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Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation October 12, 2012.

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1 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation October 12, 2012

2 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation Chicago Sustainable Industries (CSI) Introduction

3 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation Manufacturing Land Use Planning and Zoning recommendations: Industrial Corridor Boundaries Additional Industrial Corridors Zoning text amendments Municipal Manufacturing Data Corridor Plans

4 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation What is an Industrial Corridor? “Any area that has been designated as a priority area for industrial development and/or retention in a plan approved by the Chicago Plan Commission or City Council” “A concentration of industrial and manufacturing companies and/or properties with compatible uses that foster the manufacturing and industrial activity” There are currently 24 with approximately 2,700 active industrial/manufacturing companies.

5 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation Why is the City designating a new industrial corridor? "To protect industrial/manufacturing land from non-industrial/manufacturing zoning changes”

6 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation Current land in the City zoned for industrial uses: approx. 18%. Zoning DistrictsArea (Acreage)% of City area Business "B"9425.116.4% Commercial "C"4307.802.9% Downtown "D"1620.031.1% Manufacturing "M"17020.0111.5% Airports PDs7259.704.9% Planned Developments "PDs"11409.387.7% Planned Manufacturing Districts "PMDs"9454.196.4% Parks and Open Space "POS"10851.427.3% Residential "R"76775.0851.8% Transportation "T"38.280.03% 148,161.00

7 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation How can the City enforce this policy? Any non-manufacturing zoning change (AKA Industrial Corridor Zoning Map Amendment) will be reviewed & recommended by the Chicago Plan Commission and finally approved by the City Council.

8 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation What will happen to other properties that are not zoned M or PMD? If a property has been selected to be part of the corridor and has a non-manufacturing zoning, the parcel zoning will remain as a legal non-conforming use Properties located in the corridor were selected based on their current industrial/manufacturing uses and other compatible uses where appropriate i.e. Commercial properties might be located as well inside the corridor to buffer the residential area

9 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Description Size: 143 acres Length: 3.4 miles Companies: 43 Jobs: 756 (Source MNI 2012)

10 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation Northwest Highway General Boundary South: Intersection of Northwest Highway and Milwaukee Ave. (5490 N) North: Oliphant Ave (6640 N) East and West: Northwest Highway and Avondale

11 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation



14 Existing Zoning Zoning Districts% of Industrial Corridor Business "B"4.4% Commercial "C"13.3% Manufacturing "M"76.5% Residential "R"5.8% Transportation "T"0.0%

15 Northwest Highway Industrial Corridor Designation Questions/Comments? Luis M. Monterrubio, HED Bureau of Planning and Zoning Planning and Urban Design Division (312) 744-4162

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