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Word Lesson 11 Customizing Tables and Creating Charts Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced Cable / Morrison 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Lesson 11 Customizing Tables and Creating Charts Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced Cable / Morrison 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Lesson 11 Customizing Tables and Creating Charts Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced Cable / Morrison 1

2 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Objectives Rearrange the rows and columns in a table. Sort table data. Adjust column and row spacing, modify table styles, and split a table. Draw a table and split table cells. 222

3 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Objectives (continued) Change text alignment in table cells and align a table. Calculate sums and create other formulas in a table. Embed worksheet data into, or link worksheet data to, a Word document. Create and modify a chart. 333

4 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Vocabulary caption destination file embedded object gridlines import linked object source file 444

5 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Rearranging Table Contents You can rearrange the contents in a table. – Move table contents. – Copy table contents. – Paste table contents. 5

6 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sorting Table Contents To reorder the contents of a table, you can use the Sort feature. You can choose to: – Sort a single column without rearranging the data for the remaining columns. – Sort all the data based on a specified column. Sorts can be based on as many as three criteria in multiple columns. 6

7 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Sorting Table Contents (continued) Sort dialog box 7

8 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Modifying Table Structure and Formats Adjusting Column and Row Spacing: Word offers several options for controlling column and row spacing. You can set a tab stop. 8 Left-aligned tab stop on the Ruler

9 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Modifying Table Structure and Formats (continued) Adjusting Column and Row Spacing (cont): You can use the following options: – Distribute Rows – Distribute Columns – AutoFit Contents – AutoFit Window – Fixed Column Width 9

10 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Modifying Table Structure and Formats (continued) Modifying Table Styles and Creating a New Table Style: Word offers many built-in table styles that are already formatted. Table gridlines are the lines that distinguish the cell boundaries. A caption is a label that identifies or describes an illustration, a table, or a picture. 10

11 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Modifying Table Structure and Formats (continued) Modifying Table Styles and Creating a New Table Style (cont): Modify Style dialog box 11

12 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Modifying Table Structure and Formats (continued) Splitting a Table: You can divide the table content into two or more separate tables. When a table wraps to the next page, it does not include header rows. – Use the “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” option. 12

13 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Modifying Table Structure and Formats (continued) Drawing a Table and Splitting Cells: Draw Table tool allows you to: – Use a pen pointer to draw a table boundary. – Draw column and row lines within the boundary, creating cells of various sizes. You can split a cell into two or more rows and/or into two or more columns. 13

14 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Modifying Table Structure and Formats (continued) Changing Alignment and Rotating Text: You can change the settings for horizontal and vertical alignment of contents in a cell. Direction of text in a cell can be changed by rotating the text. 14 Options in the Alignment group on the Table Tools Layout tab

15 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Modifying Table Structure and Formats (continued) Changing Alignment and Rotating Text (cont): You can reposition the table anywhere in the document. You can change the table alignment settings. 15 Table Properties dialog box

16 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Modifying Table Structure and Formats (continued) Using Quick Tables: You can create a professional-looking table quickly by using a Quick Table. 16 Built-In quick tables

17 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Performing Math Calculations Word provides a calculation feature that enables you to add numbers in text and in tables. You can specify number formats or choose a function from the list of frequently used functions in Word. 17

18 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Performing Math Calculations (continued) Calculating Sums in Tables: You can calculate a sum by inputting a SUM formula using the Formula button. 18 Formula dialog box

19 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Performing Math Calculations (continued) Creating Other Formulas in a Table: You can perform complex math calculations in tables. 19 Symbols for operators in formulas

20 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Integrating Word and Excel To import data means to bring the data into a document from another compatible application. Options to import Excel data into a Word document: – Copy and paste worksheet data. – Integrate the worksheet into the Word document as a linked or embedded object. 20

21 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Integrating Word and Excel (continued) Inserting an Excel Worksheet in a Word Document: You have access to: – All of the data formatting and calculation options from Excel – All Word features 21

22 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Integrating Word and Excel (continued) Copying Worksheet Data into a Word Document: When copied and pasted into a Word document, the worksheet data is converted to a table. You can edit and format the data as any other Word table data. 22

23 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Integrating Word and Excel (continued) Embedding and Linking a Worksheet in a Word Document: An embedded object becomes part of the destination file. – Can be edited in the destination file A linked object is inserted as a static object and accesses data stored in the source file. – Cannot be updated in the destination file 23

24 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Creating Charts Charts provide a visual display of data and make the material easier to understand. Word offers several options for chart types. When you use the Insert Chart feature, a sample chart is embedded in the Word document and an Excel worksheet opens. 24

25 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Creating Charts (continued) Insert Chart dialog box 25

26 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary In this lesson, you learned: To rearrange table contents, you can copy and paste data, drag and drop rows and columns, and sort data. Word offers several ways for you to control column and row spacing. 26

27 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) Sorting can be based on as many as three criteria at a time, and when sorting a single column, the data in the other table columns is not reordered. If a table gets too big and cannot fit on a page, you can repeat the header rows when the table wraps to the next page. Or, you can split the table content into separate tables. 27

28 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) The Draw Table tool and the Draw Eraser tool enable you to create custom tables with cells of various sizes. Word provides several options for aligning text within a table cell, and you can also specify the alignment of the entire table. 28

29 Word Lesson 11 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) The Formula button enables you to perform math calculations in tables, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and averaging. You can insert data from an Excel worksheet into a Word document and then edit and format the data in the Word document. You can easily create charts in Word using an Excel worksheet to enter the chart data. 29

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