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EPortfolio Otterbein University. What is ePortfolio? ePortfolios are platforms for students, faculty and alumni, to showcase their work and ideas. ePortfolios.

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Presentation on theme: "EPortfolio Otterbein University. What is ePortfolio? ePortfolios are platforms for students, faculty and alumni, to showcase their work and ideas. ePortfolios."— Presentation transcript:

1 ePortfolio Otterbein University

2 What is ePortfolio? ePortfolios are platforms for students, faculty and alumni, to showcase their work and ideas. ePortfolios are archives of learning, discovery, progress, achievement and reflection. Uses of ePortfolios include assessment, interactive resumes, student galleries, faculty resource sites, collaborative project portfolios, and research presentations. is the developer of Otterbein’s ePortfolio tool is our web address

3 ePortfolio….. ePortfolio is… A place to collect and save coursework; A chance to showcase accomplishments and best schoolwork to family and friends; A tool for creating digital resumes to send to employers; An opportunity to use creativity to represent yourself and your education; A web portal where you can access your work, track your academic growth, and plan your career; A portal that helps you connect your educational goals with your personal experiences; A chance to reflect on your education, to make connections between where your are and where you want to be. ePortfolio at LaGuardia Community College

4 Student Sample - Kendall

5 Student Samples Casey

6 Getting Started User name and password are the same as for webmail Our web address is

7 Your ePortfolio Home Page


9 Give your ePortfolio a title and choose a “template." Choose a theme, set permissions and decide on tagging. Click on Create New ePortfolio

10 After you click on the “Create New ePortfolio” button you are brought into the ePortfolio. At the top of the page you now see three tabs: EDIT, PREVIEW, and PUBLISHED. Edit Mode: When you log in and view your portfolio, you first see it in Edit Mode. Edit Mode (the Edit tab) displays all your editing options for adding Sections, Pages and Modules (more about those features to follow). Preview Mode: Click the Preview tab to preview your draft changes before you publish them to ensure that they are what you want. Published Mode: Click the Published tab to display the published version of your portfolio – what your ePortfolio visitors see. It does not display anything saved as a draft.

11 Major components of an ePortfolio

12 Make up of your e-Portfolio Your ePortfolio is structured similar to an outline with Sections, Pages and Subpages. Before adding content to your ePortfolio, plan the structure. Remember, you can create more than one ePortfolio. You do not need to fit all of your projects or content into one ePortfolio. You may want one ePortfolio as the “container” of your work. You could keep this one private for your use only. What sections would best represent the work, information, topics, or achievements that you will present in your ePortfolio? Do you want an ePortfolio designed around the Five Cardinal Experience? Do you want an ePortfolio designed as a resume? How about one for your club, fraternity, sorority, or organization? In each section, you will add pages to organize the content. You can modify all of this later, but you need an initial structure to get started.

13 SECTIONS Adding and Editing Sections To add or edit your ePortfolio sections, make sure you are viewing your ePortfolio in Edit Mode. Click the Add/Edit tab. To add a new section, click on the Add Section button to the right of the Add/Edit Tab Type in the Section Name and then Click the “SAVE” button. To reorder sections, make sure you are in the “Add/Edit” tab and then drag the sections to a different order. To add additional sections, just repeat the process. To EDIT a section – click the icon next to the section name. Here you will be given the choice to change the name of the section or delete the entire section.

14 Pages and sub- pages Pages/Subpages Adding and Editing ePortfolio pages: Make sure the Edit tab is highlighted In the View Sections area, click the section to which you want to add pages, in the following example, the section ePortfolio Resources was selected. In the View Pages area, click the Add/Edit Tab. To add a new page, click the Add Page button at the right. Enter the Page name and click the Save button. Repeat to add additional pages As with Sections, to EDIT a page, click the icon to the right of the page name.

15 MODULES The next step is to add content to your pages. In order to do this, click on the “Add a Module” button. Modules are the basic building blocks for content on a page and define what kind of content you are putting on the page You can add multiple modules to a page for flexibility in how you customize the presentation of your work. You are asked to select what type of module you want to add (Image/Video/Audio, Rich Text, Gallery, and Contact Form). An explanation of each module appears when you click on the link.

16 Module descriptions: Image/Video/Audio This module enables you to display a single large piece of media, such as a movie or an image. A limit exists as to the size of the file, if you are putting in a movie it is suggested that you first save it to YouTube, Vimeo, etc. then link it to your ePortfolio. Rich Text This module provides a rich text area that can contain formatted text and display links, files and images in-line. Gallery This module gives you the flexibility of presenting multiple images on a page using thumbnails or simple numbering across the page to line to large images. Each image has a rich text caption filed as well Contact Form For added security and to avoid unsolicited e-mails, the Contact Form module enables you to be contacted through your ePortfolio by email without publishing your email address.

17 Select the module type to add. In the sample, the Image/Video/Audio module has been selected Click Add This Module

18 MODULE OPTIONS After you finish adding a Module by clicking DONE, several buttons and tabs are available as options. These buttons are located at the top of the page Add a Module – add another module to the current page Publish All – Publish any saved media or text modules to your ePortfolio. This is helpful when there are multiple modules on a page. These buttons are located in a row below the buttons View Media or View Text- Display your saved but not published module content Edit - Add and edit module content Publish - Publish a specific module with your ePortfolio Delete - Erase the module from the page Drag to reorder - Rearrange modules on a page


20 Make sure to click on “Save” and “Publish all Modules.”

21 Adding Sound Clips Create an Image/Video/Audio module for the appropriate page of your e- Portfolio. Upload the sound clip from your computer. Click on the module's "Edit" tab and then select "Replace This Media." A file pop-up box will appear. Make sure the "From My Computer" tab is selected because you are telling the system that you would like to upload a file that is currently on your computer. Click on "Browse for media." A file requester should pop-up; use it to select the file that contains your audio recording. IMPORTANT: The file must be under 20 MB in size or else the system will not upload it. If you cannot get this step to work, check your file size. These instructions assume that you have already produced the audio file and have it stored on the computer you are using, or on a flash drive or other removable media. Your Digication e-Portfolio can only play.WAV and.MP3 audio files, so your file must be in that format.

22 Adding Sound Clips - continued If you still need to record and produce an audio file, you may borrow digital audio recorders and other recording equipment from the library's circulation desk. If you would like to record or edit an audio file on a computer you try using Audacity, which should be installed on laboratory computers. If you would like to install Audacity on your personal computer you may do so. It can be downloaded here: Audacity exports files to the needed audio format,.WAV. An additional free plug-in, called LAME, can shrink Audacity's.WAV files if need be by turning them into MP3s.

23 Students - Next Steps Your ePortfolio will be a unique presentation of your educational career at Otterbein. ePortfolio is a unique tool that will allow you to merge your personal and professional goals, putting your education into a larger context. Follow these steps Explore how other students have created their ePortfolios. Collect materials from your classes. You will want to create a virtual archive (an online file cabinet) of materials that you can later select as samples of our coursework in your ePortfolio Think about your educational journey – past, present and future. You will want to reflect on the meaningfulness of the work that you have selected to display How can you use class projects to show what you are learning? Use images, sounds, videos…explore and experiment on how you want to represent yourself, your work and your experience as you create your ePortfolio. Building an ePortfolio takes time; you may even create several ePortfolios. -ePortfolio at LaGuardia Community College

24 Questions? Contact Information for ePortfolio Project Diane Conley – ePortfolio Project Coordinator Search ePortfolio Hints

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