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North Carolina College Transfer and Student Access Initiatives David English, Director CFNC Technology & Internet Services The University of North Carolina.

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Presentation on theme: "North Carolina College Transfer and Student Access Initiatives David English, Director CFNC Technology & Internet Services The University of North Carolina."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Carolina College Transfer and Student Access Initiatives David English, Director CFNC Technology & Internet Services The University of North Carolina General Administration October 22, 2009

2 North Carolina – Postsecondary Education Overview CFNC Comprehensive Articulation Agreement Transfer Advisory Committee NC College Access Challenge Grant CFNC Transfer Navigator Presentation Overview

3 North Carolina Postsecondary Education

4 University was chartered in 1789, and is the oldest public institution of higher education in the United States Comprised of sixteen constituent public institutions of higher education and one constituent high school Total enrollment: 215,692 Governance: UNC Board of Governors - 32 members, 16 appointed by House, 16 by Senate UNC President appointed by Board Institutional Chancellors report to UNC President Institutional Board of Trustees – 13 members, 8 appointed by UNC BOG, 4 by Governor, Student Body President All institutions SACS Accredited The University of North Carolina

5 NC General Assembly passed first Community College act in 1957. State Board of Community Colleges created in 1980 Comprised of 58 community colleges located throughout the state, stable since 1979 Total enrollment: 800,000 + Governance: NCCS State Boards - 21 members, 10 appointed by Governor, 4 by House, 4 by Senate NCCCS President appointed by Board Campus Presidents report to local Board of Trustees Institutional Board of Trustees – 12 members, 4 appointed by Governor, 4 by local school board, 4 by local board of commissioners All institutions SACS Accredited North Carolina Community College System


7 State agency responsible for statewide college aid programs – grants scholarships, loans, 529 savings 501(c)(3) nonprofit - administers grants, loans and savings program on behalf of the state State-funded K-16 partnership (NCDPI, NCCCS, NCICU, UNC) administered by UNC General Administration

8 To increase the college-going rate in North Carolina with particular attention toward “first-generation” college students. Obstacles facing first-generation college students: 1)Can I really go to college in NC? 2)Can I afford to go to college in NC? GOALGOAL Primary Goal = Access

9 CFNC Technology & Internet Services Career Center Student Planner College Fair Free SAT & ACT Test Prep Online Applications Electronic High School Transcripts Transfer Articulation CFNC Resource Center 1.866.866.CFNC Toll-free Telephone Hotline for Career and College Planning Email from Publications Training Spanish Services GEAR UP North Carolina Low-income (FRL) school students $37 million Two grants from US Dept of Education (2000-11) 35 NC counties 16,000+ students CFNC Access Services


11 Comprehensive Articulation Agreement and Transfer Advisory Committee

12 1995 General Assembly House Bill 739 Develop a plan enabling NCCCS students to transfer to UNC institutions NCCCS to implement common course descriptions and numbering for 58 campuses Senate Bill 1161 Plan for accurate and accessible academic counseling for transfers Timetable for creation of the CAA NCCCS to review policies in an effort to facilitate transfer (quarter system) CAA was approved by UNC Board of Governors and State Board of Community Colleges Spring 1996 Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA)

13 General Education Core is portable and supersedes UNC institutional lower division general education requirements Institutions recognize professional integrity of other accredited institutions Competencies and understandings developed by general education as a whole are more important than any individual course General education requirements of receiving institution remain in effect for students not completing the core or the AA or AS degrees Upper-division general education requirements and graduation requirements remain unchanged CAA Underlying Assumptions

14 8 member committee appointed by Presidents of UNC and NCCCS Holds authority to interpret and advise on CAA policy matters Authority to implement policy rests with UNC and NCCCS Governing Boards Transfer Advisory Committee UNC TAC Appointees Ms. Kathi M. Baucom, Co-Chair Associate Provost for Enrollment Mgt, UNC Charlotte David English Director of CFNC Tech and IS, UNC General Administration Lou Riggans Director of the Transfer Center, Fayetteville State University Dr. Kenneth R. Gurganus Assistant Professor, Mathematics, UNC Wilmington NCCCS TAC Appointees Dr. Dennis King, Co-Chair Vice President for Student Services, Asheville-Buncombe TCC Ms. Beth Spragins Program Coordinator, NCCCS Dr. Johnnie R. Simpson Vice President for Instruction, Richmond CC Dr. Richard E. Swanson Professor of Physics, Sandhills CC

15 Students who complete the AA or AS degree: Granted “junior” academic status Granted 64 semester-hours of credit transferred Fulfillment of the UNC Minimum Course Requirements (MCR's) in effect at the time of high school graduation Completion of the lower division general education component. However, students must meet the receiving university's foreign language and/or health and physical education requirements, if applicable, prior to or after transfer to the senior institution Admission to a UNC institution per the Transfer Assured Admissions Policy (TAAP) Students who complete the AFA degree: Fulfillment of the UNC Minimum Course Requirements (MCR's) in effect at the time of high school graduation Students who complete the 44-hour CAA Gen Ed core: Fulfillment of the UNC Minimum Course Requirements (MCR's) in effect at the time of high school graduation Completion of the lower division general education component. However, students must meet the receiving university's foreign language and/or health and physical education requirements, if applicable, prior to or after transfer to the senior institution. CAA Provisions

16 Arts: English Composition (6 SHC) Humanities/Fine Arts (12 SHC) Social Behavioral Sciences (12 SHC) Natural Sciences/Math (14 SHC) Science: English Composition (6 SHC) Humanities/Fine Arts (9 SHC) Social Behavioral Sciences (9 SHC) Natural Sciences/Math (20 SHC) General Education Core (44 SHC)

17 Anthropology Art Education Business Administration, Accounting, Economics, Finance and Marketing Business Education and Marketing Education Communication/Communication Studies Computer Science Criminal Justice Elementary Education English English Education Geography Health Education Pre-Majors: Arts History Information Systems Liberal Studies Mass Communication/Journalism Middle Grades Education Nursing Physical Education Political Science Psychology Social Science Secondary Education Social Work Sociology Special Education

18 Biology and Biology Education Chemistry and Chemistry Education Engineering Mathematics Mathematics Education Pre-Majors: Science

19 Student is guaranteed admission to a UNC Institution: Admission is not assured to a specific campus or a specific program or major. Students must have graduated from a North Carolina Community College with an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree. Students must meet all requirements of the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. A student must have an overall GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, as calculated by the college from which he or she graduated, and a grade of "C" or better in all CAA courses. Students must be academically eligible for re-admission to the last institution attended. Students must meet judicial requirements of the institution to which the student applies. Students must meet all application requirements at the receiving institution including the submission of all required documentation by stated deadlines. Transfer Assured Admissions Policy (TAAP)

20 Provided by the UNC Institutions & NCCCS campuses to the TAC for updates Lists by community college, university and major available Excellent tool for advising potential transfers and developing additional agreements. Currently over 1,000 agreements in the inventory Bilateral Agreement Inventory

21 There are about 3,800 NCCCS CCL Courses Of those, some 720 arts and sciences courses are approved for transfer: General Education (about 200) Pre-major elective These courses provide the base infrastructure for the CFNC Transfer Navigator Project NCCCS Combined Course Library

22 North Carolina College Access Challenge Grant

23 U.S. Department of Education Grant Program $3.8 Million Dollars between 2008-10 UNC is the administrative agent for the grant and is partnering with NCCCS, NCICU, and NCSEAA in program delivery Projects include: o CFNC Transfer Articulation System o Minority Male Mentoring o NCICU College Access Network o College Application Week Expansion o FAFSA Day Expansion o Directory of Pre-College Programs NC College Access Challenge Grant

24 College Application Week o Expanded from 109 high schools (2007) to 293 high schools (2008) o Attendance increased 51%, from 12,808 (2007) to 19,356 (2008) o Applications submitted increased 77% from 21,445 (2007) to 37,903 (2008) Pre-College Tracking Database o Partnership between UNCGA CACG, GEAR UP North Carolina, GEAR UP Appalachian, and GEAR UP Fayetteville State o Building single tracking database for measurement and evaluation of outreach and intervention efforts across programs FAFSA Day o Expanded from 56 sites (2008) to 65 sites (2009) o Attendance increased 25%, from 3,600 (2008) to 4,500 (2009) Transfer Articulation o Phase One went live on April 17, 2009 o Increased the number of transfer equivalencies from 3,008 (2008) to 8,414 (2009) NC College Access Challenge Grant

25 North Carolina Transfer Patterns

26 Assist students in advance of enrolling in college courses: Early college high school students Dual enrolled students Community College students Other potential transfer students Provide students with a report of how many credits will transfer to any NC institution. Perform a degree audit to guide students on courses needed to complete CAA Pre-Major Agreements Transfer Student Resources and Articulation

27 Provide students with a report of how courses will transfer between all 110 North Carolina colleges and universities Partnership between NCCCS, NCICU, and UNC Perform a degree audit to guide students on pre major course work that will need to be completed before they transfer System is as easy as 1, 2, 3 o Step 1: Create an academic history by selecting courses from the Community College Course Catalog o Step 2: Confirm selections o Step 3: View an equivalence report that shows course by course equivalence. Users can compare equivalence for 2 institutions at a time Transfer Student Navigator

28 UNC-GA Provide Course & Equivalence Data (UNCs) Subject Matter Experts Application Administration NCCCS Provide Course Data Subject Matter Experts NCICU Course & Equivalence Data (Independents) Subject Matter Experts CFI Host System System Administrators Decision Academic Provide Transfer Articulation System Partnership and Responsibilities

29 UNC-GA Bruce Mallette Sr. Associate VP of Academic & Student Affairs David English Director CFNC Tech. & Internet Services Monique Williamson Transfer Articulation System Manager UNC Subject Matter Experts NCCCS Dr. Delores Parker Sr. VP & Chief Academic Officer Van Wilson Assoc. VP of Academic & Student Services NCCCS Subject Matter Experts NCICU Hope Williams President, NCICU Frances Fontaine Dir. Research & Coll. Programs NCICU Subject Matter Experts CFI Cliff Dillard VP Technology Services Sean McInerney CFNC Tech. Support Manager Marty Flournory Web Development Manager CFI Subject Matter Experts Decision Academic Leslie Kaufman Director of Professional Services Camille McCarthy Implementation Manager Gavin Fortugno Software Development Manager DA Development & Support Team Project Leadership & Management

30 Core System – Transfer Navigator Course Equivalence – NCCCS to UNCs Core administrative functions (manage user profiles, courses & equivalence) Link to Admissions Link to application via CFNC Course Equivalence Course Equivalence – NCCCS to NCICUs Course Equivalence – Four year to Four year Batch Updates Mass system updates for courses & equivalences Workflow & Transcripts Transfer Request Workflow Enhanced user management functions Enhanced authentication of students and electronic access of course history Degree Audit Project Scope

31 Phase 1 Release System Foundation Primary functions available Building block for additional scope General Availability - April 17, 2009

32 Student Transfer Navigator

33 Step 1 – Build Academic History

34 Users can s earch for courses in the Community College Course Catalog and select courses to build an Academic History. Enter Grade and Term Course Taken View Search Results Search for Courses Step 1 – Build Academic History

35 Step 2 – Confirm Selection

36 Review and Modify Information Entered in Step 1

37 Step 3 – View Transfer Credits

38 View Academic History Courses Compare Equivalence View Equivalence Detail Step 3 – View Transfer Credits Apply Online

39 Print Friendly Version

40 Statistics and Results

41 10,000 visitors per day for an average of 10 min 2,794,677 user accounts 1,474,378 online applications 138,501 High school transcripts Site Usage


43 Questions? David English UNC-General Administration 919.843.5369

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