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Published byToni Roscoe Modified over 9 years ago
High-Level Synthesis Algorithms
2 Scheduling: Inputs: − A DFG − An architecture (i.e. a set of processing elements) Output: − Starting time of each node on a given resource Temporal partitioning: Input: − A DFG − A reconfigurable device Output: − A set of partitions − Starting time of each node is the starting time of the partition to which it belongs Solution approaches: List scheduling Integer linear programming (exact method) Network flow Spectral method − * Recursive bi-partitioning approaches Temporal partitioning & Scheduling
3 Unconstrained scheduling: Assumption: unlimited amount of resources − Device with unlimited size Usually as pre-processing step for other algorithms −E.g. computation of the upper and lower bounds on the starting time of operations. Lower bound: the earliest time at which a module can be scheduled, Upper bound: the latest time at which a module can be started. Unconstrained Scheduling
4 ASAP (as soon as possible) Defines the earliest starting time for each node in the DFG Computes a minimal latency ALAP (as late as possible) Defines the latest starting time for each node in the DFG according to a given latency The mobility of a node: (ALAP starting time) – (ASAP starting time) Mobility = 0 node is on a critical path Unconstrained Scheduling
5 Unconstrained scheduling with optimal latency : L = 4 Zeit 4 *+ -< Zeit 0 Zeit 3 Zeit 4 *** ** +- Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Zeit 3 Time 4 Time 0 ASAP Example
6 Assumptions: Multiplication: latency of 100 clocks, Addition/subtraction: 50 clocks, data transmission delay is neglected. ASAP Example Computation delay of the prev. node Node’s starting time as computed by the algorithm.
7 ASAP(G(V,E),d) { FOREACH ( v i without predecessor) s(v i ) := 0; REPEAT { choose a node v i, whose predecessors are all planned; s(v i ) := max j:(vj,vi) E {s(v j )+ d j }; } UNTIL (all nodes v i are planned); RETURN s; } ASAP Algorithm
8 Unconstrained scheduling with optimal latency : L = 4 *+ - < Zeit 1 Zeit 3 Zeit 4 ** * * *+ - Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Time 0 ALAP-Example
9 * * 1 1 Zeit 0 Zeit 1 Zeit 2 Zeit 3 Zeit 4 * * + < * + * - * * - 2 2 2 2 * + + < 0 0 0 0 0 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Time 0 Mobility
10 Assumptions: Multiplication: latency of 100 clocks, Addition/subtraction: 50 clocks, Overall computation time: 250 ALAP Example Computation delay of the prev. node Node’s starting time as computed by the algorithm.
11 ALAP(G(V,E),d, L) { FOREACH( vi without successor) s(vi) := L - di; REPEAT { Choose a node vi, which successors are all planned; s(vi) := min j:(vi,vj) E {s(vj)} - di; } UNTIL (all nodes vi are planned); RETURN s } ALAP-Algorithm
12 Constrained scheduling: A set of fixed resources available (ASIC). Many tasks competing for a given resource, − One of them must be chosen according to a given criteria and the rest will be scheduled later. 1. Extended ASAP, ALAP: Compute ASAP or ALAP Assign the tasks earlier (ASAP) or later (ALAP), until the resource constraints (e.g. area) are fulfilled. Constrained Scheduling
13 *+-<**** * +- ●Constraint: 2 Multipliers, 2 ALUs (+, , <) Time 0 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Extended ASAP
14 List scheduling: Sort nodes in topological order Assign priority to nodes Criteria can be: − number of successors, − depth (length of longest path from inputs), − latency-weighted depth, −w: latency of the operation to be executed by the nodes on the path. − mobility, − connectivity, −... Constrained Scheduling
15 At any time step t: A ready set L is constructed (operations ready to be scheduled) −L: operations whose predecessors have already been scheduled early enough to complete their execution at time t. Tasks are placed in L in decreasing priority order At a given step, the free resource is assigned the task with highest priority. Constrained Scheduling
16 At a given step, the free resource is assigned the task with highest priority. Constrained Scheduling Are there enough resources of type k to implement all the operations of type k? Assign sources to operations Assign sources to high priority operations yn
17 * + - < * * * ** + - 3 3 2 211 1 1 00 0 ●Criterion: number of successors ●Resources: 1 multiplier, 1 ALU (+, -, <) Constrained Scheduling (Example)
18 Time 0 Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Time 5 Time 6 Time 7 * + - < * * * * + * - Constrained Scheduling (Example)
19 List Scheduling: Example Resources: 1 multiplier, 1 adder Latency: Multiplication: 100 clocks, Add/sub: 50 clocks, ****
20 Force Directed List Scheduling
21 In RCS, Resource types are not important. − Amount of basic resources are important. Operators do not compete for resources. − They compete for area. Only the starting time and the end time of the complete partition is usually considered. Temporal Partitioning vs. Constrained Scheduling
22 Temporal Partitioning in RCS Temporal partitioning: The same as list scheduling Assignment criterion: there should be enough places left on the device to accommodate the new component. Algorithm: List-scheduling algorithm for reconfigurable devices sort the nodes of v according to their priorities P0 := Ø while V ≠Ø do select a vertex v V with highest priority and whose predecessors are all placed if (a partition P i exists with s(P i ) + s(v) ≤ s(H)) then Pi = Pi {v} else create a new partition P i+1 and set P i+1 = {v} end if end while
23 P2 P1 + < ** * * P3 -*- * + ●Connectivity: ●c(P1) = 1/6, ●c(P2) = 1/3, ●c(P3) = 2/6. ●Quality: 0.28 Temporal Partitioning vs. Constrained Scheduling ●Criterion: number of successors ●size(FPGA) = 250, ●size (mult) = 100, ●size(add) = size(sub) = 20, ●size(comp) = 10. * + - < * * * ** + - 3 3 2 21 1 1 1 00 0 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
24 Improvement Best criteria: Total computation time of DFG: t DFG = n × C H + 1,…,n (t Pi ) C H : Reconfiguration time of device H t Pi : Computation time of partition P i. n: Number of partitions Optimization: If C H too large, then the optimization will tend to minimize the number of partitions If C H « t p, then algorithm will tend to avoid long paths in partitions.
25 Improvement Advantage of LS-based temporal partitioning: Fast (linear time algorithm) Local optimization possible −e.g. configuration switching +/ * * + -* - / Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Disadvantage: Levelization: −Modules are assigned to partitions based more on their level number rather than their interconnectivity with other component. Interconnectivity (data exchange) must be optimized.
26 P2 P1 + < ** * * P3 - * - * + ●Connectivity: ●c(P1) = 1/6, ●c(P2) = 1/3, ●c(P3) = 2/6. ●Quality: 0.28 LS-Based Temporal Partitioning ●Criterion: number of successors ●size(FPGA) = 250, ●size (mult) = 100, ●size(add) = size(sub) = 20, ●size(comp) = 10. * + - < * * * ** + - 3 3 2 21 1 1 1 00 0 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
27 * + - < * * * ** + - 3 3 2 21 1 1 1 00 0 ●Connectivity: ●c(P1) = 2/10, ●c(P2) = 2/3, ●c(P3) = 2/3. ●Quality: 0.51 ●Quality is better P2 P1 + < * * * P3 * - * - * + Improved Temporal Partitioning 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
28 Pair wise interchange Improved List Scheduling
29 With the ILP (Integer Linear Programming), Temporal partitioning constraints are formulated as equations. The equations are then solved using an ILP- solver. The constraints usually considered are: Uniqueness constraint Temporal order constraint Memory constraint Resource constraint Latency constraint Notations: 2.2 Temporal partitioning – ILP
30 Unique assignment constraint: Each task must be placed in exactly one partition. (m = # of partitions) Precedence constraint: For each edge e = (u, v) in the graph, u must be placed either in the same partition as v or in an earlier partition than that in which v is placed. 2.2 Temporal partitioning – ILP
31 Resource constraint: The sum of the resources needed to implement the modules in one partition should not exceed the total amount of available resources. − Device area constraint: s − Device terminal constraints: T (size of communication memory): Temporal partitioning – ILP
32 Temporal partitioning by ILP : Example assignment constraint: y11+ y12 + y13 = 1 y21+ y22 + y23 = 1 …… y71 +y72 + y73 = 1 Partition P1: y22 = y23 = 0, y21 = 1 y32 = y33 = 0, y31 = 1 y42 = y43 = 0, y41 = 1 Partition P2: y11 = y13 = 0, y12 = 1 y51 = y53 = 0, y52 = 1 y61 = y63 = 0, y62 = 1 Partition P3: y71 = y72 = 0, y73 = 1
33 Temporal partitioning by ILP: Example Precedence constraint: ii ii
34 Temporal partitioning by ILP: Example Resource constraint: device with a size of 200 LUTs, and 100 LUTs for the multiplication, 50 LUTs each for the addition, the comparison s(u)=
35 Temporal partitioning by ILP: Example Communication memory constraint: Assume that a memory with 50 bytes is available for communication and each datum has a 32-bit width. Bits
36 Recursive bipartitioning The goal at each step is the generation of a unidirectional bipartition The goal at each step is to compute a bipartition wich minimizes the edge-cut size between the two partitions. Network flow methods are used to compute the a bipartition with minimal edge-cut size. Directly applying the min-cut max-flow theorem may leads to non-unidirectional cost. Therefore, the original G is first transformed into a new graph G' in which each cut is unidirectional Unidirectional recursive bipartitioning A bidirectional cut 2.3 Temporal partitioning – Network- flow
37 Two-terminal net transformation Replace an edge (v 1, v 2 ) with two edges (v 1, v 2 ) with capacity 1 and (v 2, v 1 ) with infinite capacity Multi-terminal net transformation For a multi-terminal net {v 1, v 2,.....v 2 }, Introduce a dummy node v with no weight and a briging (v 1, v) with capacity 1. Introduces the egdes (v, v 2 ),.... (v, v n ), each of which is assigned a capacity 1. Introduce the edges (v 2, v 1 ),..., (v n, v 1 ), each of which is assigned an infinite capacity Having computed a min-cut in the transformed graph G, a min-cut can be derived in G: for each node of G' assigned to a partition, its counterpart in G is assigned to the corresponding partition in G. 2.3 Temporal partitioning – Network- flow
Multi-Context FPGAs
39 Multi-Context FPGAs Reconfiguration Time: Can be high (compared to computation time) If in a loop, too many reconfigurations − High total computation Solutions: Multi-Context Partial Reconfiguration Pipeline Reconfiguration [Trimberger97]
40 Multi-Context FPGA Advantages: Switch between stored configurations quickly (some in a single clock cycle) − Dramatically reducing reconfiguration overhead if the next configuration is present in one of the alternate contexts Background loading of configuration data during circuit operation − Overlapping computation with reconfiguration
41 Multi-Context FPGAs Pg 99 of [Hauck08]
42 Multi-Context FPGAs Multi-Context Problems: Consumes valuable area which could be used for logic Either all needed contexts must fit in the available hardware or some control must determine when contexts should be loaded from external memory Additional configuration data and required multiplexing occupies valuable area −This could otherwise be used for logic or routing. Never been commercialized? [Bobda07] 1.Eight-context DRFPGA fabricated by NEC [Fujii99]
43 Partial Reconfiguration Partial reconfiguration: Some part of the device is configured. Can decrease reconfiguration time. −Especially if a small part needs to be changed −E.g. in a cryptography system, the key is changed. Can allow multiple independent configurations to be swapped in/out independently.
44 Partial Reconfiguration Devices: Xilinx 6200 family (1997): −Each logic block could be programmed individually. Atmel AT40K (1999): Xilinx Virtex FPGA family: −Reconfigures logic blocks in groups called frames −Virtex II (2004): Frame = A full column −Virtex 5 (2006): Frame = Partial column (41 32-bit words)
45 Virtex Devices Partial reconfiguration in Virtex: Frames: Smallest unit of reconfiguration. Frames in Xilinx devices: Virtex, Virtex II, Virtex II-Pro: −The whole column. Virtex 4, Virtex 5, Virtex 6 −Only a complete tile. −Different in various devices: Width Height TASK 1 Logical shared memory TASK 2 CLB [Banerjee07]
46 Partial Reconfiguration Problems: If configurations occupy large areas, Time spent transmitting configuration addresses may be > time saved transmitting configuration data − Serial loading better If the full configuration sequence is not known at compile time, Overlapping configurations −Solution: De-fragmentation:
47 Pipeline Reconfiguration Pipeline reconfiguration: Uses a series of physical pipeline stages. Number of virtual stages is generally not constrained by the number of physical stages PipeRench (2000) Numbers (in boxes): pipeline stage Shaded boxes: reconfiguration for the given cycle
48 Pipeline Reconfiguration Problem: Can only propagate forward through the pipeline stages. − Any feedback connections must be completely contained within a single stage.
49 References [Bobda07] C. Bobda, “Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications,” Springer, 2007. [Hauck08] S. Hauck, A. DeHon, "Reconfigurable Computing: The Theory and Practice of FPGA-Based Computation" Morgan-Kaufmann, 2007 [Fujii99] T. Fujii et al., “A dynamically reconfigurable logic engine with a multicontext/multi-mode unified-cell architecture,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf., 1999, pp. 364–365. [Mehdipour06] F. Mehdipour*, M. Saheb Zamani, M. Sedighi, “An integrated temporal partitioning and physical design framework for static compilation of reconfigurable computing systems,” Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, v30, 2006, pp. 52–62.
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