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Northwest Missouri State University Health Risk Assessment February 2011 RESULTS.

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1 Northwest Missouri State University Health Risk Assessment February 2011 RESULTS

2 Demographics  Health Screening  2011 – 388 employees (49%)  2010 – 338 employees (42%)  2009 – 359 employees (44%)  2008 – 414 employees (58%)  Health Risk Appraisal  2011 – 379 employees (48%)  2010 – 338 employees (42%)  2009 – 348 employees (42%)  2008 – 371 employees (52%)  Screening Participation  2011  Male – 39.0%, Female – 61.0%  2010  Male – 37.6%, Female – 62.4%  2009  Male – 41.0%, Female – 59.0%  2008  Male – 41.0%, Female – 59.0%  HRA Participation  2011  Male – 40.1%, Female – 59.9%  2010  Male – 37.6%, Female – 62.4%  2009  Male – 42.0%, Female – 58.0%  2008  Male – 42.3%, Female – 57.7%  Average Age  2011 – 45.2 years old  2010 – 45.3 years old  2009 – 44.9 years old  2008 – 44.9 years old

3 HRA Measured Health Risks  Body Weight  (BMI ≥ 27.5)  Physical Activity  (< 1 x week)  Stress  Cholesterol  (> 239)  Blood Pressure  (> 139 or >89)  Smoking  Alcohol  (> 14 drinks / week)  Safety Belt Use  (< 100 percent)  Perceived Health  (Fair or Poor)  Life Satisfaction  (Partly or not satisfied)  Existing Medical Conditions  Job Satisfaction  (Disagree or Strongly Disagree)  Illness Days  (More than 5 in past year)  Medication for Relaxation  (Almost everyday or sometimes)  Health Age Index

4 Risk Prevalence

5 Health Risk Profile: Stratification Average Number of Risks 2011 = 2.0 2010 = 2.3 2009 = 2.3 Average Wellness Score 2011 = 87.4 2010 = 86.3 2009 = 85.4

6 Health Risks by Prevalence 201120102009 Body Weight, 48.8%Body Weight, 47.0%Body Weight, 47.1% Blood Pressure, 27.7%Safety Belt Use, 29.0%Safety Belt Use, 33.3% Safety Belt Use, 26.6%Blood Pressure, 24.9%Blood Pressure, 26.1% Stress, 15.0%Physical Activity, 22.2%Physical Activity, 17.5% Physical Activity, 14.0%Stress, 19.2%Stress, 15.2% Health Risks Prioritized for an Individual 2011 20102009 Body Weight, 30.9%Body Weight, 26.3%Body Weight, 27.0% Zero Risk Mgmt, 19.3%Zero Risk Mgmt, 19.2%Smoking, 8.3% Physical Activity, 12.4%Physical Activity, 17.8%Zero Risk Mgmt, 17.8% Blood Pressure, 6.3%Blood Pressure, 5.6%Physical Activity, 13.5% Health Enhancement Changes Planned during the next 6 months 2011 20102009 Increase Activity, 89.2%Increase Activity, 88.2% Increase Activity, 91.8% Lose Weight, 79.2%Lose Weight, 75.4%Lose Weight, 92.7% Lower Fat/Cholesterol, 67.0%Lower Fat/Cholesterol, 64.8%Lower Fat/Cholesterol, 65.5% Health Risks Identified

7 Aggregate HRA Report Comparison Risk 2011 Frequency 2010 Frequency 2009 Frequency Change Between 2011 & 2010 Body Weight48.8%47.0%47.1%+1.8% Stress15.0%19.2%15.2%-4.2% Blood Pressure27.7%24.9%26.1%+2.8% Safety Belt Use26.6%29.0%33.3%-2.4% Smoking5.3% 8.9%0% Life Satisfaction12.1%8.3%13.5%+3.8% Med/Drug for Relaxation 14.0%13.6%17.0%+0.4% Job Satisfaction6.1%8.3%6.6%-2.2% Physical Activity14.0%22.2%17.5%-8.2% Perceived Health10.3%13.9%9.5%-3.6%

8 2011 Recommendations Continue to offer programs to address key lifestyle risks; weight management, hypertension, stress management and physical activity Free webinars through BCBSKC Free on-site wellness programs: new Weight Watchers program, Nutri-Wise Encourage participation in Points-to-Blue where employees can receive monetary rewards for physical activity and wellness participation Increase participation in Health Risk Appraisals Increase awareness of campus dining Good4U meals

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