (lead partner) Base map acquisition / review, DFIRM review, IT design and implementation –FEMA – Overall CTP partner, concurrence on policy and maps, post- preliminary (regulatory responsibilities), financial support –Dewberry – H&H concurrence review, DFIRM and DFIRM database concurrence review, community mapping needs / scoping support, program and policy support –CTS Committee – policy / program direction (advisory), program / product feedback, inter-agency coordination and collaboration Current Program / Operations - Structure
NCFPMP has established a distributed QA / QC program structure utilizing multiple agencies as leads: QA / QC for elevation data – NCFPMP / NCGS / 3 rd party surveyors / FEMA-Dewberry QA / QC for DFIRM panels, database, reports – NCFPMP, CGIA, FEMA-Dewberry QA / QC for Hydraulic & Hydrologic studies - NCFPMP, FEMA, and Dewberry QA / QC for Information Technology Infrastructure – NCFPMP, CGIA, IRMC, FEMA Current Program / Operations – QA / QC
August 15, 2000, North Carolina General Assembly reallocates $23.2 million from Hurricane Floyd Reserve to Floodplain Mapping – Phase I September 15, 2000, State of North Carolina and FEMA signed MOA transferring primary responsibility for NC FIRMs to North Carolina October 2000, North Carolina holds first CTS Committee Meeting November 2000, qualified two prime firms (WSC and G&O) to do the elevation acquisition, engineering and surveying, DFIRM generation, IT design and implementation January 2001, issued first delivery orders to both firms for elevation acquisition for Phase I area CTS Program Steps / Milestones
September 2001, General Assembly transferred NCFPMP from OSBPM to CCPS, sending NC CGIA and NCGS to DENR November 2001, North Carolina General Assembly reallocates (through legislation) $ 9.0 million from Hurricane Floyd Reserve to Hurricane Floyd Reserve – Phase I and II January 2002, OSBM puts hold on all state funds due to budget shortfall January 15, 2002, Onslow County maps are submitted to community (post-preliminary process) April 30, 2002, North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Information System (NCFMIS) is certified by IRMC and goes live on the web September 2002, National Weather Service Flood Warning Grant approved CTS Program Steps / Milestones
October 2002, North Carolina General Assembly reallocates (through Appropriation Bill) $ 9.0 million from Hurricane Floyd Reserve to Hurricane Floyd Reserve – “To be used to leverage / maximize federal and state funds to continue the Floodplain Mapping Program” November 2002, Issue Delivery Order for Scoping Tool / Application to be used in Phase II March 2003, Qualified two additional Prime Engineering Firms (AMEC and Arcadis) December 2003, Submitted Draft State Map Modernization Business Plan (2004-09) CTS Program Steps / Milestones
Map Modernization Plan FY 2004-09
Tasks / OutputsPhase I -Phase I -CFPhase II -Phase III - Statewide Coverage Annual Map Maint.LOMCs Deleg. Acquisition of Elevation Data (# of sq miles) 12,50013,00016,3726,97148,8434,884 Quality Control of Elevation Data (# of counties) 3121391710811 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies (# of linear stream miles) 9,7767,47413,1005,60035,9503,595500 Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (# of panels) 3,6651,3913,6455579,258926200 Map Needs Assessment / Scoping (# of community mtgs) 1231292609861061 Post-Preliminary / Outreach (# of community mtgs) 82511005028328 Digital Community Base Data QC (# of GIS layers) 1409222084536107 Digital DFIRM Databases QC (# of databases) 3923452313013 NOTE 1: Annual map maintenance figures is based on a 10% modification to the statewide data set except for Base Data QC NOTE 2: Engineering and DFIRM production for Dare County is being reworked due to Hurricane Isabel
Phase II – Scope of Work Elevation Acquisition – 16,372 square miles (25 cm vertical accuracy to bare earth) Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling – 13,100 linear miles (detail, limited-detail, redelineation) DFIRM Panel Production – ~3,645 panels (1:500 and/or 1:1,000 scale) DFIRM Database / FIS Reports – 45 counties (whole or partial) / GIS and non-GIS interoperability Information Technology (FMIS) – –Transition from FMIS to AHMIS (e.g. Flood Warning, Spill Modeling, Technological hazards, HAZUS integration) –Multi-Hazard Mapping Portal – Local and Federal WM services data –Engineering and Inventory Data upload and download –LOMCs submittal, processing, mapping application Real Time Flood Forecasting and Inundation Mapping – Phase II (Cape Fear, Roanoke, Yadkin, etc)
Future Delegation of FEMA Work to NC Delegation of LOMCs receipt, processing and mapping Post-Preliminary Processing - Mapping Resolution Printing and Mailing of Preliminary and Effective Maps
NC FPMP intends to award one IDIQs to a private sector engineering firm Selection based on demonstrated competence and qualifications (G.S. 143-64.31) 2 year contract with three / 1 year renewal options No joint ventures allowed / Prime Firms Letter of qualifications due by April 13, 2004 An evaluation of the submitted letters will be conducted A short list of firms will be determined with subsequent interviews be held between May 2004 All firms submitting Letters must be equipped with manager(s) licensed as a Professional Engineer with the NC Board Contractor must have primary contract office within 25 miles of the State Government Complex in downtown Raleigh, N.C. within three months of contract signing. RFQ Highlights / Contractual Approach
Firms are required to identify project team members and their specific proposed roles on the project. Regarding the evaluation of qualifications, note the emphasis placed on project management, quality control, and capacity (experience and manpower) for doing the work. All work must meet FEMA requirements and meet or exceed North Carolina defined requirements (IT / Database) Vertical Management Approach Bi-weekly joint contractors meeting CTS Committee Meeting RFQ Highlights / Contractual Approach
Visit the State’s Web Site: Thank You.
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