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Microsoft Project 2010 Dr. Nouh Alhindawi Jadara University.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Project 2010 Dr. Nouh Alhindawi Jadara University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Project 2010 Dr. Nouh Alhindawi Jadara University

2 Project Management Jadara University Faculty of Information Technology Department of Software Engineering Instructor: Dr.Nouh Alhindawi Mo’ad Salem Shatnawi

3 Calendars At the beginning of any project you must have a special business calendar. In MS Project 2010 you can use standard calendar like - 24 Hours (No off day) - Night Shift (1PM – 11 PM) - Standard (8AM – 5 PM, Fri and Sat off) - Or Create new calendar

4 Calendars *

5 Create new calendar

6 Calendars Now you can create the calendar from beginning or make a copy of the standards calendars and edit it.

7 Calendars - Edit Calendar according the project. - Friday off -The other days, as in the picture

8 Calendars Exception : you can select a specific day to be on holiday or change the work time and repeat this day in a weekly, monthly or etc.

9 Calendars Linking the new calendar with the project

10 Calendars Linking the new calendar with the project in (Time scale)

11 Work breakdown structureWork breakdown structure (WBS) Split the project into smaller components connected to each.

12 WBS Insert Summery task To show WBS column right click on any column –insert column-.

13 WBS Right the Main task (Project name)

14 WBS Fill out the tasks table. And modify the WBS using each of the tools or change the number in WBS column

15 WBS Basis, Build and Finishing on same level.

16 Tasks 1- Timeline 2-Gantt chart 3-Indicator 4-Task Mode 5-Task Name 6-Duration 7-Start 8-Finish

17 Tasks 1- Time Line : Line shows where we are from the timeline. 2-Gantt chart : Area which show tasks and everything related to and relationships between tasks. 3-Indicator : Information and note about task.

18 Tasks Mode 4-Task Mode : In MS-Project we have two types (mode) of tasks (Auto Or Manually) * Auto : We define the duration of the task and the program calculate the date of start and finish task. * Manually : We define the duration of the task and date of start and finish task.

19 Tasks 5-Task Name : The name of task. 6-Duration : Duration of the work task (per day, week, hour, etc.) 7-Start : Task start date 8-Finish : 8-Task finish date

20 Predecessors & Successors 1-Right Click and select show split. 2-Right Click and select Predecessors & Successors.

21 Predecessors & Successors Predecessor : the previous task Successor : the next task Any task has task before it or task after it or task before and task after it. The four relation between tasks 1- F-S(Finish – Start ) : after finish task 1 start task 2. 2- S-S(Start – Start ). 3- F-F(Finish – Finish ). 4- S-F(Start – Finish ).

22 Predecessors & Successors How do you define Predecessors & Successors of task X. Select the task, then choose the predecessors and successors, Type, and Lag (time delay allowed)

23 Milestone Task Milestone task : To insert event without duration to the project.

24 Recurring Task Recurring Task : Activity or a task is repeated regularly (daily, weekly or etc). - Such a meeting every Sunday at 8:00 AM.

25 Split Task If you want to split task (Painting, 10 days duration) each week, just two days. 1- select the task 2- click on split task image 3-by mouse cursor go to time scale and change as you like

26 Split Task 3-

27 Task Information To show or edit task information : 1- Right click on any task and select Information. 2-Or double click on any task.

28 Task Information Estimated : If you not sure of the duration of the task, ”?” beside the duration to remind. Inactive : disable the task.

29 Task Information * Dead line : select the last day to finish task. * Constrain type : constrain on the task by time. Note : by duration we can add “e” before day to work without off days. (10 eday, 10 eweek,…)

30 Note, Attachment file You can add note to your tasks and attach files.

31 Filter, Highlight Filter : If you want to watch a specific set of tasks or certain conditions You can create new filter. Highlight : the same of filter but without hide the other task and highlight on specific task. image below shows only the summery task by filter and highlight.

32 . Filter Highlight

33 Format To show specific task on timeline : 1- click on add to timeline from task menu. 2- Or right click on the task and click on add to timeline

34 Resources resources are required to carry out the project tasks. They can be people, hardware, software, funding, or anything.

35 Resources Recourses sheet :

36 Resources 1- Resource Name : the name of resource (human,hardware,.. ) 2- Type : type of resource ( work, material, cost ) 3- Material : The material type or unit. 4- Max : Percentage your use of this resource (100% = Fulltime) 5- Std. Rate : standard salary. 6-Ovt. Rate : over time salary. 7-Cost use : cost paid for once when use the resource. 8-Accure : payment method - Start : when start project - Prorated : after each activity - End: after finish the work

37 Resources 9-Base: the base calendar Note : Change currency : File >> Option >> Display >> Currency.

38 Resources Information Right click or double click on any Resource :

39 Resources Information Booking type : (committed OR proposed), are you sure to use this resource or just a proposal?. Generic : this resource is generally (Job title) not employee ?. Windows Account : use with humans have outlook email. And many of option ….

40 Add Resources To Tasks 1- Back to Gantt chart. 2- Add column >> Cost 3- View split and chose cost

41 Resources & Tasks

42 Now add the resources to each task. The cost calculated automatically.

43 Task Usage, Resource Usage Task Usage : Showing each task and resource of its. Resource Usage : Showing each resource and task of its.

44 Set Base Line Cost Set baseline cost: -Add column (Baseline cost) -Go to project >>

45 Set Base Line Cost -Make sure options - Ok.

46 Comparison Comparison between two project : -Open project 1 -Project >> -Compare projects >> -Browse >> -Select project 2 -Compare …

47 Report Print or view reports: -Open project -Project >> -Report >> -* Select the required report >> -Completed the usual procedures

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