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NNMREC National Marine Renewable Energy Centers Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy Center (HINMREC) University of Hawaii Wave, OTEC Southeast National.

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Presentation on theme: "NNMREC National Marine Renewable Energy Centers Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy Center (HINMREC) University of Hawaii Wave, OTEC Southeast National."— Presentation transcript:

1 NNMREC National Marine Renewable Energy Centers Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy Center (HINMREC) University of Hawaii Wave, OTEC Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center (SNMREC) Florida Atlantic Ocean Current Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (NNMREC) University of Washington (tidal) Oregon State University (wave) National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)

2 NNMREC NNMREC Objectives  Develop a full range of capabilities to support wave and tidal energy development.  Center activities:  Facilitate technology commercialization,  Inform regulatory and policy decisions,  Close key gaps in understanding, and  Educate the first generation of marine renewable energy engineers and scientists.

3 NNMREC Virtual Center Organization Environment Acoustics Dynamic Effects Benthic Ecosystems Sediment Transport Social Fisheries/Crabbing Outreach/Engagement Existing Ocean Users Local/State Economy Technology Testing and Demonstration Site Characterization Advanced Materials Device and Array Design/Modeling

4 NNMREC National Tidal Energy Platform Potential Site Seattle Everett Snohomish PUD Project  Energetic tidal resource, but a smoother transition from lab to field  Capability to test a range of device scales and technology readiness levels  Close proximity to electrical grid  Close proximity to maritime operation and manufacturing capabilities  Outside of vessel traffic lanes  Does not conflict with pilot or commercial deployment plans

5 NNMREC Infrastructure Concept Water Depth (m) Monitoring Node Test Berth Berth B (30m) Berth C (50 m) Berth A (20 m)  Intermediate to full-scale testing at a single location (TRL 7-9)  Cabled to shore and grid connected  Environmental and performance monitoring nodes

6 NNMREC Advanced Materials Testing Composite Aging Biofouling Foul Release Coatings Corrosion

7 NNMREC High Resolution Tidal Device Modeling Turbine-Wake Interactions Array Optimization Pressure Fluctuations

8 NNMREC Monitoring Platforms Seabed Instrumentation Sea Spider Tripod Shipboard Survey R/V Jack Robertson Land Observation AIS Ship Tracks

9 NNMREC Sea Spider Instrumentation Packages Water Quality Water Sampler WA Dept. of Ecology partnership Ambient Noise Hydrophones Fish Species Tag Receiver Current Velocity Doppler profiler Harbor Porpoise Presence Specialized Hydrophones Graduate Student

10 NNMREC Snohomish PUD Partnership Instrumentation Deployments: April ‘09-Present Methodology Development Methodology Implementation Site Data Applied Research

11 NNMREC Establishing Context for Observations Strong Currents Overnight Lull in Shipping First Run for Passenger Ferry Recording Hydrophone Automatic Identification System Doppler Profiler

12 NNMREC Tidal Micropower Helical Turbine Generator Support Frame  Oceanographic measurements are fundamentally power limited  Integrated energy harvesting could provide 10-20 W continuous power  Modular alternative to cabled observatories

13 NNMREC Rivers and Constructed Channels  Potential for power generation from in-stream turbines installed in the fast-moving waters downstream from Columbia River dams  Incremental environmental impact should be very small  In-stream turbines for flow control and power generation as potential alternative for energy- dissipating sluice gates

14 NNMREC Deep Water Offshore Wind  WA and OR: 300 GW resource  Floating platform technology required for deep water  Platforms can be built and systems assembled in WA and OR  PPI currently installing full-scale demo unit off Portugal  Initial study on environmental impacts and permit streamlining for PPI Wind- Wave Float technology completed by UW-NNMREC UW and OSU PIs currently responding two 2 major funding announcements by US DOE

15 NNMREC Conclusions ■ Marine energy Centers are developing capabilities to move technology from concept to commercialization. ■ Need for broad and sustained partnerships between Centers, industry, and public stakeholders. ■ Opportunity for universities to solve challenges and to train the first generation of marine energy engineers.

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