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WHO IS GUILTY OF THE BLOOD OF CHRIST? CHRIST HIMSELF, OR MAN? A closer look at the evidence as found in Isaiah 53.

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1 WHO IS GUILTY OF THE BLOOD OF CHRIST? CHRIST HIMSELF, OR MAN? A closer look at the evidence as found in Isaiah 53

2 The Evidence Is 53:3-4  He was despised  He was rejected  Bearer of grief and sorrow  Freely accepted the suffering with full knowledge it was for man’s benefit  Man is the despiser  And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; we did not esteem Him  Cause of grief and sorrow  Regarded Him as subjected to these calamities on account of His own sins  It did not occur to man that He could be suffering this for his actions ChristMan

3 The Evidence Is 53:5-6  Wounded for transgression  Bruised for iniquities  Chastisement for our peace upon Him  Remained committed to God’s purpose  Accepted the iniquity of us all  Committer of transgressions  Committer of iniquities  Healed by Christ’s stripes  Like sheep went astray  Turned everyone to his own way ChristMan

4 The Evidence Is 53:7-8  Despised, afflicted, opened not His mouth  Lead as a lamb to slaughter and still remained silent  Taken from prison and judgment  Cut off from Land of the living  Stricken for His people’s transgressions  Opened their mouths and despised and afflicted Christ  Lead Him to the slaughter  Placed Him in prison and passed judgment  Cut Christ off from the land of the living  Transgressors causing Christ to be stricken ChristMan

5 The Evidence Is 53:9-10  Made his grave with the wicked  Had done no violence  No deceit in His Mouth  It pleased the Lord to bruise Him  He was put to grief…It was by the design of Yahweh (God) that He was subject to this suffering  He shall make Himself an offering for sin and save many souls  Wicked men guarded Christ’s tomb  Violent to Christ  Lied about Christ  Were not Pleasing to God as did not suffer for their sin  Was relieved of grief and suffering  The many souls Christ offered Himself up for ChristMan

6 The Evidence Is 53:11-12  Satisfied with the labor of His soul  He justified many  He bore the iniquity of others’ sins  He received success in His undertaking and He will conquer all His enemies  He was numbered with the transgressors  Bore the sin of many  Made intercession for the transgressors  No sense of satisfaction as no labor done for forgiveness  Received the justification  Did not have to bear the iniquity of their sin  Received the benefits of Christ’s undertaking  The very transgressors He was numbered with  Had the burden of his sin taken by Christ  Received the benefits of Christ’s intercession for their transgressions ChristMan

7 Conclusion  The evidence is clear…Man is guilty of the blood shed by the completely innocent Jesus Christ

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