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Maywood Business License Seminar Welcome. Maywood Business License Seminar AGENDA Introduction & Welcome Purpose Observations Goals set by the Village.

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Presentation on theme: "Maywood Business License Seminar Welcome. Maywood Business License Seminar AGENDA Introduction & Welcome Purpose Observations Goals set by the Village."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maywood Business License Seminar Welcome

2 Maywood Business License Seminar AGENDA Introduction & Welcome Purpose Observations Goals set by the Village Department Presentations Community Development –Facade Improvement Program –Road Improvements –Street Maintenance Code Enforcement Inspection schedules –Inspectors –Elevator Inspector –Cook County Dept. of Public Health Inspections and Daily Patrols Expectations New Inspection Forms Renewal Dates Fire –Fire Safety - Existing –Fire Safety - New Police –Business Watch –Loitering –Upcoming Goals Chamber of Commerce Maywood Community Development Corporation Business Response (Q and A) Conclusion and Close

3 Purpose of Seminar The purpose of this seminar is to bring together all participants in the community (Government, Owners, Banking and Business Organization) to discuss ideas and goals towards developing an inviting and thriving business sector in which the businesses would complement one another. We will also discuss programs and partnerships which shall promote this growth.

4 Observations We have all seen the steady lost of some of our long standing and family owned businesses as well as some of the staple franchise establishments which acted as the magnet to the shopping districts. We have seen the decline of the foot traffic and retail shops along these routes but, We have also seen the growth and desires of some of our new retailers to come and be a part of our community.

5 Observations (cont.) Economic development can only be promoted through a combination of interrelated and dependent elements. The elements include investment—public and private; security--public and private; road/infrastructure improvements; and enhancement of the experience—code enforcement. The Village Board will pursue all elements. However private efforts are mandatory. It is critical to the success of business operators to make a positive statement about themselves and the Village of Maywood

6 Community Development Economic development –Use TIF funds to obtain troubled sites and to assemble small parcels into ones large enough to be marketed. –Market sites –Negotiate over bigger sites; ComEd and “10 acre” site –Long term: identify strengths and opportunities (weaknesses) then allocate resources to address both

7 Community Development (Cont.) –Promotion: get on road and sell Maywood. Requires a change in paradigm or perception. Get involved with ICSC at regional and national level. Interact with regional economic development agencies.

8 Community Development (Cont.) List of properties –Northwest corner of Lake and 1 st.—1 st to 2 nd one tier of lots—about 43,000 square feet. –14, 16, and 18 N. 5 th. RFP out for this site—condos over commercial near train station –Kathy’s Kitchen building –Robinson’s one half of a block on 5 th –Loraine’s to Ernie’s half block on 5 th –Grocery store on 5 th –910 N. 5 th —future parking lot –1309 N. 5 th —torn down building site (environmental) –Lot on West side of 5 th just North of Prairie Path

9 Road Improvements The attached list illustrates the extensive road improvement the Village will undertake over the next two years. There is never enough to fix all of the road problems at one time. We try to squeeze as much money as possible out of Village Budget We rely on two State legislators to help find funding.


11 PLAN AND GENERAL ACTIVITIES Rewrite plan and fix the archaic zoning Handle day-to-day operations Pursue goal's –Downtown redevelopment –Improve housing stock –Generate sales tax –Obtain a grocery store –Assist existing owners when ever possible.

12 Code Enforcement Dept. Mission Statement The Mission of the Village of Maywood Code Enforcement Department is to protect the public health, safety and welfare by ensuring compliance with all Codes.






18 Schedule of Inspections (Village performed/Authorized) Daily environmental patrols Building and Fire (Bus. Lic. Renewal) –August thru October (1 st round) Elevator Inspector (Thompson Elevator) –June and December Cook County Dept of Public Health –March Thru April –November thru December

19 Expectations from the Village The Village ordinance expects all businesses to operate free of any hazards which would threaten the health, safety and welfare of the residents and customers of the establishment and to the use approved. To the end, all installations and use of the facility must be maintained to the conditions of the original occupancy approvals. All new installations and changes in use or ownership must be inspected and approved prior to such change.

20 Renewal Dates All business licenses expire on December 31st, of the year they were obtained. Licenses must be renewed by January 1st, of the following year as to avoid penalties for non timely renewal.

21 Storage and Debris Waste container lids must be closed at all times. Storage areas must be maintained free of debris. Waste containers shall be in enclosures for all new developments

22 Transitional Fencing When adjacent to residential districts the business must install and maintain fencing to obscure views and traffic as best as possible. Parking lot stripping must be maintained.

23 Protrusions and maintenance Very few protrusions into and over the public right of way are allowed under code. When allowed maintenance become a liability to you as well as the Village.

24 Prohibited signage Each business is allowed one wall sign and one free standing sign, (exception apply) see code officer. A new window sign ordinance now limits the coverage to 50% of the window area.

25 Temporary and Directional Signs Temporary and Directional signage must be maintained completely within the property boundaries. Additionally, temporary signage requires a permit, good for 30 days and renewable 4 times a year.

26 Free Standing and Temporary Signage One free standing sign per location or corner. Must be on property. Note: these signs advertise services provided and would not be considered directional.

27 Maywood Fire Department Fire Safety: Existing Fire Safety: New

28 Maywood Police Dept. Business Watch Loitering Upcoming Goals



31 PARTICIPATE RESPONSE (Questions and Answers)

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