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Native Americans of the Great Plains: Kristi Walker Medina Middle School Fourth Grade.

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1 Native Americans of the Great Plains: Kristi Walker Medina Middle School Fourth Grade

2 Vocabulary: Sioux Jerky Tepee Travois Winter Count

3 The Sioux (SOO) are a Native American tribe who lived on the Great Plains. Sioux

4 The Sioux were a nomadic tribe who roamed the plains in search of buffalo. The Sioux Nation is made up of three main tribes: Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota.

5 Clothing Most Sioux clothing was made from buffalo hind and other animal skins. Sioux women sewed clothing together using needles made from sharpened bone. Clothing was dyed with natural pigments using berries, leaves, grasses, and flowers. Clothing was decorated with porcupine quills, horsehair, fox tails, and beads.

6 Food Buffalo provided the Sioux with their main source of food. In the winter, when there were less buffalo, the Sioux ate jerky. Jerky is buffalo meat that has been dried in the sun.

7 Shelter The Sioux lived in tepees. Tepees are cone shaped shelters covered with buffalo hides. Because the Sioux moved from place to place following the buffalo, they needed a home that was easy to take apart and move.

8 Shelter The Sioux used a travois to carry their tepees from place to place. A travois is a sled like device used to carry people and belonging.

9 Winter Count The Native Americans of the Great Plains kept records using a winter count. A winter count is a record of the past recorded on buffalo hides using pictures to represent events. Tribal leaders would chose the single most important event of each year, and add one picture representing that event to the hide painting. Events that might be represented were the birth of children, victories over an enemy, or unique weather occurrences.

10 Horses After Columbus discovered the New World, many European countries sent expeditions in search of gold, silver and spices. These explorers brought horses with them to America to help them search for riches. Native Americans had never seen horses before. For the Native Americans that lived on the plains, horses made hunting buffalo much easier. Horses were often used to trade with other Native American groups.

11 Activity The Amazing Buffalo

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