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This is a photo of the Northwest Territory flag.

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2 This is a photo of the Northwest Territory flag.

3 To the north: Arctic Sea To the south: Alberta To the east: Nunavut Territory. To the west: Yukon Territory These are pictures of the map of Canada.

4 The land is like: Snowy, treeless tundra. Mostly mosses and lichen grow here. Strong winds and cold temperatures means That only tough animals like bears,wolves,and Caribou can live in. This is what tundra looks like.

5 Capital city: Yellow Knife Major city: Hay River This is a picture taken in Yellow Knife.

6  Population:42,500 might be larger know  Major religion : Roman Catholics  Major language spoken: English This is a photo of native people from the Northwest Territory.

7 Natural resources found: Oil, natural gas Industry/ manufacturing are important: Diamond mining, This is a photo of diamonds.

8 Native American groups first settled: Chipewyan European groups further explored : The British This is a picture of a teepee under the Northern Lights

9  interesting facts I discovered: 1. The territorial bird Is the Gyrfalcon 2. In Yellow Knife You can pick up one of the world’s oldest rock. This is a photo of the Northern lights.

10 “Canada” November 09, 2010 /namerica/ca.htm “Canada” November 12, 2010


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