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41% 33% 53% 82% 53% of midsize companies are still running old email servers. "It used to take up to an hour per event to restore email service.” –

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3 41% 33% 53% 82% 53% of midsize companies are still running old email servers. "It used to take up to an hour per event to restore email service.” – Greg Baumgardner, IT Director, Stimson Lumber Source: Email Tracker 2010, percentage based on organizations using Exchange Servers

4 Cloud Experts Advantage Why us? Our mission is to provide solutions on cloud and help businesses engage with their customers, partners, and employees using Mega Trends in Cloud technology Microsoft Cloud Activate/Accelerate Partner, an exclusive group of select cloud partners in India. Messaging Competencies. Extensive experience of Microsoft Cloud deployment and Migration. 5000+ mailboxes transitioned to cloud, 30 Customers. Cloud centric approach. Service oriented models. Management of cloud administration on behalf of customers Implementation: Deployment, Migration, Customization, Development Post sales support and management services Value 4

5 Cloud Experts Advantage Our services Productivity and Workforce Automation Solution Deployment and Data Migration Private & Hybrid Cloud Customization and Integration with On Premise Solutions Application Development for Cloud Mobile Apps Development Business Solution Consulting Digital Marketing Managed Support and Administrative Services Administrative and End User Training Services 5

6 Title goes here Subtitle goes here Microsoft Cloud Services Office365 : Windows Intune : CRM Online : Windows Azure 6


8 41% 33% 53% 82% Personnel began experiencing serious performance issues … – USJade 33% of midsize companies are using hosted mail. Source: Email Tracker 2010

9 41% 33% 53% 82% "As the company has grown, it’s put a big strain on me …” – Jay Magness, IT Manager, Medway 82% of midsize companies have a remote workforce. Source: Email Tracker 2010, percentage of organizations with mobile email penetration

10 41% 33% 53% 82% Employees were wasting valuable time using third- party tools to build reports and presentations. – Erraenersi Konstruksindo 41% of US business users that have Microsoft Office are on Office 2003 and older versions. Source: comScore TechMetrix, US Work panel, March 2011

11 We need our tools to work together out of the box. We need productivity tools with a TCO we can afford. Users still need to get their work done when they are travelling. Our mobile workers need access to more than just email, and without using a VPN. We can’t risk attacks from spam or viruses— especially if it impacts our customers. Our IT managers are tied to our servers. Managing complex infrastructure takes our IT staff away from the important projects. It’s hard to keep track of all our licensing costs. What keeps you up at night?

12 IT Control & Management Value Anywhere Access Security Reliability

13 Introducing Microsoft Office 365


15 ANTIVIRUS ANTI-SPAM 24/7 MONITORING BUSINESS CONTINUITY Security and reliability 99.9% SLA “In the past, we had spam originating from one of our employee’s computers. That is no longer a risk.” Source: Customer interviews from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Office 365, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, May 2011

16 ANTIVIRUS ANTI-SPAM 24/7 MONITORING BUSINESS CONTINUITY Security and reliability 99.9% SLA “The disaster recovery capabilities are vastly superior to what we could have provided on our own.” Source: Customer interviews from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Office 365, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, May 2011

17 ANTIVIRUS ANTI-SPAM 24/7 MONITORING BUSINESS CONTINUITY Security and reliability 99.9% SLA “Peace of mind is the biggest benefit for me. Knowing that someone else is taking care of everything is great.” Source: Customer interviews from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Office 365, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, May 2011

18 ANTIVIRUS ANTI-SPAM 24/7 MONITORING GEO REDUNDANT Security and reliability 99.9% SLA “Microsoft’s service level agreement is very important to us.” Source: Customer interviews from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Office 365, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, May 2011

19 Get virtually anywhere access to the Microsoft Office tools you know and rely on, plus easy to administer business-class IT services



22 PER USER LICENSE PAY FOR WHAT YOU NEED LOW UPFRONT COSTS ALWAYS CURRENT Value “We started investigating our options and found that Microsoft’s online solution can reduce our costs.” Source: Customer interviews from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Office 365, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, May 2011

23 PER USER LICENSE PAY FOR WHAT YOU NEED LOW UPFRONT COSTS ALWAYS CURRENT Value “Budgeting is much easier now, and that is very important.” Source: Customer interviews from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Office 365, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, May 2011

24 PER USER LICENSE PAY FOR WHAT YOU NEED LOW UPFRONT COSTS ALWAYS CURRENT Value “We currently have a lot of different costs, and it can be hard to keep track of them.” Source: Customer interviews from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Office 365, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, May 2011

25 PER USER LICENSE PAY FOR WHAT YOU NEED LOW UPFRONT COSTS ALWAYS CURRENT Value “Now we don’t need to be knowledgeable on all the latest technologies in order to roll it out to our users.” Source: Customer interviews from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Office 365, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, May 2011


27 essional Plus Flexible service offering with pay-as-you-go, per- user licensing The complete Office experience with services integration in Office 365 Simplified user set-up to preconfigure services Always the latest version of the Office apps, including Office Web Apps Familiar Office user experience to access services line 50GB Mailbox Outlook & Outlook Web App Anti-Virus/Anti-Spam Shared Calendars, Contacts & Tasks Mobile Email for Most devices including: Blackberry, iPhone, Nokia, Windows Phone Personal email archiving & compliance capabilities nt Online My Sites to manage & share documents Improved Team & project Sites Document-level permissions to protect sensitive content Share documents securely with Extranet Sites Cross site collection search Instant messaging & presence PC-to-PC audio & video calling Click-to-communicate from Outlook, SharePoint, & other Office Applications Online meetings with PC- audio, video conferencing & screen sharing Single click meeting creation & join from Outlook Calendar integration with Outlook & Exchange

28 Simple user interface Role-based access control Identity federation (eliminate sign-in client) Multi-factor authentication support Remove scale limitation


30 Helps prepare workstations to run with Office 365 Only need to run once One-off patching & configuration of clients leveraging Microsoft Update Manual configuration possible

31 The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication and is subject to change at any time without notice to you. This document is provided “as-is.” Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT.

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