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Published byTrever Wise Modified over 10 years ago
REDC AP R ESEARCH E LECTRONIC D ATA C APTURE Amy Wahlquist February 28, 2013
G ETTING S TARTED Login with NetID and password Welcome screen Home My Projects – list of all projects you currently have access to Create New Project Training Resources – videos Help and FAQ Send-It – Secure data transfer application
C REATING A NEW DATABASE Project title Purpose If you choose research, then you need PI name, IRB number, type of research None is required, but helpful to have all information If you choose other, then give description Start project from scratch or begin with template? If beginning with a template, cannot “go back” and will have to make all changes manually – by enabling options you want to add Templates available Basic Demography Classic Database Human Cancer Tissue Biobank Longitudinal Database (1 or 2 arms) Multiple Surveys (classic or longitudinal) Project Tracking Database Randomized Clinical Trial Single Survey
D ATABASE I NFORMATION Project Home Quick Tasks - Check data quality (once data is collected) Current users Project statistics Project Setup Project status Main project settings – change title/purpose and make customizations **Design data collection instruments – data dictionary** Optional modules and customizations/user rights Change status/draft mode Other Functionality Copy/delete/erase/archive database Project Revision History Menu (on left) Data collection instruments Applications Help
C REATING F ORMS From template – some forms created automatically Can modify/rename/delete/reorder **1 st variable on 1 st form is the unique identifier for database** Add forms/variables as needed Variable names must be unique – not case sensitive Variable labels can be reused (not always recommended)
F IELD T YPES Text box Used for all “free” entry including strings, numerics, dates Notes box – no validation available, bad for analysis Calculated field Must provide equation for calculation Use previously defined variables or constants – this can be from other forms Multiple choice – only one answer Drop down list Radio buttons Checkboxes (more than one answer) – REDCap creates dummy variables for you Yes/No True/False Slider/Visual Analog Scale File upload Descriptive text – with optional image/file attachment Begin new section (must have at least one variable after header before section can be added) *not an option for the last variable on a form
V ALIDATION ( TEXT BOX ) Date Validation (date) allows for calendar to pop up and makes sure date is entered in usable format Use pop up calendar to choose date or enter with keyboard Different date format options If possibility for missing information (e.g., day), consider entering day, month, and year separately instead of date Number/Integer Add ranges - warns if outside range, but still allows it Decimal place option – doesn’t tell you on the form until you enter it wrong – can use field note option Others Date/time or Date/time with seconds Email Phone Time Zip Letters only MRN/SSN
F IELD O PTIONS “Required” – prompts data entry person not to leave something missing, but does not actually “require” it “Identifier” – tags variables with protected health information for exporting de-identified data “Check for Identifiers” – design your data collection instruments – can do them all at once
B RANCHING L OGIC For fields that should only be asked at certain times Convenience to data entry person No difference in branching missing vs. left intentionally blank Advanced vs. Drag-N-Drop Branching can use variables from separate forms (*NEW feature*)
T IPS W HEN C REATING F ORMS Drag and drop to reorder Copy/edit to make quick copies of similar variables Note that when “copy” is used, the variable name is generated and may need be changed Download data dictionary to Excel file to make changes and then upload new data dictionary - for large number of similar changes Multiple choice options creates numeric values for options “behind the scenes” Always starts at 1 and increases Can force values you want Be consistent!! Print CRFs after creating database to have a “hard copy”
B EWARE Cannot force entering data in certain units (kgs, lbs) Add a field note to remind the data entry person Calculations will remain missing if any of the variables used to create it are missing Creating adverse event forms - still not a great way to do this
L ONGITUDINAL S TUDIES Define events If you use the same # days offset (1,1,1, etc), events will be alphabetized Create arms if necessary (different schedule of events) Designate instruments for events
S CHEDULING Must have enabled “Scheduling Module” under optional modules and customizations on “Project Setup” Scheduling Generate schedule for each patient based on events Modify/add visits as needed Can print for records Calendar tool Add other events – per patient or in general Agenda (upcoming for all patients)
D ATA E XPORT /I MPORT Export “Simple” takes all variables (that you have permission to download) “Advanced” Choose forms/variables to export De-identification options Citation notice Software – need to download all files provided Excel, SPSS, SAS, R, STATA Data import Data must be in same format as REDCap database (.csv file) Won’t create variables – only import data into existing variables **This is different from the data dictionary upload which will create variables**
O THER T OOLS Data comparison tool Logging File repository User rights – be careful with default options (especially exporting rights) Data access groups – limits access to database records Check permissions when you add a new form Graphical view and stats – quick and dirty view Data quality Report builder
P RODUCTION S TATUS Request through “Project Setup” Request Service through SPARK After in “production” - changes are not “live” until submitted for approval (use draft mode)
R ESOURCES REDCap Shared Library Forms already created and validated can be imported directly into library Listserv: email (in body of message, type the word “subscribe”) Email (to reach administrators) REDCap videos
A DDITIONAL F EATURES Parent Child Linking (cannot be used with longitudinal) Double Data Entry Randomization Module (needs certain user rights) Surveys – can now do multiple surveys in the same database Data Quality Report Builder
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