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Sponsored by NIRPC. A Children’s guide to : An MS4 Community owns or operates a system for collecting and conveying storm water such as pipes or ditches.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by NIRPC. A Children’s guide to : An MS4 Community owns or operates a system for collecting and conveying storm water such as pipes or ditches."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by NIRPC

2 A Children’s guide to :

3 An MS4 Community owns or operates a system for collecting and conveying storm water such as pipes or ditches in an urban or urbanizing area.


5 Do you know how our creeks and beaches get polluted? Or have you ever wondered what those holes in the sidewalk were for?

6 Water pollution can come from a lot of different places, but the number one reason that our creeks, rivers, lakes and beaches get dirty is from the water and other pollutants that flow into storm drains.

7 What’s storm water pollution?

8 Storm water is the water that runs down the street when it’s raining. Storm water enters holes in the gutter called storm drains. Water that flows down the street when it’s not raining, like when you wash your car or water your lawn, is called urban runoff.

9 After storm water and urban runoff flow into the storm drain, it gets sent to the nearest creek, river, lake or ocean so our streets don’t flood. That means any pollutant on the street or in urban runoff gets carried to our waterbodies and eventually the ocean.


11 Yuck! Can you imagine swimming in all the gross stuff that’s on our streets? Soaps, grass clipping, trash, pet waste, pesticides and fertilizers, dirt and oil are just some of the pollutants that make our water unhealthy for people and other animals.

12 Can you think of all the pollutants that can float down a storm drain and contaminate our water?


14 Now that you know how water pollution happens, do you know what you can do to prevent water pollution? There are lots of little things we can do around the house to pollute less.

15 If you see your car leaking oil everywhere, tell your parents it needs to get fixed. Make sure to clean up after your dog or cat in your yard or when you take it out for a walk. Throw all your trash in a garbage can and not on the street, sidewalk, dirt or grass. Convince your parents to drive less. Try planning trips to the store, gas station, mall or other places in a path so you waste less gas and time. The shorter the trips, the less the air is polluted.


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