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Utah Banner Users Conference

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1 Utah Banner Users Conference
Using GASB Attributes for Financial Statements Wendy Rosenlof Utah Valley University Download PowerPoint from Welcome to Using GASB Attributes for Financial Statements. My name is Wendy Rosenlof and I work at Utah Valley University as a Senior Accountant.

2 Session Rules of Etiquette
Please turn off your cell phone/beeper If you must leave the session early, please do so as discretely as possible Please avoid side conversation during the presentation Thank you for your cooperation! I’m sure you’ve seen these rules many times by now, but please check to make sure anything that might make a noise is silenced, if you need to leave the session early, please do so as discretely as possible, and please avoid side conversation during the presentation – it can be distracting to those around you trying to listen.

3 Introduction Learn how to use GASB attributes and the GASB extract process to generate GASB financial statements from Banner. During this session, I will go over how to use GASB attributes and the GASB extract process to generate GASB financial statements from Banner. Banner provides features for producing Government Wide Financial Statements, Governmental Funds Statements and Business Type Activities (BTA) Statements, which are the types of statements covered in GASB 34 and 35. I will only be covering the Business Type Activities statements, which are the Statement of Net Assets and Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets. Sorry, there is not a Cash Flow statement. I assume that most, if not all, of you also use the Business Type Activity model at your college or university if you follow GASB.

4 Banner COA – FOAP string
Fund - A self balancing group of accounts (GL) Organization - A department within the institution (SL) Account - A line item within a site’s financial structure Program – A defined function I will assume that you are familiar with Banner and FOAP strings during this presentation, so this is just a quick review of the FOAP elements of the Chart of Accounts. Fund – basically this is the general ledger Organization – basically this is the subsidiary ledger for revenues and expenses Account – this is how you categorize transactions for financial statement line items, for instance what kind of asset, liability, revenue or expense a transaction is Program – A defined function that you probably have set up for the NACUBO functional categories like Instruction, Academic Support, Institutional Support, etc.

5 Preparing GASB Financial Statements
Review and set up attribute values Associate fund codes to columns Associate account codes to rows Associate program codes to rows Review chart and attribute mappings This is the start of the list for basic steps to follow for the set up in Banner to generate the GASB financial statements.

6 Preparing GASB Financial Statements
Make changes/corrections Extract the data for a GASB report Create the GASB report Reclassify data with GASB only JE Review reclassified data extracts and reports This is the end of the list of steps. I will cover each of these steps in detail as I go through the presentation.

7 Mapping FOAP elements Fund codes and types map to report columns
Account codes, account types and program codes map to report rows Basically, mapping the FOAP elements for GASB statements is providing a crosswalk of how your transactions are stored in the Banner tables to how they need to be grouped together for the financial statements. Fund codes and types will map to report columns, and account codes, account types and program codes will map to report rows.

8 Delivered Attribute Types FTMATTT – Major Groupings
Operating Statements Int ATYP 50, 60, 70 or 80 Statement of Net Assets Internal ATYP 10 or 20 Both Statements Internal ATYP 30 or 40 G5BAPROG PROG Expense G5BAA1CA ACCT Current Assets G5BAN1NA ACCT Net Assets G5BAR1OR ACCT Operating Revenue G5BAA2NA ACCT Non-current Assets G5BAN9EX ACCT Exclude Net Assets G5BAR2OE ACCT Operating Expense (Acct) G5BAA3CL ACCT Current Liabilities G5BAFUND FUND Public Inst BTA Column G5BAR3NO ACCT Non-operating Rev/Exp G5BAA4NL ACCT Non-current Liabilities G5BAR4OT ACCT Other Charges G5BAAA9EX ACCT Exclude Assets/Liabilities Int ATYP of 90 or 95 Links to G5BAR9EX ACCT Exclude Op Accounts New Attributes for Deferred Outflows/Inflows of Resources G5BAD1OU, G5BAD2IN ACCT G5BAN1NA or G5BAN9EX and G5BAR4OT or G5BAR9EX Banner comes delivered with these 14 attribute types – they match the suggested financial statement format presented in GASB 35. FOAP elements are mapped to these attributes in order to present the financial statements in the GASB format. Notice that all of these delivered attribute types for GASB BTA reports all start with G5BA, which stands for GASB 35 Business Type Activities. Do not insert, delete, or change any of these Attribute Type Codes. You can, if you like, change the descriptions to alter the Heading and Subtotal literals for the sections of the reports. The order and placement of the report sections is predetermined based on the examples from the GASB Statements and cannot be changed. You can change the order and format once you extract the data into Excel. I’ve indicated in the gold lettering which FOAP element will be associated with each of the attribute types. Under each heading, the types of account codes for each statement are indicated. Very recently there was an upgrade to include attributes to segregate deferred outflows and deferred inflows of resources to conform with the reporting requirements of GASB 63.

9 Attribute Values FTMATTV
Link to columns and rows on the financial statements For each of the attribute types, attribute values are defined. These will be the groupings and descriptions for your columns and rows on the financial statements. This example shows what line items on the financial statements will appear under the major heading of Current Assets. When we set this up, we just referred to a copy of our financial statements, and made an attribute value for each line of our financial statements in the appropriate attribute types. As a general rule, you may insert or delete Attribute Value Codes that are associated with the rows of a report, and may change the descriptions of the seed data to suit your preferences. The sort of the rows within each section of the report is based on the values. Values intended to exclude information from reports should all begin with '9999'.

10 Attribute Value for columns FTMATTV
G5BAFUND is where columns are defined You can change descriptions, but don’t change codes G5BAFUND is the attribute type where columns are defined. Do not insert, delete, or change any Attribute Value Codes that are associated with the columns of a report. You can, if you like, change the descriptions to alter the column headings. The 6.0 release guide says: The bank funds should usually be excluded to avoid overstating or understating the cash in the GASB 35 General Ledger statements. We didn’t exclude these and don’t have a problem with cash being overstated or understated – so maybe it depends on how the cash is set up.

11 Associating FOAP elements
By going up the hierarchy eventually every fund, account and program needs to be associated to one (but not more than one) attribute type and attribute value combination. (Fund deductions and additions are the exception.) A more detailed mapping will override a higher level mapping. The goal is to set up the mappings so that every single transaction will fit somewhere. The hierarchical structure of the Chart of Accounts is used in determining where a data entry level account code, program code and fund code map to. For example, if you have set up an account type to map to certain attribute value, all accounts that have that account type associated with it will be included unless you have specifically mapped that account code somewhere else. The more detailed mapping overrides a higher level mapping in the hierarchy.

12 Associating Fund Types and Codes
Associate every fund code to a report column or exclude by mapping: Level 1 Fund Type or Level 2 Fund Type or Fund Code Every fund needs to be included in a column or excluded from the reports. This is done by associating either a fund type or a fund code.

13 Associate Fund Types Use FTMFATA Enter Chart & Choose Ftyp
This is an example of associating a fund type. You will use the form FTMFATA. You will enter the Chart of Accounts code, then choose the Ftyp radio button.

14 Associate Fund Types (con’t)
Choose Fund Type, Next Block Check Add, Save Selection and Exit Next you select a Fund Type Code – you can bring up a pick list for this by using F9 while in the Fund Type Code field, or double clicking. You can choose either a Level 1 or Level 2 Fund Type. After choosing the fund type, do a next block. Click the Add box next to the attribute type you want to map the fund to. Then go to the Options pull down menu and choose “Save Selection and Exit to Maintenance”

15 Associate Fund Types (con’t)
Choose appropriate Attribute Value Save & Rollback Repeat for each Fund type After saving, it will go to another screen where you will choose an attribute value. You can use F9 or double click in the attribute value field to bring up a pick list with the values that were defined on FTMATTV. Then do F10 to save. Rollback to do the next fund type.

16 Associate Fund Codes Fund Codes are associated in a similar manner to the fund types, just choose the Fund radio button instead of Ftyp Fund Codes can be linked to predecessor fund codes, when you bring up the pick list it will only show data entry level, just query to see the predecessor codes as well Fund codes are set up in a similar way as the fund types. Just choose the Fund radio button instead of the Ftyp radio button. When you bring up the pick list for Fund Code it will show only the data entry level codes. Just perform a query and don’t limit it to data entry only, and you will be able to see the predecessor codes to choose from.

17 Associating Account Types and Codes
Associate every account code to a report row or exclude by mapping: Level 1 Account Type or Level 2 Account Type or Account Code Hierarchy determined on FTMSDAT Entity/Usage Code=GASB Attribute Code = ACCT_HIER_LEVEL Every account needs to be included in a row or excluded from the reports. This is done by associating either an account type or an account code. The account hierarchy is determined from the System Data record, FTMSDAT, with Entity/Usage Code GASB and Attribute Code ACCT_HIER_LEVEL. This is initially set to ‘LEVEL1’ but can be changed to any of the following values depending on which is most meaningful for your Chart of Accounts. • LEVEL1 - Level 1 Account Code • LEVEL2 - Level 2 Account Code • PRED - Predecessor Account This setting will affect how the data is extracted and displayed for the reports. UVU uses LEVEL2 – for how our chart is set up, the LEVEL1 and PRED settings didn’t produce meaningful reports.

18 Associate Account Codes
Use FTMFATA Enter Chart & Choose Acct This is an example of associating an account code, which is very similar to how the fund type was done. You will use the form FTMFATA. You will enter the Chart of Accounts code, then choose the Acct radio button.

19 Associate Account Codes (con’t)
Choose Acct Code, Next Block Check Add for appropriate Attribute Type Save Selection and Exit Next you select an Account Code – you can bring up a pick list for this by using F9 while in the Account Code field, or double clicking. Just like the fund codes, when you bring up the pick list for Account Code it will show only the data entry level codes. Just perform a query and don’t limit it to data entry only, and you will be able to see the predecessor codes to choose from. You can choose a predecessor code or a data entry level code. After choosing the account code, do a next block. Click the Add box next to the attribute type you want to map the account code to. Then go to the Options pull down menu and choose “Save Selection and Exit to Maintenance”

20 Associate Account Codes (con’t)
Choose appropriate Attribute Value Save & Rollback Repeat for each Account Code After saving, it will go to another screen where you will choose an attribute value. You can use F9 or double click in the attribute value field to bring up a pick list with the values that were defined on FTMATTV. Then do F10 to save. Rollback to do the next account code.

21 Associating Program Codes
Associate every program code to a report row or exclude by mapping: Level 1 Program Code or Program Code Program Codes are associated on FTMFATA in a similar manner to the fund and account codes, choose the Prog radio button Every program code needs to be included in a row or excluded from the reports. This is done by associating either level a 1 Program Code or a data entry level program code. The navigation is the same as for the fund and account codes.

22 Fund Additions and Fund Deductions
Fund Additions and Deductions have to be mapped to both a net asset statement row and operating statement row. They have to be G5BAN1NA and G5BAR4OT (or be excluded). The exception for mapping to only one attribute type and value combination is mapping a Fund Addition or Deduction account or account type. Since Fund Additions and Deductions are posted to both Fund Balance and the operating ledger, the account or account type you are mapping must be associated with both a net asset statement row and an operating statement row to mirror the ledger postings. You have to use the G5BAN1NA and G5BAR4OT attribute types or you can exclude them.

23 Review Mappings Use FTIFATA
Choose FOAPAL element, Next Block, Execute Query To review the mappings you have set up, use the form FTIFATA. I didn’t review Activity Codes or Location Codes, but you could associate those if you wanted to. Choose the FOAPAL element you want to review, then do a next block and execute a query. Mappings can also be reviewed by running FGAGASB report, which we will cover later.

24 Make Corrections Use FTMFATA - Choose Options
Remove all associated Attribute Types If you need to make corrections, bring up the record you want to change on FTMFATA, then choose “Remove all associated Attribute Types” from the options pull down menu. Then just redo the association the way you want it.

25 Extract data for GASB report FGPGEXT
01 - Your Chart of Accounts 02 - Ending Date 03 – Include Accrual (Y/N) 04 – Government Wide Financials (Y/N) 05 – Government Funds Financials (Y/N) 06 – Public Inst BTA Financials (Y/N) 07 – Processing Mode (Extract/Purge) The first step in producing the reports is to run the FGPGEXT GASB Extract process. The parameters are listed on the slide. For BTA financial statements, you would choose N on Options 4 and 5, and Y on option 6. Choose E to create an extract on Option 7 – this will replace any previous extract. The process can take a few minutes to run, so be sure to review the output of the .lis file in GJIREVO before continuing. The output of the .lis file will also alert you to FOAPAL elements that don’t have valid associations, that have duplicate associations, or that are being excluded based on attribute assignments.

26 Create GASB Reports FGAGASB – Export to Excel
Use the form FGAGASB to produce the GASB reports. Enter your Chart, Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period. Click on the radio button to choose which options you want. The Data Extract Mode options have 4 choices: The Summary mode will produce the financial statement. The Detail mode will provide the detail of what makes up the totals in each grouping of the Summary mode. The Exclusions/Errors mode will help you troubleshoot any problems with your mappings. The Attributes mode lists how all the attributes have been assigned for you to review. For the SCRENCA, you can choose to classify expenses by account or program. After you have made your selections with the radio buttons, then choose Options, “Extract report data to file”. A comma delimited file will be produced, which you can choose to Open or Save. You can use Excel or another spreadsheet program to view the comma delimited (.csv) file. If you have a pop-up blocker, you may need to hold down the control key before clicking on “Extract report data to file”, and keeping holding it until after you choose to Open or Save. I will be showing you an example of how to do this. A new option for segregating deferred outflows and inflows of resources has been added.

27 Make reclassifying JE’s FGARCLE
To make financial statement only adjustments to meet GASB requirements Associated to a particular extract by fiscal year and fiscal period Date entries in same fiscal period as the extract If you need to make reclassifying journal entries for reporting purposes only, use FGARCLE. The entries are stored in a separate table and are associated with a fiscal year and fiscal period, so date the entries in the same fiscal period as the extract.

28 Make reclassifying JE’s FGARCLE (con’t)
Non-data enterable FOAPAL elements may be used Entries do not post to the main ledgers Entries are made in a similar way as on FGAJVCD or FGAJVCQ using JE15 You can make entries to non-data enterable FOAPAL elements. There is a separate table these are posted to, they don’t post to the main ledgers. The entries are made in the same way you would do a JE15 rule class on FGAJVCD or FGAJVCQ. Consult the Banner documentation for more details on reclassifying journal entries.

29 Review reclassifying JE’s FGIRCLE
Reclassifying JE’s cannot be deleted once they are completed. Use a reversing entry if needed. You do not need to redo FGPGEXT after entering reclassifying JE’s – just redo FGAGASB to see results of entries You can review your entries on form FGIRCLE. The entries don’t go through a posting process, and there is no option to delete them, so you’ll just need to do a reversing entry if you need to make a change. After you make reclassifying entries, you do not need to run the extract again, you can just rerun the FGAGASB reports and they will include the reclassified data.

30 Excel Demonstration Switch over to Excel to demonstrate bringing the extracts into Excel.

31 Training Materials Download Banner Finance User Guide 8.9 ( Finance Release Guide 6.0, GASB training workbook and Chart of Accounts training workbook (I can ) The Chart of Accounts training workbook covers the FTMATTT AND FTMATTV forms, and the GASB Training workbook covers the rest of the forms used. The newer Banner Finance User Guide 8.9 also has a section on GASB reports. The Finance Release Guide for 6.0 contains the most detailed information about the GASB reporting. The changes for the GASB 63 Enhancement are in the Banner Release Guide

32 Questions and Answers Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. - Albert Einstein

33 Presenter Information
Wendy Rosenlof Utah Valley University, MS109 800 W University Parkway Orem, UT 84058

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